Presumption example sentences

Related (5): assumption, conjecture, supposition, speculation, inference

"Presumption" Example Sentences

1. The lawyer argued that the prosecutor's case relied on presumption rather than concrete evidence.
2. She had the presumption to assume that she would be given the promotion without any effort on her part.
3. The judge cautioned the jury not to make any presumptions based on the defendant's appearance.
4. The company rejected his application because he displayed a presumption of arrogance during the interview.
5. His presumption of guilt was based solely on his ethnicity and not on any evidence.
6. The manager's presumption that the team would work overtime without complaint was misguided.
7. The doctor warned against self-diagnosis because it often leads to wrong presumptions.
8. Due to the presumption of innocence, the prosecutor was required to prove the defendant's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
9. The government's presumption that the military intervention would solve all problems was a grave mistake.
10. The journalist's presumption that all politicians were corrupt was unfair and unfounded.
11. The scientist's presumption that his theory was the only valid one was challenged by his colleagues.
12. The driver's presumption that he could beat the red light led to a serious accident.
13. The teacher's presumption that all students should learn at the same pace was criticized by parents.
14. The author's presumption that all readers would understand complex language was unrealistic.
15. The architect's presumption that the building could withstand earthquakes was proven wrong during the disaster.
16. The athlete's presumption that he could win without proper training cost him his career.
17. The presidential candidate's presumption that voters would overlook his past scandals was proven false.
18. The historian's presumption that certain events had no impact on society was challenged by new research.
19. The investor's presumption that the stock market would always go up caused him to lose thousands of dollars.
20. The boss's presumption that employees would work for free overtime was met with resistance.
21. The chef's presumption that everyone enjoyed spicy food led to complaints from customers.
22. The bride's presumption that her wedding would be perfect without proper planning was a huge mistake.
23. The professor's presumption that all students had access to course materials online was discriminatory.
24. The musician's presumption that everyone would like his music was naive.
25. The traveler's presumption that he would find a hotel room without reservation led to a sleepless night.
26. The parent's presumption that their child was always innocent blinded them to their misbehavior.
27. The fashion designer's presumption that skinny models were the only ideal shape was criticized by body positivity advocates.
28. The diplomat's presumption that diplomacy could solve all conflicts was challenged by the outbreak of war.
29. The banker's presumption that all clients were trustworthy led to fraud and embezzlement.
30. The tourist's presumption that he could disrespect local customs without consequences was met with hostility.

Common Phases

1. It is a presumption; that all dogs are loyal.
2. There is a presumption; that people with glasses are smart.
3. The presumption; that old buildings are haunted, is a common belief.
4. It is a presumption; that taller people are better at sports.
5. There is a presumption; that all politicians are corrupt.
6. The presumption; that women are bad drivers, is a sexist stereotype.
7. It is a presumption; that successful people are always happy.
8. There is a presumption; that all teenagers are rebellious.
9. The presumption; that certain races are superior, is a harmful belief.
10. It is a presumption; that people who speak English are smarter.

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