Polymathic example sentences

Related (10): interdisciplinary, multifaceted, versatile, erudite, knowledgeable, resourceful, diverse, well-rounded, adept, skillful

"Polymathic" Example Sentences

1. His polymathic talents allowed him to excel in many diverse fields of knowledge.
2. Leonardo da Vinci is the archetype of the polymathic Renaissance man.
3. Aristotle's remarkably polymathic oeuvre influenced virtually every branch of knowledge for centuries.
4. His polymathic achievements spanned the sciences, humanities, arts, and theology.
5. The polymathic genius of Archimedes continues to inspire scientists and mathematicians today.
6. Her profoundly polymathic nature enabled her to make significant contributions to both the arts and sciences.
7. The polymathic ideals of the Renaissance gave rise to some of history's most remarkable intellectual figures.
8. Plato's polymathic thinking embraced philosophy, mathematics, literature, and more.
9. Ancient Greeks valued polymathic breadth as an ideal of wisdom and good character.
10. His deep curiosities and polymathic interests led him to produce works of astonishing range.
11. Goethe exemplified the polymathic ideal that has become increasingly rare in today's specialized world.
12. Hermione's polymathic mind allowed her to excel in classes across the entire Hogwarts curriculum.
13. Few in modern times possess the polymathic genius of Newton and Einstein who revolutionized not one but multiple branches of science.
14. Jane Austen's polymathic novels subtly illuminate the complex workings of the human heart and mind within social institutions.
15. In an era of hyperspecialization, truly polymathic individuals with interests spanning the sciences, arts and humanities have become exceptionally rare.
16. Erasmus embodied the polymathic scholar-humanist ideal through his writings on theology, education, and classical literature.
17. Galileo's polymathic genius helps explain the revolutionary impact of his work as scientist, mathematician, philosopher and astronomer.
18. The polymathic figures who bring insights from multiple disciplines can help solve today's complex problems.
19. John Stuart Mill's polymathic achievements showed the possibilities of a broad liberal education that trained the whole person.
20. His polymathic mind allowed him to provide fundamental contributions across a range of disciplines from mathematics to physics.
21. Oliver Wendell Holmes' life stands as a testament to the richness possible through polymathic learning and liberal education.
22. Despite being self-taught, Franklin's polymathic wisdom derived as much from lived experience as from books.
23. Goethe's Faust II embodies the tragedy of hyperspecialization that ignores the polymathic ideal of Bildung, or whole person education.
24. Polymathic intelligence requires intellectual humility before the limits of any one perspective and appreciation of others' insights.
25. Society needs both experts and polymaths able to survey diverse facts and model humility before complexity.
26. Her profoundly polymathic nature allowed her to make fundamental contributions to a range of areas from literature to biology.
27. In an age dominated by hyperspecialization, we need polymathic thinkers again able to unite knowledge from different domains.
28. Modern schooling tends to squelch rather than cultivate polymathic minds able to connect disparate domains of knowledge.
29. In emphasizing depth of knowledge, we risk losing sight of polymathic breadth crucial for human flourishing and creative problem solving.
30. Few in modern times possess the polymathic genius of individuals like Benjamin Franklin and Gertrude Bell who made fundamental contributions across a diverse range of intellectual and practical domains.
31. Education should cultivate not only expertise in narrow domains but polymathic minds able to integrate knowledge from different specialties.
32. Society needs experts with deep knowledge in particular areas but also polymaths able to relate facts together in novel ways.
33. Hyperspecialization promotes a fragmented view of reality that only polymathic thinking spanning disciplines can begin to remedy.
34. Polymathic minds excel not only in breadth of knowledge but also depth of wisdom, seeing connections that synthesize diverse facts into new insights.
35. By championing polymathic learning that nurtures imaginations, education can help produce individuals equal to society's complex challenges.
36. The polymathic genius of Newton derived not just from his deep knowledge of math and physics but also from his ability to unite insights across domains.
37. The narrowness of hyperspecialization threatens to eclipse polymathic insights able to unite knowledge and address humanity's deepest needs.
38. Bertrand Russell's polymathic achievements spanned the fields of logic, philosophy, math, political activism, and more.
39. His dazzling polymathic abilities seemed almost without limit, achieving breakthroughs across multiple fields from history to medicine and zoology.
40. Educating only specialists risks losing polymathic visionaries equal to humanity's greatest aspirations and challenges.
41. Education should cultivate both deep knowledge and polymathic breadth as complementary, not competing, goals.
42. As the life and work of Einstein attests, polymathic geniuses often see fundamental connections invisible from within any single discipline.
43. Society needs both experts focused on details and polymaths able to integrate knowledge into a broader coherent whole.
44. Policy makers must realize that only polymathic perspectives able to integrate diverse facts achieve the holistic vantage society needs.
45. His remarkably polymathic oeuvre spanned philosophy, poetry, fiction, and drama, and influenced nearly every major literary movement.
46. Technological advances that consolidate knowledge risk eclipsing the polymathic vision that can give such facts ultimate meaning.
47. Her profoundly polymathic intellect enabled her to achieve groundbreaking scholarship across the domains of mathematics, physics, and computer programming.
48. The revolutionary ideas of polymathic geniuses often arise at the intersections of different branches of knowledge.
49. In an age of specialization, polymathic visionaries able to unite knowledge and wisdom remain as crucial as ever.
50. Polymathic thinkers able to unite knowledge from different domains provide the fresh perspectives desperately needed today.

Common Phases

1. A polymathic mind
2. Polymathic abilities
3. Polymathic aptitude
4. Polymathic interests
5. Polymathic knowledge
6. Polymathic prowess
7. Polymathic range
8. Polymathic talents
9. Polymathic thinking
10. Polymathic understanding
11. Polymathic vision
12. Polymathic wisdom
13. The polymathic genius of
14. His polymathic achievements
15. His polymathic mind
16. Her polymathic nature
17. Such polymathic figures
18. The ideal of a polymathic Renaissance man
19. The polymathic ideals
20. The polymathic imagination

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