Outcomes example sentences

Related (10): consequences, results, effects, repercussions, aftermath, products, yields, consequences, outputs, ramifications

"Outcomes" Example Sentences

1. The outcomes of the study were inconclusive.
2. Assessment of student outcomes is an important part of the course.
3. The goal is to improve patient outcomes.
4. We must focus on positive outcomes.
5. The project resulted in negative outcomes.
6. We measure program outcomes regularly.
7. Policy changes should lead to better health outcomes.
8. There is a strong correlation between socioeconomic status and health outcomes.
9. Ensuring equitable outcomes is a priority.
10. We tracked outcomes over a 10-year period.
11. Desired outcomes were not achieved.
12. The company measures performance based on outcomes.
13. Interventions should be evaluated based on their outcomes.
14. Changes were made to improve learning outcomes.
15. Employees are evaluated based on performance outcomes.
16. Unintended outcomes sometimes occur.
17. The intervention program had mixed outcomes.
18. Factors that influence outcomes should be identified.
19. We aim for the best possible outcomes for patients.
20. We must continually assess whether we are achieving the right outcomes.
21. Business decisions should consider potential outcomes.
22. Long-term outcomes were more positive than short-term outcomes.
23. Outcomes are an indicator of the effectiveness of the approach.
24. Potential outcomes must be weighed against risks.
25. Research is needed to determine optimal outcomes.
26. Results fell short of desired outcomes.
27. Outcomes data is collected and analyzed.
28. Different subgroups may experience different outcomes.
29. Strategies are adjusted based on outcomes data.
30. New initiatives hope to achieve better outcomes.
31. Predictors of outcomes were examined.
32. Longitudinal studies assess how outcomes change over time.
33. Factors contributing to positive outcomes should be replicated.
34. Target outcomes are set at the beginning of the project.
35. Short-term outcomes quickly became apparent.
36. Unsatisfactory outcomes demand a change in approach.
37. Key performance indicators track outcomes.
38. Outcomes meeting quality standards were prioritized.
39. Standards for acceptable outcomes should be clearly defined.
40. Outcomes are compared to benchmarks.
41. Goals need to be ambitious but achievable outcomes.
42. Intermediate outcomes are indicators of progress.
43. We learned lessons from both positive and negative outcomes.
44. Proper documentation of outcomes is important.
45. Barriers to achieving desired outcomes were identified.
46. Potential unintended outcomes were considered.
47. Safety outcomes were prioritized.
48. Outcomes exceeding expectations were celebrated.
49. Outcomes below expectations triggered an investigation.
50. Outcomes are used to inform future decisions and strategies.
51. Cost-effective outcomes are prioritized.
52. Achieving equitable outcomes is a challenge.
53. Techniques resulting in the best outcomes are scaled up.
54. Outcomes must balance risk, costs, and benefits.
55. Outcomes largely met expectations.
56. Factors limiting positive outcomes were explored.
57. Patient reported outcomes are important indicators.
58. The program resulted in positive social outcomes.
59. Outcomes that matter most to stakeholders were identified.
60. Better outcomes will require a systematic approach.

Common Phases

1. It is important to analyze the outcomes of policies and programs.
2. The study examined the health outcomes of different treatments.
3. The researchers measured the learning outcomes of students in both classes.
4. The manager focused on metrics and key performance indicators related to business outcomes.
5. The strategic plan outlined desired business outcomes over the next five years.
6. The board was interested in understanding the social impact outcomes of philanthropic grants.
7. Researchers aim to improve health and wellbeing outcomes for patients.
8. Equity must be considered in relation to student outcomes.
9. We need to determine whether the initiatives actually delivered the desired outcomes.
10. Patients deserve medical treatments that result in the best possible health outcomes.
11. The newly implemented training program showed positive outcomes in employee productivity.
12. Impact investors seek investments with measurable social and environmental outcomes.
13. The conference focused on innovative approaches for improving educational outcomes.
14. Do the outcomes justify the costs of the program?
15. Patient-centered care aims to improve health outcomes and experiences.
16. Early interventions can make a big difference in long-term outcomes for children.
17. Interdepartmental collaboration led to better overall organizational outcomes.
18. The intervention group showed significantly improved outcomes compared to the control group.
19. Data-driven decision making can improve outcomes across sectors.
20. Equity initiatives aim to improve outcomes for underserved groups.
21. Risk factors must be addressed to improve health outcomes and wellbeing.
22. Accountability and transparency are crucial for achieving desired social impact outcomes.
23. Process improvements led to better financial outcomes for the company.
24. Data was carefully collected and analyzed to measure project outcomes.
25. We took an evidence-based approach to maximize the chances of achieving positive outcomes.
26. Preventive programs can produce better health outcomes and lower costs in the long run.
27. The foundation focused grantmaking on programs with proven track records for positive outcomes.
28. Outcomes-based funding ties funding to measures of success.
29. We set clear, measurable objectives to define the desired outcomes.
30. Positive environmental outcomes should be an inherent part of the project goals.
31. Can different approaches to teaching produce better student outcomes?
32. Early childhood interventions can improve long-term educational and economic outcomes.
33. Rigorous evaluation methods are needed to determine if the initiatives achieved intended outcomes.
34. Data is used to track progress towards planned outcomes.
35. Access to resources and opportunities plays a key role in shaping life outcomes.
36. Improving outcomes for underserved communities requires a holistic, multipronged approach.
37. Identifying and addressing root causes is crucial for achieving equitable outcomes.
38. The foundation invested in long-term programs designed to sustainably change health outcomes.
39. The parents were interested in outcomes related to academic achievement, social development, and wellbeing.
40. Business decisions should be made with outcomes in mind.
41. Quality improvement initiatives aim to produce better health outcomes for patients.
42. Targeted interventions are needed to close gaps in outcome disparities.
43. Outcomes provide a realistic assessment of how effective the programs are.
44. Continuous improvement means continuously improving outcomes.
45. They revised the program based on lessons learned from past outcomes.
46. Social impact outcomes must be measured over the long term.
47. Performance-based funding ties funding levels to outcomes related to student success.
48. Public health initiatives are aimed at improving health outcomes for entire populations.
49. By focusing on outcomes and impact, funders can maximize the social return on their investments.
50. The organization worked to improve job opportunities to positively impact long-term life outcomes.
51. Policies should aim to produce the most equitable outcomes for society as a whole.
52. The board reviewed key performance indicators and outcome data for each program area.
53. Collaborations across sectors can drive better population health outcomes.
54. Impact measurement focuses on tracking progress towards desired social outcomes.
55. Innovation must be accompanied by a focus on actual results and outcomes.
56. Good intentions are not enough - we must deliver good outcomes.
57. Research outcomes inform evidence-based practices and policymaking.
58. Evaluation helps identify what changes or improvements can produce better outcomes in the future.
59. They analyzed outcome data to determine which initiatives were most successful.
60. We strive for innovative solutions that can actually transform lives and communities for the better.

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