Pretexta example sentences

Related (4): Pretext, pretense, excuse, alibi

"Pretexta" Example Sentences

1. The politician used the pretexta of national security to justify the invasion.
2. She wore a pretexta of being interested in the lecture, but really she was just checking her phone.
3. The teacher used the pretexta of a pop quiz to motivate her students to study more.
4. His pretexta for not attending the party was that he had to work late.
5. She was always looking for a pretexta to start an argument.
6. The coach used the pretexta of a team-building exercise to help his players bond.
7. The salesman used the pretexta of a special offer to convince his customers to buy more products.
8. The police officer used the pretexta of routine questioning to investigate a potential crime.
9. He used the pretexta of a family emergency to get out of a meeting.
10. The company used the pretexta of reorganization to lay off several employees.
11. The store used the pretexta of a clearance sale to get rid of old inventory.
12. The doctor used the pretexta of a routine check-up to diagnose an underlying health issue.
13. She used the pretexta of a headache to leave the party early.
14. He used the pretexta of needing fresh air to take a smoking break.
15. The school principal used the pretexta of a safety concern to ban certain activities.
16. The artist used the pretexta of experimentation to justify her unconventional style.
17. The chef used the pretexta of a cooking challenge to showcase his skills.
18. The athlete used the pretexta of a minor injury to sit out a game.
19. The scientist used the pretexta of a research project to secure funding for her studies.
20. The musician used the pretexta of creative expression to produce a controversial album.
21. The writer used the pretexta of a memoir to reveal personal stories.
22. The speaker used the pretexta of a motivational speech to inspire his audience.
23. The parent used the pretexta of a punishment to discipline their child.
24. The company used the pretexta of customer feedback to improve their services.
25. The designer used the pretexta of a trend to create a new fashion line.
26. The consultant used the pretexta of expert advice to guide his clients.
27. The politician used the pretexta of social justice to advocate for policy change.
28. The organizer used the pretexta of a charity fundraiser to raise awareness for a cause.
29. The reviewer used the pretexta of objective analysis to critique a movie.
30. The coach used the pretexta of team spirit to motivate his players to win.

Common Phases

1. Pretexto para no salir: Estoy enfermo.
2. Buscó un pequeño pretexto para retrasar la reunión.
3. La falta de dinero es un pretexto frecuente para no viajar.
4. No necesito un pretexto para disfrutar de una buena comida.
5. Utilizó el pretexto de tener que estudiar para no ir al cine.
6. El mal tiempo es un buen pretexto para quedarse en casa.
7. Necesitaba un pretexto para hablar con su jefe sobre el aumento de sueldo.
8. Ella buscó cualquier pretexto para no tener que ir a la fiesta de cumpleaños.
9. No quiero dar un pretexto para justificar mi ausencia de la junta.
10. A menudo utilizaba el pretexto de estar ocupado para evitar hacer tareas del hogar.

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