Peccability example sentences
- noun form of peccable
adjective formal
peccable (adjective)
- capable of sinning:
peccable, evil, sinful, immoral, wrong, wrongful, bad, iniquitous, corrupt, ungodly, unholy, irreligious, unrighteous, sacrilegious, profane, blasphemous, impious, base, mean, vile, irreverent, villainous, nefarious, erring, fallen, impure, sullied, tainted, foul, monstrous, shocking, outrageous, atrocious, abominable, reprehensible, hateful, detestable, despicable, odious, contemptible, horrible, heinous, execrable, godless, diabolical, diabolic, fiendish, vicious, murderous, barbarous, dark, rotten, criminal, illicit, unlawful, illegal, illegitimate, lawless, felonious, indictable, perverted, reprobate, sordid, depraved, degenerate, dissolute, dishonorable, dishonest, unscrupulous, unprincipled, underhand, roguish, crooked, warped, lowdown, stinking, dirty, shady, rascally, scoundrelly, beastly, bent, malfeasant, dastardly, egregious, flagitious, virtuous"Peccability" Example Sentences
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