Overhearv example sentences
Related (4): eavesdrop, intercept, wiretap, snoop
"Overhearv" Example Sentences
1. While walking to the park, I happened to overhear a conversation between two strangers.2. The walls in this apartment are so thin that I can easily overhear my neighbor's phone calls.
3. Sarah was embarrassed when she realized that she had accidentally overhearv her boss talking about her.
4. I couldn't help but overhearv the juicy gossip that was being discussed at the next table over.
5. The teacher overheard the students talking about cheating and quickly put a stop to it.
6. I was trying to mind my own business at the library, but I couldn't help overhearv the argument between two patrons.
7. The eavesdropper was able to overhear the secret plans of the group of conspirators.
8. My sister is always so nosy, trying to overhearv my private conversations with friends.
9. The detective was able to overhearv the criminal's confession while hiding behind the door.
10. Mary was shocked when she overhearv her parents discussing the possibility of a divorce.
11. While I was in the restroom at the restaurant, I could overhearv the chefs yelling at each other in the kitchen.
12. The reporter was excited when she overhearv a celebrity talking about their upcoming movie.
13. I think my cat might be able to overhearv me when I talk on the phone because she always meows loudly.
14. I had to shush my friend because she was talking loudly and I didn't want to overhearv anything embarrassing.
15. The party next door was so loud that I could overhearv the music from my own apartment.
16. Brad accidentally sent a text about his crush to the wrong person, and his boss overhearv him talking about it.
17. The statue in the plaza served as a meeting spot for spies who wanted to overhearv important conversations.
18. I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I couldn't help overhearv my co-workers planning a surprise party for me.
19. The little girl was curious and tried to overhearv what the adults were saying in the other room.
20. While on the train, I overheard a couple breaking up and it was so awkward.
21. The maid accidentally overhearv the wealthy couple arguing over money in the next room.
22. The bartender overheard the group of men making inappropriate comments to the women at the bar and kicked them out.
23. We thought we were alone in the park, but we soon overhearv two people hiding behind the bushes.
24. I was able to overhearv my neighbors planning a surprise party for their son's birthday.
25. The businessman was annoyed when he overheard someone leaking confidential information to a rival company.
26. I didn't want to overhearv the spoilers, so I put on headphones while waiting for the movie to start.
27. The therapist accidentally overhearv a patient talking about hurting themselves and quickly took action.
28. My brother and his friends were so loud while playing video games that I could overhearv them through the walls of my room.
29. I was worried that my boss might overhearv my phone interview, so I went outside to take the call.
30. The journalist was thrilled when she overhearv the senator admitting to corruption on a recorded call.