Plants example sentences

Related (12): flora, vegetation, crops, herbs, shrubs, trees, vines, succulents, ferns, mosses, algae, fungi

"Plants" Example Sentences

1. The farmer tended to his crops and plants in the garden.
2. Plants need water, sunlight, and nutrients to survive and grow.
3. Leafy green plants are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals.
4. The jungle was full of exotic plants and colorful flowers.
5. Many plants reproduce by spreading seeds.
6. Plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen through photosynthesis.
7. The scientists studied the anatomy and physiology of different plants.
8. Hydroponics allows plants to be grown without soil.
9. Houseplants can bring life and color into any home.
10. The botanists identified and classified different types of plants.
11. Terrariums allow plants to thrive in a self-contained environment.
12. Some plants, like cacti, are succulents and store water in their tissues.
13. Plants provide habitat, food, and shelter for many animals.
14. Desert plants have adapted to survive with little water.
15. The gardener tended to the many different plants in the greenhouse.
16. Plants have different structures like roots, stems, leaves, and flowers.
17. Horticulturists grow and study cultivated plants used for food and ornamental purposes.
18. The greenhouse was filled with exotic foliage plants.
19. Many plants depend on animals for pollination.
20. The botanical garden showcased plants from around the world.
21. Photosynthesis converts light energy into chemical energy that plants use.
22. The students learned about the life cycles of different plants.
23. Plants spread and reproduce both sexually and asexually.
24. The garden contained many medicinal plants used for herbal remedies.
25. Wetland plants have adapted to thrive in areas with saturated soil.
26. Propagating plants allows gardeners to grow new plants from cuttings or divisions.
27. Invasive plants often outcompete native species.
28. Some plants reproduce vegetatively through runners, bulbs, and corms.
29. Plants for sale at the nursery included annuals, perennials, and shrubs.
30. The rural landscape was covered in green plants and fields of grain.
31. Carnivorous plants trap and digest insects to obtain nutrients.
32. The botanist studied plant adaptation and evolution.
33. Fruit-bearing plants provide food for animals that eat and disperse their seeds.
34. Plants without leaves still have green stems that carry out photosynthesis.
35. Mosses and ferns are nonflowering vascular plants.
36. Xeriscaping uses drought-tolerant plants that need little water.
37. Fungi form symbiotic relationships with the roots of some plants.
38. The diverse ecosystem contained hundreds of species of plants and trees.
39. Plants in different climates have adapted to varying levels of sunlight.
40. Pollinators help plants reproduce by transferring pollen from flower to flower.
41. Biologists study how plants evolved to adapt to different environments.
42. Dormant plants go into a period of inactivity during unfavorable conditions.
43. Plants have adapted a variety of reproductive strategies for survival.
44. Plant anatomy includes stems, leaves, roots, flowers, and fruit.
45. Indoor plants require less sunlight and water than outdoor plants.
46. Plants rely on various animals for pollination, seed dispersal, and nutrient cycling.
47. Some plants undergo vegetative propagation by producing offshoots and runners.
48. Workers wore protective masks due to harmful chemicals used on the plants.
49. The indigenous people relied on local plants for food, medicine, and shelter.
50. Photosynthesis produces oxygen as a byproduct that plants release into the air.
51. Aquatic plants play a vital role in water filtration and oxygen production.
52. Perennial plants come back year after year while annuals complete their life cycle in one season.
53. Starting plants from seeds allows gardeners to choose specific varieties.
54. Students studied the roles plants play in different ecosystems.
55. Ethnobotanists study how indigenous people use local plants.
56. Using fertilizer helped the plants grow larger fruits and vegetables.
57. Artificial lights provide indoor plants with the light they need to photosynthesize.
58. Biologists study the complex interactions between plants and other organisms.
59. Gardeners experimented with different ways to promote plant growth and health.
60. Plants adaptations allow them to survive in a wide variety of habitats on Earth.

