Overpopulated example sentences

Related (13): crowded, swarming, teeming, congested, packed, jam-packed, overrun, inundated, crammed, overflowing, thriving, burdened, saturated

"Overpopulated" Example Sentences

1. The city has become so overpopulated that traffic is terrible at all hours of the day.
2. Conservationists warn that the island is becoming overpopulated by tourists and destroying the fragile ecosystem.
3. Many environmentalists argue that Earth is already overpopulated and that the population needs to decrease to live sustainably.
4. China and India have become severely overpopulated in recent decades, straining resources and infrastructure.
5. The beaches used to be pristine, but now they have become overpopulated and dirty.
6. The pen is overpopulated with animals, causing food shortages and disease outbreaks.
7. The prison system is overpopulated, with inmates living in terrible conditions.
8. As the oceans become more overpopulated by humans, there are fewer fish left to catch.
9. Rats have taken over the alleyways because it has become so overpopulated.
10. Experts warn that Bangladesh is becoming severely overpopulated in the coming decades.
11. The rapid urbanization of African cities has led to them becoming dangerously overpopulated.
12. The poor neighborhood is severely overpopulated, with makeshift housing covering every available space.
13. With wild deer populations reaching overpopulated levels, hunting is allowed to keep the numbers sustainable.
14. The valley became too overpopulated, so many people migrated to find new fertile land.
15. Urban sprawl and overpopulated cities are destroying precious natural habitat.
16. The wildlife refuge warns that bears are becoming too overpopulated and seeking food in nearby towns.
17. Insects are breeding at an alarming rate due to an overpopulated environment with plentiful food sources.
18. The shelter rescinded its no-kill policy since animals were becoming overpopulated and unhealthy.
19. Animal rights groups argue that factory farms are overpopulated and inhumane.
20. Scientists worry that the plains are becoming overpopulated by bison, threatening to damage the ecosystem.
21. Islands like Sumatra have become overpopulated and caused deforestation due to palm oil plantations.
22. Aquariums should not keep too many fish in one tank or the environment will become overpopulated and unhealthy.
23. Farmers face challenges caring for livestock in overpopulated and unsanitary conditions.
24. Earth has already become severely overpopulated, yet leaders hesitate to fund education and family planning programs that could help curb population growth.
25. Many offshore oil rigs have become overpopulated and cramped work environments.
26. The little pond where the tadpoles hatched has become overpopulated in recent years, leading to frequent die-offs.
27. Feral cat populations are becoming dangerously overpopulated and spreading diseases to wildlife.
28. Experts warn that rapid depletion of resources and overpopulated cities will lead to unprecedented global instability.
29. Restaurants and cafes in tourist areas frequently become overpopulated and noisy.
30. The high school classrooms are becoming overpopulated as more and more students enroll each year.
31. Urban centers have become severely overpopulated due to rural migration, putting a strain on infrastructure.
32. Prisons are becoming dangerously overpopulated, making rehabilitation nearly impossible.
33. As zoo exhibits become overpopulated, animal welfare groups call for bigger living spaces.
34. Infectious diseases spread more rapidly in overpopulated areas with poor sanitation.
35. Small apartments and narrow alleyways characterize overpopulated urban slums in developing nations.
36. The overpopulated metropolis lacks clean water, electricity, and other basic amenities for its residents.
37. Despite suffering from overpopulated conditions, factory chickens still produce enough eggs to meet consumer demand.
38. Farmers struggle against an overpopulated ecosystem of pest insects preying on their crops.
39. Japan is an example of a highly developed country still faced with the problems of an overpopulated island.
40. Wildlife officials frequently have to cull deer populations that have become dangerously overpopulated.
41. Cockroaches and other pests flourish in the squalid overpopulated dwellings of the urban poor.
42. As the cities become more overpopulated, the pollution and noise become unbearable for many residents.
43. The rural village became an overpopulated urban center that lacked the infrastructure to support so many people.
44. Critics argue that factory farming and industrial agriculture lead to overpopulated and cruel living conditions for animals.
45. Overpopulated cities pose risks of disease outbreaks, crime, and poverty for their masses of inhabitants.
46. The pet store had to impose a limit on the number of fish per tank to avoid overpopulated and unhealthy conditions.
47. China has struggled for decades to deal with problems associated with an overpopulated nation, including pollution and poverty.
48. Activists argue that shelters should limit the number of animals they accept to avoid becoming overpopulated and inhumane.
49. We must find a sustainable balance between population growth and resource consumption to avoid overpopulated chaos.
50. The crowded city exists in a state of perpetual anxiety due to overpopulated streets, noise, and crime.
51. Overpopulated malls and shopping centers have lost their appeal due to long lines and lack of parking.
52. Traffic jams are common in overpopulated urban areas lacking sufficient public transit systems.
53. Slums form in overpopulated urban sprawls where access to basic resources and opportunities are limited.
54. Animal welfare laws are often ignored in overpopulated and unsanitary factory farms.
55. Corporate farming practices have led to overpopulated and cruel conditions for many farm animals.
56. Overpopulated roads with poorly designed infrastructure lead to endless traffic jams for city dwellers.
57. Rural villages in developing nations often transform into overpopulated urban slums lacking basic resources.
58. Activists call for limits on population growth and consumption to avoid creating an overpopulated and unstable planet.
59. Industrial pollution is worse in overpopulated cities where population density stresses infrastructure.
60. Human activity threatens to make Earth an unbalanced and overpopulated planet incapable of sustaining life.

Common Phases

- Population growth is outpacing available resources, resulting in an overpopulated planet.
- Urban areas are becoming overpopulated, straining infrastructure and resources.
- With rapid urbanization, many cities are struggling to cope with problems caused by overpopulation.
- Industrial agriculture leads to cramped and inhumane conditions for livestock in overpopulated factory farms.
- Issues associated with overpopulation include pollution, poverty, disease outbreaks, and resource depletion.
- Wildlife sanctuaries struggle to sustain animal populations that have become dangerously overpopulated.
- Both humans and other species suffer as the environment becomes overpopulated and unbalanced.
- Deer populations that grow beyond the carrying capacity of their habitat become overpopulated and unsustainable.
- Overpopulated cities face quality of life issues like traffic, noise, crime and lack of clean water or electricity.
- Densely populated urban slums in developing nations struggle with problems of overpopulation and lack of opportunities.

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