Ogres example sentences

Related (6): monsters, trolls, giants, goblins, beasts, villains

"Ogres" Example Sentences

1. The story of Shrek portrays ogres in a different light than traditional folklore.
2. The ogres in my D&D campaign are incredibly strong and intimidating.
3. I never believed in ogres until I stumbled upon a hidden cave deep in the forest.
4. The children's book was filled with illustrations of friendly ogres playing with animals.
5. In many cultures, ogres are known for their love of human flesh and cannibalism.
6. The ogres in the video game were hard to defeat because of their massive size and strength.
7. My favorite character in the fairy tale was the kind-hearted ogre who helps the protagonist.
8. The legend of the ogre living under the bridge kept children from wandering too far from home.
9. The fantasy novel was full of mythical creatures, including dragons, trolls, and ogres.
10. The villagers were afraid to venture into the dark forest because they feared running into an ogre.
11. The children giggled with delight as they listened to the story of the silly ogre who loved to dance.
12. The ogres in the movie were CGI creations, but they still managed to look terrifying on screen.
13. In many traditional tales, ogres are portrayed as being dim-witted and easily tricked.
14. The ogre roared with laughter as he watched the knights try to cross the moat filled with crocodiles.
15. It was said that only the bravest of warriors could defeat an ogre in hand-to-hand combat.
16. The ogre's lair was filled with treasures he had stolen from nearby villages and travelers.
17. The farmers in the valley lived in fear of the ogre that roamed the nearby mountains.
18. The story of the princess who fell in love with an ogre was a heartwarming tale of acceptance and compassion.
19. The ogre in the puzzle game was incredibly hard to beat because he had so many hit points.
20. In some cultures, ogres are believed to have the power to shape-shift into human form.
21. The ogre's castle was perched on top of a tall mountain peak, making it almost impossible to reach.
22. The legend of the ogre who stole the moon from the sky has been passed down for generations.
23. The ogre's massive club was feared throughout the land, as it could crush even the strongest of foes.
24. In some tales, ogres are depicted as having incredibly long noses that can detect the scent of human flesh from miles away.
25. The children huddled together in fear as they heard the sounds of the ogre's footsteps outside their window.
26. The ogre's deep growling voice was enough to strike terror into the hearts of anyone who dared to cross his path.
27. In some folklore, ogres are said to be allies of witches and other dark magic users.
28. The reputation of the ogre who lived in the nearby swamp had grown into a terrifying legend over the years.
29. The ogre's cave was filled with the bones of his previous victims, a grim reminder of the danger that lay ahead.
30. The challenge of defeating an ogre was what drew many adventurers to the valley, eager to prove their worth.

Common Phases

1. The ogres roared with fury; their eyes glared menacingly.
2. The villagers trembled in fear as the ogres approached; their hearts raced with terror.
3. The ogres towered over the small town; their shadows blocking out the sun.
4. The smell of the ogres was overpowering; their stench lingered in the air.
5. The ground shook as the ogres charged forward; their massive bodies shaking the earth.

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