Common Phases

1. The gardener carefully planted the flower bulbs in the soil.
2. Plants need sunlight, water, and nutrients to grow.
3. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants produce their own food.
4. The botanist studied the anatomy and physiology of different types of plants.
5. Evergreen plants retain their leaves all year round.
6. Many plants depend on pollinators like bees and butterflies to reproduce.
7. The greenhouse houses many different types of exotic plants.
8. Several new housing developments are being built and planted in the area.
9. Plants were arranged decoratively in pots on the patio.
10. Weeds compete with crop plants for water, sunlight and nutrients.
11. The rainforest contains the highest diversity of plant species in the world.
12. Genetically modified crops plants are created through laboratory processes.
13. I love the smell of freshly cut grass and blooming flowers in springtime.
14. My mother enjoys gardening and caring for her collection of houseplants.
15. The thick foliage of the jungle plants blocked out much of the sunlight.
16. The botanist classified the plant specimens according to genus and species.
17. Many herbivores depend on plants for food and shelter.
18. Moss and lichens were growing on the sides of damp, shady rocks.
19. Carnivorous plants like Venus flytraps trap and digest insects.
20. Most flowering plants need to be pollinated in order to reproduce.
21. The cactus plants were well-suited to hot, arid desert conditions.
22. Farmers work hard to grow and harvest crops from their fields and farms.
23. The biologists observed how the bacteria helped the roots of plants absorb nutrients.
24. The succulents had thick, fleshy leaves that allowed them to store water.
25. The newly sprouted seedlings needed moisture, warmth and care to grow properly.
26. Sedum plants have thick, fleshy leaves that store water in harsh conditions.
27. Ferns, mosses and lichens have different reproduction systems from flowering plants.
28. The landscaper used ornamental grasses, shrubs and flowers to beautify the garden.
29. Students observed the parts of plants under a microscope in biology lab.
30. Sediment deposits in ancient rock layers preserved fossils of early plant life.
31. The rooftop garden featured many varieties of edible fruits, vegetables and herbs.
32. Biologists study how plants adapt and respond to changes in their environment.
33. Leaves and needles from the surrounding plants covered the forest floor.
34. The botanist collected and documented samples of rare and endangered plant species.
35. Plants from the same family often share similar characteristics and features.
36. Pollinators like bees help to propagate many economically valuable crops.
37. Seedlings were sprouting up all over the freshly turned soil.
38. Mushrooms, molds and yeasts are fungi, not plants despite similar appearances.
39. Green plants produce their own carbohydrates through photosynthesis.
40. Plant scientists work to develop crop varieties with improved yields and disease resistance.
41. Plants grown from cuttings will often take on the characteristics of the parent plant.
42. Horticulturists work with plant propagation, growing and care of ornamental plants.
43. Aquatic plants grow in and around water in wetland environments.
44. The plant disease spread quickly, killing many trees and garden plants.
45. Fallen leaves decomposed on the forest floor, returning nutrients to the soil.
46. The botanical garden featured specimens from plant habitats around the world.
47. Phytoplankton are very small plants that drift in oceans and freshwater.
48. Flowers raised bees and butterflies to the abundant nectar sources.
49. The invasive weeds crowded out the native wildflowers and grasses.
50. Desert plants are typically drought-tolerant with specialized adaptations.
51. Many migratory songbirds depend on fruits from trees and bushes in winter.
52. Wetland plants like cattails, bulrushes and lilies thrive in soggy soils.
53. Fungi form symbiotic relationships with the roots of many different plants.
54. Plants often flower and reproduce in response to seasonal changes.
55. Mushrooms release powerful digestive enzymes to absorb nutrients from decaying plants.
56. Adolescent plants looked fragile yet hardy at the same time.
57. Farmers plant fields with specific crops to harvest and sell.
58. Seed heads released their seeds to be dispersed by wind and animals.
59. Plants release water vapor into the air through tiny openings called stomata.
60. Some plants store food in modified leaves, stems or roots.

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