Persecuted example sentences

Related (8): Oppressed, harassed, victimized, mistreated, targeted, tormented, maltreated, suppressed.

"Persecuted" Example Sentences

1. The religious group was persecuted for their beliefs.
2. The government persecuted those who spoke out against their policies.
3. The minority community was persecuted and discriminated against for years.
4. During the Inquisition, many people were persecuted for practicing different religions.
5. He claimed to be persecuted by his boss for speaking up about workplace issues.
6. The immigrant population has been persecuted and subjected to unfair treatment for decades.
7. Throughout history, many groups have been persecuted for their race, ethnicity, or nationality.
8. The political opponents were persecuted and imprisoned without a fair trial.
9. The LGBTQ+ community has faced persecution and discrimination for years.
10. The refugees were persecuted in their home country, which is why they fled to a safer place.
11. The witch trials of the 1600s were a time when many women were persecuted and executed.
12. He felt persecuted by his classmates, who constantly bullied and teased him.
13. The artist was persecuted for creating controversial artworks that challenged societal norms.
14. The religious minority group was persecuted and driven out of their homeland.
15. The journalist was persecuted for exposing corruption within the government.
16. The scientist was persecuted by the church for his theories about the universe and its creation.
17. The peaceful protest was met with violence and persecution by the police.
18. The innocent man was persecuted and wrongly accused of a crime he did not commit.
19. The ethnic group was persecuted and faced genocide during a brutal civil war.
20. The woman was persecuted for her feminist views and activism.
21. The freedom of speech was limited, and those who spoke out were persecuted by the authorities.
22. The animals were persecuted and hunted for their fur, skins, and meat.
23. The indigenous population was persecuted and forced to abandon their traditional ways of life.
24. The mentally ill were often persecuted and mistreated in hospitals and asylums.
25. The religious sect was persecuted and deemed a threat to society by the government.
26. Those who spoke out against the government were persecuted and silenced.
27. The communist party was persecuted and oppressed in many countries during the Cold War.
28. The protestors were met with persecution and violence when they gathered in the city center.
29. The group of teenagers felt persecuted by their parents, who did not understand them.
30. The labor union was persecuted and harassed by the company owners who did not want to negotiate their demands.

Common Phases

1. Being persecuted for one's religion is a violation of fundamental human rights; it is a form of discrimination that should be abolished.
2. Those who have been persecuted for their beliefs often have a unique perspective on the world; they have faced adversity and overcome it.
3. Many individuals and groups throughout history have been persecuted for their political views; unfortunately, this type of injustice continues to this day.
4. Persecution can have a profound impact on an individual's mental health; it can lead to trauma and other long-term effects.
5. Those who have been persecuted have the right to justice and reparations; it is important to acknowledge and rectify the harm that has been done.

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