"Prestigeful" Example Sentences
1. As an Ivy League graduate, she enjoyed a prestigeful career in finance.
2. The company's CEO was often seen sporting prestigeful designer suits.
3. The event was attended by a prestigeful group of industry leaders and experts.
4. Her appointment as ambassador was a highly prestigeful achievement.
5. The university boasted a prestigeful roster of Nobel laureate professors.
6. The prestigious charity organization only accepted donations from prestigeful donors.
7. The film festival attracted many prestigeful filmmakers and actors.
8. The museum's collection contained many prestigeful works of art.
9. His resume listed a number of prestigeful awards and accolades.
10. The private club was known for being exclusive and prestigeful.
11. The restaurant was located in a prestigeful part of town.
12. She was proud to have attended a prestigeful school like Harvard.
13. The fashion show featured designs from several prestigeful labels.
14. The tennis tournament was a prestigeful competition for professional players.
15. The publication was known for its coverage of prestigeful events and personalities.
16. The real estate agency specialized in selling prestigeful properties.
17. The music festival drew in a prestigeful crowd of classical music enthusiasts.
18. The theater company performed many prestigeful plays and musicals.
19. The conference was attended by a prestigeful group of scholars and academics.
20. The luxury car brand was known for its prestigeful image and high-end features.
21. His family had a long and prestigeful history in the legal profession.
22. The philanthropic organization was founded by a prestigeful group of philanthropists.
23. The menu at the restaurant featured many prestigeful ingredients and dishes.
24. The hotel was located in a prestigeful and upscale neighborhood.
25. The award ceremony honored prestigeful leaders in business and industry.
26. The fashion magazine was known for its coverage of prestigeful fashion shows and events.
27. The jewelry brand was known for its use of prestigeful materials and craftsmanship.
28. The art exhibit displayed many prestigeful works of contemporary art.
29. The business school was considered one of the most prestigeful in the country.
30. The fashion designer's runway shows were always prestigeful events in the industry.
Common Phases
1. The building's
prestigeful architecture commands admiration;
2. Her status as a
prestigeful lawyer grants her access to exclusive circles;
3. The brand's
prestigeful image attracts high-end customers;
4. The university is known for its
prestigeful academic programs;
5. His job at the top investment firm is seen as
6. The award was a great
prestigeful achievement for the young actress;
7. The prestigious event was attended by many
prestigeful guests.