Prinkprobably example sentences

Related (8): groom, fuss, primp, tidy, arrange, beautify, adorn, preen

"Prinkprobably" Example Sentences

1. She will probably prink herself in front of the mirror.
2. I doubt she will prink properly, but probably forget something.
3. If we leave her alone for too long, she'll probably prink and redo her outfit a dozen times.
4. He's the kind of person who will prink for hours, so we probably won't be able to leave until he's done.
5. She probably won't prink too much for this casual event.
6. If I know her, she'll probably prink until she perfects her look.
7. I'm not sure if she'll prink for this meeting or not, probably best to be safe and do so.
8. He probably won't prink much since he prefers a low maintenance look.
9. I bet she's prinking right now - she always does before going out.
10. It's probably a good idea to prink a bit before going out, just to look presentable.
11. Some people probably think it's vain to prink so much, but to each their own.
12. It's important to find the right balance between prinking and being natural.
13. If you want to make a good impression, it's probably best to prink a bit beforehand.
14. There's no harm in prinking a little before an important event.
15. I'm not one to prink too much, but I can see why some people enjoy it.
16. She's probably prinking so much because she's nervous about the date.
17. It's easy to get carried away with prinking, but sometimes less is more.
18. You can tell when someone has prinked too much, it looks unnatural.
19. He probably won't prink too much since he's a low maintenance kind of guy.
20. She's the type of person who will prink for hours, even for a simple gathering.
21. It's not necessary to always prink before going out, but it does make you feel more put together.
22. If you want to look your best, you'll probably want to prink a bit.
23. She's so busy prinking that she won't even notice the time.
24. It's probably best to prink before meeting your significant other's parents for the first time.
25. I don't have much time, but I'll probably prink a little before leaving.
26. She's prinking so much, I wonder if she's ever satisfied with the outcome.
27. It's funny how some people prink so much when others don't even comb their hair.
28. She'll probably prink her outfit a few times before deciding on what to wear.
29. It's important to not judge others for how much they prink, as everyone has their own preferences.
30. Even if you don't prink much, it's always good to have a backup plan in case something goes wrong with your outfit.

Common Phases

Prink probably won't take too much time; but I need to double-check.
I'm prinking probably too much, but I want to look my best.
We should prink probably before the party; we don't want to look underdressed.
I prink probably more than I should, but I enjoy taking care of myself.
It's better to prink probably before the interview; you want to make a good impression.
Don't forget to prink probably, even if it's just a casual dinner with friends.
I prink probably twice a day, once in the morning and once before bed.
I always prink probably before a date; it boosts my confidence.
Prinking probably is important, but don't let it consume all of your time.
I think we should all prink probably for the wedding; it's a formal event.

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