Paten example sentences

Related (10): chalice, ciborium, communion, altar, host, Catholic, Eucharist, bread, wine, liturgy



paten (noun) · patens (plural noun)

  - a plate, typically made of gold or silver, used for holding the bread during the Eucharist and sometimes as a cover for the chalice.

  - a shallow metal plate or dish.


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"Paten" Example Sentences

The word "paten" is relatively uncommon and does not have many examples of usage in everyday sentences. Paten typically refers to a plate or dish, especially one used in religious ceremonies.
1. The priest lifted the paten with the bread for communion.
2. The paten and chalice were made of sterling silver.
3. The altar boy carefully carried the paten and chalice to the altar.
4. The paten was tarnished from years of use.
5. The paten was used to hold the host during mass.
6. He placed the paten on the altar before consecrating the bread and wine.
7. The paten and chalice are essential items for celebrating the Eucharist.
8. The ornamental designs on the paten depicted religious scenes.
9. The priest placed the paten containing the bread on top of the chalice.
10. During communion, the priest held the paten under each communicant's chin.
11. The priest placed the paten of hosts on the corporal to begin communion.
12. The paten was used to receive the offerings of bread during the collection.
13. The monstrance features an ornate paten to hold the consecrated host.
14. There are prayers said before the paten and chalice are prepared for mass.
15. The thurible was swung over the paten and chalice during blessing.
16. The paten was dome-shaped to contain the hosts during consecration.
17. The paten's engraving paid homage to its patron saint.
18. The ornate paten was a family heirloom that had been used for decades.
19. The paten and chalice rested on the corporal when not in use.
20. New cloths covered the paten and chalice before each service.
21. Saint Peter's basin was a type of paten used in the early church.
22. The ornately engraved paten was gifted to the church by a devout donor.
23. The canopy above the altar housed an ornate paten and chalice.
24. The metal paten was inset with jewels and precious stones.
25. The thurible swung in wide arcs from chalice to paten and back again.
26. The priest inspected the paten and chalice before they were used during mass.
27. The paten was kept polished and shining for the holy sacrament.
28. The bishop blessed the paten, chalice and bell during the church's consecration.
29. The decorative plate style patens could be used as centerpieces.
30. His family traced their paten and chalice through church history for generations.
31. The priest supported the paten with his arm during the long service.
32. Wine was poured from the chalice into the paten during the ceremony.
33. The silver paten was inscribed with the church's founding date.
34. The paten and chalice matched the altar cloths in color and design.
35. The paten rested on the altar until communion began.
36. The priest opened the tabernacle with one hand and held the paten in the other.
37. The paten collected any fragments after breaking the hosts.
38. The paten was carefully cleaned after each service.
39. Corpus Chrisiti processions featured ornate patens and chalices.
40. The metal paten was engraved with Christian symbols and motifs.
41. The paten was arranged among roses and lilies on the altar.
42. The paten was used to administer communion wine.
43. The decorative metal paten was worn from years of use.
44. The face of Christ was engraved on the center of the paten.
45. The paten was kept polished to a high shine.
46. The paten reflected the candlelight throughout the dark church.
47. The pastor blessed the paten and chalice at the start of mass.
48. Brass patens were common in the medieval church.
49. The paten captured the breadcrumbs after communion.
50. The decorative paten depicted biblical scenes.
51. The paten was prepared before the mass began.
52. The priest lifted the paten of hosts to show the congregation.
53. Communion wine was poured into the paten during the final rites of the dying.
54. The paten was made of fine silver beaten thin.
55. Wine was sprinkled from the chalice onto the paten during baptism rituals.
56. Lilies decorated the altar around the paten and chalice.
57. The priest would toss the paten cloth over his shoulder before mass began.
58. The bronze paten was intricately tooled and engraved.
59. The paten and chalice were covered during the Lenten season.
60. The sacristan prepared and arranged the paten and chalice for the priest.

Common Phases

1. The silver paten held the consecrated hosts.
2. The priest took the paten and brought it to the communicants.
3. He placed the paten under the chalice to receive any spilled wine.
4. The gold paten shimmered in the candlelight.
5. The acolytes carried the paten and chalice in the Eucharistic procession.
6. The paten and chalice were placed on the altar for Holy Communion.
7. Reverently, the altar servers lifted the paten and chalice at the Elevation.
8. She polished the paten and chalice carefully.
9. The paten holder matched the tabernacle in the church.
10. The new paten was made of sterling silver.
11. The clergy presented the paten and chalice for the Bishop's blessing.
12. The brass paten showed signs of age and wear.
13. The Bishop raised the paten and chalice during the consecration.
14. The paten was placed beneath the host during the fraction rite.
15. The Church bought new gold-plated patens and chalices for Easter Mass.
16. The altar boy carried the paten and chalice in a burse.
17. The silver paten sparkled in the sunlight streaming through the stained glass windows.
18. The priest laid the paten on his left arm for Holy Communion.
19. The paten held the large Eucharistic host during the consecration.
20. The priest held the paten under the communicant's chin.
21. The newly ordained priest carried out his first solemn blessing with paten and chalice.
22. The priest placed the paten on the corporal before saying the Eucharistic Prayer.
23. The priest laid the paten down on the altar after communion.
24. The paten caught any crumbs from the host during communion.
25. The paten reflected the glow of the candles on the altar.
26. The paten and chalice rested on the corporal-covered altar.
27. The paten was lavishly decorated with gold filigree.
28. The paten was covered during the recessional hymn.
29. The newly blessed paten and chalice shone in the candlelight.
30. The priest kissed the paten after the consecration.
31. The face of Christ was engraved on the paten.
32. The paten was engraved with the Holy Name of Jesus.
33. The paten listed the donor's name on the underside.
34. The priest checked for any crumbs on the paten after communion.
35. The deacon carried paten and chalice in the offertory procession.
36. The paten and chalice were prepared for Midnight Mass.
37. As the priest lifted the paten, he said, "This is my body."
38. The priest wiped the paten clean after each communicant.
39. The altar boy carefully stacked the patens in the sacristy after Mass.
40. The priest presented the paten before the congregation during the offertory.
41. The paten bore the marks of 200 years of use.
42. The paten caught the stray crumbs from the host.
43. The paten beneath the chalice caught the falling drops from the consecrated wine.
44. The paten was passed to each communicant.
45. The paten was engraved with symbols of the Eucharist.
46. The paten bore the engraving of a paschal lamb.
47. The priest handled the consecrated paten with great reverence.
48. The paten and chalice descended from the Middle Ages.
49. The paten collected the crumbs for later absolution.
50. The priest said, "Behold the Lamb of God" as he raised the paten and chalice.
51. The bishop raised high the paten during the Mass.
52. The paten and chalice were ritually washed after the consecration.
53. The new paten arrived just in time for Christmas Mass.
54. The patens were lined up neatly in the sacristy drawer.
55. The paten vibrated slightly when the priest spoke the words of consecration.
56. The communicants received Holy Communion from the paten.
57. The deacon presented the paten to the priest.
58. The paten collected the crumbs while still allowing the host to be received reverently.
59. The paten glowed with sanctity as it held the Eucharist.
60. The priest handed the paten and chalice to the deacon.

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