Ponder example sentences
Related (9): contemplate, reflect, think, meditate, ruminate, consider, deliberate, speculate, study
"Ponder" Example Sentences
Common Phases
1. She pondered the complex mathematical equation for hours.
2. The philosopher pondered the meaning of life.
3. I pondered whether I had made the right career choice.
4. The adventurers pondered their next move carefully.
5. The old man sat staring at the sea, pondering his long life.
6. I ponder what the future holds in store.
7. He pondered the difficulties of raising children in modern times.
8. The leaders pondered possible solutions for the ongoing crisis.
9. She sat upon the porch swing and pondered the letter she had just received.
10. I ponder long and hard before making important decisions.
11. The child pondered why the sky was blue.
12. The shop owner pondered whether to increase his product prices.
13. She pondered the many options available to her.
14. He pondered quitting his job and starting his own business.
15. Scientists pondered how the change in climate would affect local wildlife.
16 The CEO pondered ways to increase company profits.
17. The old warrior pondered his glory days as a young soldier.
18. The expectant parents pondered possible names for their new baby.
19. The jury pondered for hours before reaching a verdict.
20. I ponder when I will find true happiness.
21. She pondered whether she should apply for the new position.
22. The politician pondered how to best address the nation's current problems.
23. I ponder the mysteries of the universe late at night.
24. The detective pondered clues from the crime scene.
25. The inventor pondered new ideas and inventions in his laboratory.
26. The couple pondered how to tell their parents the big news.
27. I often ponder my purpose and place in the grand scheme of things.
28. The author pondered possible plot twists for her new novel.
29. The priest pondered the nature of good and evil.
30. I ponder deeply over weighty matters.
31. The gambler pondered which horse to bet on.
32. He pondered apologizing but decided against it.
33. We had to ponder the administrator's request carefully before responding.
34. The sorceress pondered dark spells inside her secret tower.
35. I ponder life's big questions while gazing at the stars.
36. The poet pondered the beauty of the words she had just written.
37. The strategist pondered possible battle plans for weeks.
38. The coach pondered potential lineup changes for the next game.
39. I ponder the deceased person's remarkable life.
40. She pondered her brother's strange behavior.
41. The mechanic pondered possible reasons for the unusual car sound.
42. The teacher pondered ways to motivate her uninterested students.
43. The king pondered on his throne, considering various options.
44. The student pondered her career options after graduation.
45. I ponder the meaning of that mysterious dream for hours.
46. The expert pondered likely market trends for the coming year.
47. He pondered buying a new sports car but decided against the expense.
48. The hunter pondered the deer's location deep in the forest.
49. She pondered her tumultuous relationship with her mother.
50. They pondered the loss of their loved one for a long time.
51. I will ponder your question and get back to you.
52. The elderly couple pondered their many happy memories together.
53. The politician pondered how to best address the climate crisis.
54. The sailors pondered what they would do once they reached land again.
55. The traveler pondered which path to take in the vast forest.
56. Astronomers ponder the possibility of life existing elsewhere in the universe.
57. I often ponder life's mysteries late at night.
58. The general pondered how to defeat the enemy army.
59. They pondered the worker's long absence from the office.
60. She pondered the problem for hours before coming up with a solution.
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