Plebeians example sentences

Related (3): commoners, masses, proletariat

"Plebeians" Example Sentences

1. The plebeians were grumbling about the high taxes imposed on them by the patricians.
2. During the Roman Republic, the plebeians demanded more political power.
3. The plebeians were often at odds with the patricians over issues of class and status.
4. The plebeians outnumbered the patricians by a wide margin.
5. The patricians looked down on the plebeians as inferior beings.
6. The laws of ancient Rome favored the patricians over the plebeians.
7. Many plebeians were farmers who struggled to make ends meet.
8. The plebeians were excluded from high political office in ancient Rome.
9. The patricians tried to limit the influence of the plebeians in Roman politics.
10. The plebeians gained more rights and representation over time in ancient Rome.
11. The plebeians organized themselves into various groups and factions to achieve their goals.
12. The patricians and plebeians often clashed in the streets of ancient Rome.
13. The plebeians formed their own assembly to represent their interests in ancient Rome.
14. The patricians controlled most of the wealth and resources in ancient Rome, leaving the plebeians to struggle.
15. The plebeians had few legal rights in ancient Rome.
16. The patricians tried to keep the plebeians from gaining new privileges and rights in ancient Rome.
17. The plebeians were often exploited and oppressed in ancient Rome.
18. The patricians saw the plebeians as a threat to their own power and status in ancient Rome.
19. The plebeians demanded the right to participate in government and the rule of law in ancient Rome.
20. The patricians tried to keep the plebeians divided and weak in ancient Rome.
21. The plebeians often turned to violence and rioting to achieve their goals in ancient Rome.
22. The patricians tried to bribe and intimidate the plebeians in ancient Rome to maintain their control.
23. The plebeians were successful in gaining more political power and representation in ancient Rome.
24. The patricians were eventually forced to accept the demands of the plebeians in ancient Rome.
25. The plebeians helped to create a more democratic and inclusive government in ancient Rome.
26. The patricians tried to maintain their power and wealth while limiting the rights and freedoms of the plebeians in ancient Rome.
27. The plebeians fought for their rights and dignity in ancient Rome.
28. The patricians mocked and belittled the plebeians in ancient Rome to reinforce their own superiority.
29. The plebeians organized themselves into labor unions and other groups to improve their economic conditions in ancient Rome.
30. The patricians grudgingly accepted the rising power of the plebeians in ancient Rome.

Common Phases

1. The plebeians protested against unfair laws; their voices were heard by the government.
2. Many of the plebeians worked long hours in the fields; their hard work sustained the Roman economy.
3. The wealthy patricians looked down upon the plebeians; this created social divides within Roman society.
4. During elections, both plebeians and patricians had the right to vote; this signaled a level of political equality in ancient Rome.
5. Despite their status as plebeians, many individuals rose to positions of power and influence; this demonstrated the potential for social mobility in Roman society.
6. The plebeians lived in crowded and unsanitary conditions; this led to widespread disease and illness.
7. The patricians often exploited the labor of the plebeians; this increased tensions between the two classes.
8. The military relied heavily on the plebeians for its manpower; their bravery and strength were essential to the success of Roman conquests.
9. Some plebeians resisted Roman rule; their rebellions were usually quashed by the more powerful patricians.
10. The plebeians were often at the mercy of the patricians when it came to access to education and opportunities for advancement.

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