Pervertere example sentences

Related (5): perverted, perversion, perverting, pervert, perverse

"Pervertere" Example Sentences

1. The corrupt politician aims to pervert justice.
2. The preacher warned against allowing worldly desires to pervert one's faith.
3. It's a shame how people try to pervert innocent things into something dirty.
4. The social media influencer was accused of perverting the truth to gain more followers.
5. The evil sorcerer sought to pervert the prince's mind with dark magic.
6. The cult's leader was known to pervert his followers into doing terrible things.
7. The warped sense of justice in the town began to pervert the law.
8. Some people try to pervert the meaning of words to push their agenda.
9. The corrupt businessman sought to pervert the competition by bribing his competitors.
10. The twisted professor aimed to pervert his students' worldview with his extreme views.
11. The dark artist was known to pervert beautiful images into disturbing pieces.
12. The fanatic group tried to pervert the teachings of their religion to justify their actions.
13. The psychopath's twisted mind sought to pervert reality into his own twisted world.
14. The manipulative parent tried to pervert their child's perception of reality to control them.
15. The extremist group's propaganda tried to pervert the minds of vulnerable youth.
16. The biased media outlet sought to pervert public opinion with their one-sided reporting.
17. The twisted criminal sought to pervert the law by taking advantage of legal loopholes.
18. The corrupt judge attempted to pervert the course of justice to serve his own interests.
19. The manipulative partner tried to pervert their significant other's perception of self-worth to maintain control.
20. The cult leader sought to pervert his followers into believing he was a god.
21. The twisted artist perverted classical art forms to create disturbing imagery.
22. The corrupt executives tried to pervert the company's mission statement to increase profits.
23. The twisted murderer tried to pervert the investigation with false evidence.
24. The manipulative authority figure tried to pervert their subordinates into believing they had no power.
25. The extremist group aimed to pervert the democratic system by using violence to achieve their goals.
26. The corrupt administration sought to pervert the political process by rigging elections.
27. The twisted military regime tried to pervert education by indoctrinating children with their beliefs.
28. The manipulative abuser tried to pervert their victim's sense of reality to maintain control.
29. The extremist group used propaganda to pervert the memories of the past to justify their actions.
30. The twisted artist perverted traditional art forms to create disturbing and controversial pieces.

Common Phases

1. La sua cattiva influenza ha pervertito i miei valori;
2. La società di oggi sembra pervertire tutto ciò che è puro e innocente;
3. La manipolazione dei media ha pervertito la verità;
4. La sua arroganza ha pervertito il suo giudizio;
5. L'abuso di droghe può pervertire la mente e il corpo.

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