Overreliances example sentences

Related (9): dependence, addiction, reliance, trust, faith, confidence, assurance, belief, countenance

"Overreliances" Example Sentences

1. I noticed some overreliances on technology during the meeting.
2. Overreliances on personal opinions can lead to poor decision-making.
3. The team's overreliances on one particular strategy cost them the game.
4. The author's overreliances on cliches made the novel highly predictable.
5. The company's overreliances on a single supplier caused supply chain issues.
6. Clara's overreliances on her assistant made her appear lazy to her boss.
7. Overreliances on sugar can lead to negative health consequences.
8. The teacher noticed overreliances on memorization rather than critical thinking in the classroom.
9. Overreliances on shortcuts and hacks can harm one's productivity in the long run.
10. The athlete's overreliances on performance-enhancing drugs cost him his career.
11. The company's overreliances on a few key executives made it difficult for it to adapt to change.
12. Overreliances on old technology left the company vulnerable to cyber attacks.
13. The songwriter's overreliances on generic love song lyrics made their music unoriginal.
14. Overreliances on past achievements can hinder one's motivation for future success.
15. The politician's overreliances on divisive rhetoric caused unrest among the public.
16. Some overreliances on traditional gender roles can prevent progress towards gender equality.
17. Overreliances on external validation can harm one's self-esteem and mental health.
18. The artist's overreliances on a single medium limited their creative ability.
19. Overreliances on web search results can lead to misinformation and biased perspectives.
20. The team's overreliances on a few star players made them vulnerable to injuries and fatigue.
21. Overreliances on strict rules can lead to inflexibility and resistance to change.
22. The CEO noticed overreliances on micromanagement among certain departments.
23. Overreliances on the opinions of others can harm one's ability to make independent choices.
24. The company's overreliances on marketing gimmicks rather than quality products caused customer dissatisfaction.
25. Some overreliances on social media personas can lead to unhealthy comparison and low self-esteem.
26. Overreliances on natural resources without sustainable practices can harm the environment and future generations.
27. The student's overreliances on memorizing study guides rather than understanding concepts hindered their ability to apply knowledge.
28. Overreliances on quick fixes can prevent one from addressing root issues.
29. The company's overreliances on outsourcing caused quality control issues.
30. Overreliances on luck and chance can prevent one from taking active steps towards their goals.

Common Phases

1. Her overreliance on technology; made her forget how to do things manually.
2. His overreliance on caffeine; was ruining his sleep pattern.
3. The team's overreliance on their star player; led to their downfall in the tournament.
4. The company's overreliance on one client; put their business at risk.
5. The teacher's overreliance on textbooks; hindered the students' creativity and critical thinking skills.
6. His overreliance on his assistant; caused him to overlook important details in his work.
7. The government's overreliance on fossil fuels; contributed to environmental degradation.
8. The athlete's overreliance on performance-enhancing drugs; resulted in a ban from their sport.
9. The patient's overreliance on pain medication; led to addiction and other health complications.
10. The investor's overreliance on a single stock; resulted in a significant financial loss.

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