Proclivity example sentences

Related (5): inclination, tendency, leaning, predisposition, penchant.

"Proclivity" Example Sentences

1. His proclivity towards drawing was evident from a young age.
2. She had a proclivity for languages and learned several fluently.
3. The company's proclivity to cut corners resulted in a product recall.
4. His proclivity for risk-taking made him a successful entrepreneur.
5. She had a proclivity for drama and loved being in the spotlight.
6. The town had a proclivity for gossip and rumors spread quickly.
7. His proclivity for procrastination often led to missed deadlines.
8. She noticed a proclivity for analysis and pursued a career in data science.
9. The paintings showed a proclivity for bright colors and bold strokes.
10. His proclivity for sarcasm often landed him in trouble with others.
11. She had a proclivity for baking and made delicious treats for her friends and family.
12. The writer's proclivity for satire was evident in all of his works.
13. His proclivity for alcohol led to a downward spiral in his personal and professional life.
14. She had a proclivity for collecting antique teacups and had amassed an impressive collection.
15. The team's proclivity for collaboration resulted in the successful completion of the project.
16. His proclivity for overthinking often caused him unnecessary stress and anxiety.
17. She noticed a proclivity for leadership and eventually became the CEO of her own company.
18. The city's proclivity for pollution was a major concern for environmentalists.
19. His proclivity for honesty sometimes got him into trouble, but he refused to compromise his principles.
20. She had a proclivity for organization and kept everything in her life meticulously labeled and sorted.
21. The politician's proclivity for scandal made headlines in the tabloids.
22. His proclivity for adventure led him on many exciting journeys around the world.
23. She noticed a proclivity for teaching and became a beloved educator.
24. The artist's proclivity for abstraction resulted in unique and captivating works of art.
25. His proclivity for debate made him a formidable opponent in any argument.
26. She had a proclivity for dance and became a skilled performer.
27. The chef's proclivity for fusion cuisine resulted in a unique and delicious menu.
28. His proclivity for meditation helped him manage his stress and anxiety.
29. She noticed a proclivity for public speaking and became a successful motivational speaker.
30. The company's proclivity for innovation helped it stay ahead of its competitors.

Common Phases

1. Her proclivity for adventure never ceased to amaze me;
2. The scientist's proclivity towards experimentation led her to numerous discoveries;
3. He had a proclivity for procrastination that often caused him stress;
4. It seemed the artist had a proclivity for using vibrant colors in her work;
5. The politician's proclivity for speaking out of turn made him unpopular amongst his peers;
6. Her proclivity for organization made her the perfect candidate for the job;
7. The athlete's proclivity for hard work paid off in the end;
8. The writer's proclivity for using descriptive language brought his stories to life;
9. His proclivity for taking risks sometimes led to disastrous consequences;
10. The musician's proclivity for experimenting with different genres resulted in a unique sound.

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