Parching example sentences
Related (11): drying, burning, scorching, dehydrating, withering, desiccating, evaporating, aridifying, desiccant, torrid, searing.
"Parching" Example Sentences
1. The parching heatwave made it difficult to enjoy being outside.
2. We sought refuge from the parching summer sun under the shade of an oak tree.
3. The parching winds blew across the desert landscape.
4. The travelers' lips cracked from the parching thirst they endured in the desert.
5. My throat felt parched and dry after hours of hiking in the parching sun.
6. The plants wilted under the parching rays of the afternoon sun.
7. The unrelenting, parching sun beat down on the crowded beach.
8. The parching winter winds sucked all moisture from his skin.
9. His throat felt parched and dry from the parching cold air inside the hockey rink.
10. The young cacti flourished under the parching desert heat.
11. The parching heat was unbearable inside the crowded auditorium with no air conditioning.
12. The parching desert winds brought stinging sand that scratched at my face.
13. The cattle struggled to find shade from the parching summer sun on the vast prairie.
14. After hours of parching sweat during football practice, I dreamed of gulping down ice water.
15. The grass withered under the parching heat of August.
16. The painfully parching dryness made her search desperately for water.
17. The mountain climbers endured parching thirst as they trekked through high-altitude terrain.
18. The unrelenting parching winds threatened to extinguish the smoldering campfire.
19. The parching heat of the day lingered into the long summer twilight.
20. My lips felt cracked and dry from the parching blasts of air conditioning.
21. The nomads searched for relief from the parching desert heat.
22. The parching drought left fields barren and dry across the region.
23. The parching temperature inside the tour bus was relieved only briefly at rest stops.
24. The actors faced parching thirst as they filmed scenes in the hot Mojave Desert.
25. The parching blaze burned across acres of lush forest land.
26. Their voices croaked from parching thirst after hours lost in the scorching desert.
27. My canteen provided relief from the parching thirst during the long hike.
28. The parching Texas heat left team members exhausted after mid-day football practices.
29. The parching gusts whipped through the valley leaving dust clouds in their wake.
30. The straw felt parched and brittle after baking in the Australian sun for months.
31. The baby's cries were so feeble from parching thirst that she could hardly utter a sound.
32. Our campsite provided little relief from the parching heat of the Mojave Desert.
33. The parching fever left him delirious and desperately in need of water.
34. The parching winds sucked moisture from everything they touched.
35. We only set foot outside to run from the parching heat into the cool ocean waves.
36. The parching thirst was temporarily forgotten amid the adrenaline of the surf.
37. My face felt sunburned and raw from the parching San Diego sea breeze.
38. The parching dryness inside the plane cabin made me grateful for bottled water.
39. His hands felt cracked and dry from the parching work conditions.
40. The dying grass curled in desperation for relief from the parching drought.
41. The parching Arizona sun robbed me of my energy and enthusiasm.
42. My throat ached from parching thirst after an afternoon spent hiking the Grand Canyon.
43. The parching blaze threatened to reduce the entire mountainside to ash.
44. We took turns carrying the canteen to provide relief from parching thirst.
45. The relentless heat wave subjected us to parching temperatures for over a week.
46. We constructed a makeshift shelter seeking shade from the parching sun.
47. The parching cold left his extremities numb and his throat raw from dry air.
48. Tiny droplets of condensed moisture provided relief from the parching prison cell conditions.
49. His parching thirst could only be relieved by large gulps of fresh mountain spring water.
50. The parching temperatures forced most people indoors during the hottest hours of the day.
Common Phases
1. The parching heat wave swept across the land.
2. They sought shade from the parching sun.
3. His throat felt parched from the parching thirst.
4. The plants wilted under the parching sun.
5. The parching winds blew through the valley.
6. The parching drought left fields barren.
7. His voice croaked from parching thirst.
8. The parching blaze spread quickly.
9. The parching temperature rose over 100 degrees.
10. The parching dryness permeated the air.