Presumptionn example sentences

Related (7): assumption, speculation, supposition, hypothesis, conjecture, guesswork, inference

"Presumptionn" Example Sentences

1. Your presumption is unfounded.
2. The defendant acted with a presumption of innocence.
3. The book challenged my presumptions about the world.
4. She had the presumption to assume I would do her work for her.
5. His arrogance was rooted in his presumption of superiority.
6. The evidence seemed to support the presumption of guilt.
7. I apologize for my presumption in assuming you would be interested.
8. She accepted the invitation with the presumption that he would be there.
9. The prosecutor's case was based on the presumption that the defendant acted with malice.
10. The counselor cautioned against the presumption that the client needed medication.
11. Her presumption that everyone agreed with her led to conflicts.
12. The policy was enacted under the presumption that it would reduce crime rates.
13. The witness's testimony challenged the presumption of the defendant's guilt.
14. The judge questioned the presumption that the defendant acted with forethought.
15. The new leader challenged the organization's presumptions about how to run a business.
16. We cannot proceed with the project based on mere presumption.
17. His assumption of my intentions was a presumption on his part.
18. The prosecution rested its case on the presumption that the defendant's motive was greed.
19. The executive's actions were based on a presumption of what was best for the company.
20. His presumption of my ability to do the task was flattering, but not accurate.
21. The company's strategy relied on the presumption that customers would continue to crave their product.
22. The student's conclusion was based on the presumption that the data was reliable.
23. Her presumption that he was uninterested was proven wrong when he asked her out.
24. It was presumptuous of him to assume he knew what I was thinking.
25. The jury's verdict was based on a presumption of the defendant's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
26. The law was criticized for its presumption of guilt in certain circumstances.
27. The document's argument was weakened by the presumption of certain facts.
28. The team's strategy relied on the presumption that the opponent would take a certain approach.
29. The defendant's presumption of good faith was undermined by contradictory evidence.
30. The employee's presumption of job security was dispelled when the company downsized.

Common Phases

1. With presumption comes great responsibility; one must always check their facts.
2. It is easy to fall victim to presumption; we must be cautious of criticizing others without knowing all the details.
3. The presumption of innocence is a fundamental right; we must not jump to conclusions based on limited information.
4. Presumption can lead to misunderstandings; it is important to communicate clearly to avoid confusion.
5. Presumption can be harmful; it is important to approach situations with an open mind and gather all the relevant information before making a judgement.

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