Perseverate example sentences

Related (7): obsess, repeat, fixate, overthink, ruminate, linger, dwell

"Perseverate" Example Sentences

1. The child continued to perseverate on the same topic and would not be redirected.
2. People with obsessive-compulsive disorder often perseverate on rituals and thoughts.
3. Patients with certain neurological conditions tend to perseverate on particular subjects.
4. The speech pathologist tried to help the child stop perseverating and learn to move on to new topics of conversation.
5. The client perseverated on negative thoughts despite efforts to shift her attention.
6. Some children perseverate on restricted interests and have difficulty discussing other topics.
7. He seems stuck and can't stop perseverating on that same idea.
8. The student perseverated on minor details and struggled to see the bigger picture.
9. She tended to perseverate during conversations, repeating the same points over and over.
10. The therapy aims to help patients reduce perseverative behaviors and thoughts.
11. He perseverated in his argument despite the evidence contradicting his position.
12. The software programmer perseverated on a minor bug and could not move past it.
13. Patients with frontal lobe damage often perseverate and have difficulty changing behaviors.
14. The professor tried to stop the student from perseverating and address the actual question.
15. The coach tried to reorient the player who was perseverating on a bad play from earlier in the game.
16. His perseveration on minor issues distracted from the more substantive matters being discussed.
17. The patient's perseverative thoughts contributed to his anxiety and depression.
18. He became stuck and started perseverating on minute details without seeing the bigger picture.
19. People with dementia sometimes perseverate on stories from the past.
20. The student perseverated on irrelevant aspects of the issue instead of focusing on the core concepts.
21. Some children with autism perseverate on limited topics of interest.
22. The doctors tried to prevent the patient from perseverating on worst case scenarios.
23. His perseverations on unimportant tangents disrupted the meeting.
24. She perseverated during the interview, returning again and again to the same issue.
25. The client perseverated on negative thoughts and ruminations despite the therapist's guidance.
26. He became stuck and perseverated on minor technicalities instead of engaging with the core of the debate.
27. I tried to redirect her perseverative thinking into more constructive channels.
28. The coworker's perseverations were distracting and unproductive.
29. The client perseverated on thoughts of failure and inadequacy.
30. Some psychiatric medications can help reduce perseverative behaviors.
31. His perseverations distracted from the actual issues being debated.
32. Creative people must learn how to avoid perseverating and instead move on to new ideas.
33. The psychologist tried to reduce the client's perseverative thoughts through cognitive interventions.
34. People with autism often perseverate on specific subject areas of interest.
35. Perseverative behaviors can be a symptom of various developmental and neurological conditions.
36. She perseverated on minor critiques and ignored the substance of the work.
37. I tried to redirect his attention away from his perseverative thoughts.
38. The patient perseverated on memories from the past and struggled to engage with the present.
39. Some medications can help reduce perseverative behaviors in patients with autism.
40. He perseverated during conversation, getting stuck on insignificant details.
41. The psychologist worked to reduce the patient's perseverative thoughts through exposure therapy.
42. The surgery aimed to reduce perseverative behaviors caused by brain damage.
43. Medications may help reduce perseverative behaviors in patients with brain injuries.
44. Perseveration refers to repetitively focusing on the same subject or thought pattern.
45. The teacher tried to redirect the student's perseverative responses during class discussions.
46. Some brain injuries can lead to perseverative difficulties stopping certain behaviors.
47. Perseveration can be reduced through behavioral therapy and cognitive interventions.
48. The manager worked to stop the employee's unproductive perseverations during meetings.
49. His perseverations during conversations made it difficult for others to communicate effectively with him.
50. He perseverated on intricate details while missing the more important broader perspective.
51. Employees must learn to avoid perseverating and instead shift focus when necessary.
52. They tried to reduce his perseverations on negative thoughts through cognitive restructuring exercises.
53. The patient perseverated on a destructive relationship despite her therapist's guidance.
54. Students with autism sometimes perseverate on certain preferred topics during class discussions.
55. Perseverative behaviors may respond well to focused behavioral interventions.
56. The coach worked with the player to reduce his perseverations and improve game performance.
57. The patient perseverated on thoughts of harming herself despite counseling and therapy.
58. Perseverations during conversations can be problematic and off-putting to others.
59. Students with ADHD sometimes perseverate during class, focusing too narrowly on one idea.
60. The employer tried to reduce the employee's perseverations during staff meetings and phone calls.

Common Phases

1. The child tends to perseverate on subjects that interest him.
2. Due to his autism, he would often perseverate about trains for hours.
3. Many with obsessive compulsive disorder perseverate on unwanted thoughts.
4. The patient continued to perseverate on the same ideas despite our attempts to redirect her.
5. Some with traumatic brain injuries can perseverate and talk excessively about a topic.
6. After the accident, he began to perseverate and talk nonstop about his injuries.
7. She would perseverate about certain topics and repeat herself repeatedly.
8. He tended to perseverate on minor details and miss the larger picture.
9. The boy would perseverate about his toy train set and talk endlessly about it.
10. Those with dementia may perseverate on certain topics in their conversations.
11. Some Parkinson's disease patients can perseverate in their speech and movements.
12. He struggled to move past topics and would perseverate on them for long periods.
13. Stop trying to make me understand, I don't care to perseverate on this point further.
14.The patient would perseverate on the same story despite being told it many times.
15. For some reason, I can't stop myself from perseverating on that thought or idea.
16. His teachers struggled to redirect him as he would perseverate for the whole lesson.
17. He would perseverate on trivial details and lose sight of the big picture.
18.Please stop perseverating on this unimportant issue, let's move on to more important topics.
19.Her speech tended to perseverate by repeating the same ideas again and again.
20. The therapist tried different techniques to stop the client from perseverating.
21. I worry I may have a tendency to perseverate on negative thoughts.
22. When he got upset, he would perseverate endlessly on that one trigger.
23.Please try not to perseverate on this issue as it causes you unnecessary stress.
24. They tried several methods to curb her tendency to perseverate when upset.
25. His speech and behavior perseverated, remaining fixated on the same subjects.
26. She perseverated incessantly on minor details at the expense of larger issues.
27. The patient's speech perseverated, continually circling back to the same topics.
28. Some may perseverate endlessly on irrelevant details if not redirected.
29. His therapist worked to help curb his tendency to perseverate when angry.
30. Despite their efforts, he perseverated for nearly an hour on the same idea.
31. Some kids with autism have a tendency to perseverate in their speech.
32. Her speech had a perseverative quality that looped back to the same ideas.
33. His parents struggled with how to curb his tendency to perseverate.
34. As a young child, I had a habit of perseverating on certain topics.
35. Paranoia and delusions can cause patients to perseverate endlessly.
36. The boy perseverated on his topic despite being interrupted numerous times.
37. The therapist guided him through exercises to curb his perseverative speech.
38. His story perseverated, repeatedly telling the same parts over and over again.
39. Please stop perseverating about that incident, it can't be changed now.
40. Some with Tourette's can perseverate in their tics as well as their speech.
41. His compulsive behaviors and thoughts had a strong perseverative quality.
42. His movements and speech showed perseverative tendencies that were difficult to curb.
43. They struggled to get him to stop perseverating about the same subjects for hours.
44. Negative thought patterns can become strongly perseverative if left unchecked.
45. His speech perseverated in an endless, looping fashion about the same subjects.
46. They worked hard to overcome his perseverative tendencies as a young child.
47. I worry that I tend to perseverate excessively on unimportant details.
48.His teachers noticed his speech had a strongly perseverative quality at times.
49. He perseverated on that one detail despite their attempts to redirect him.
50. The client perseverated on that same thought pattern for years, unable to let it go.
51. The perseverative quality of his speech made conversations very difficult.
52. His teachers struggled with how to curb his tendency to perseverate in class.
53. Please don't perseverate on my minor mistakes, focus instead on the positives.
54. The client showed strong perseverative patterns in both speech and behavior.
55. The patient's speech tended to perseverate by repeating the same points endlessly.
56. His tics had a strong perseverative pattern that was difficult to break.
57. The therapist worked to help reduce the client's strongly perseverative thoughts.
58. The patient's thoughts showed strong perseverative tendencies over past events.
59. His thought processes had a perseverative quality that inhibited new perspectives.
60. They worked to curb his tendency to perseverate through both behavior and speech.

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