Prodromal example sentences

Related (9): warning, early, preliminary, initial, indicative, preceding, preemptive, impending, premonitory

"Prodromal" Example Sentences

1. The prodromal phase of schizophrenia is characterized by gradual onset of symptoms.
2. The prodromal symptoms of a migraine headache can include vision changes, neck stiffness, and food cravings.
3. The prodromal stage of Alzheimer's disease can last for several years before more serious symptoms appear.
4. His prodromal symptoms suggested that he might be coming down with the flu.
5. The prodromal period of a viral illness can include fever, headache, and muscle aches.
6. The prodromal stage of Parkinson's disease is marked by tremors and other motor symptoms.
7. Prodromal psychosis can be a precursor to more serious mental illness.
8. Her prodromal symptoms were consistent with a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis.
9. The prodromal symptoms of a heart attack can include chest pain, shortness of breath, and nausea.
10. Early intervention during the prodromal phase of psychosis can lead to better outcomes.
11. The prodromal signs of a stroke can include weakness, numbness, and difficulty speaking.
12. During the prodromal stage of a viral infection, it is important to rest and drink plenty of fluids.
13. Prodromal labor can last for several days before true labor begins.
14. The prodromal phase of an autoimmune disease can be difficult to diagnose and treat.
15. The prodromal symptoms of meningitis can include fever, headache, and stiff neck.
16. His prodromal symptoms suggested that he might be developing an allergic reaction.
17. The prodromal stage of an acute illness can be marked by fatigue and malaise.
18. The prodromal phase of a mental health crisis can include increased anxiety and agitation.
19. Prodromal hepatitis can present with flu-like symptoms and jaundice.
20. The prodromal symptoms of a seizure can include confusion, dizziness, and visual disturbances.
21. During the prodromal period of a tropical disease, it is important to take preventive measures like using insect repellent.
22. Prodromal symptoms of a relapse in addiction can be triggers for seeking assistance.
23. The prodromal phase of a sleep disorder can affect overall quality of life and lead to other health issues.
24. Early detection and intervention during the prodromal stage of breast cancer can improve survival rates.
25. Prodromal symptoms of a panic attack can include sweating, palpitations, and shaking.
26. The prodromal stage of rheumatoid arthritis can present with joint pain and stiffness.
27. Prodromal symptoms of a food allergy can include itching, hives, and gastrointestinal distress.
28. The prodromal phase of a viral outbreak can be characterized by widespread fever and malaise.
29. During the prodromal period of a tropical infection, it is important to watch for signs of dehydration.
30. Prodromal symptoms of a drug overdose can include slowed breathing and loss of consciousness.

Common Phases

1. Prodromal phase can be marked by early warning signs; such as fatigue, slight fever, and headache.
2. The prodromal stage often lasts for a few days; during which the individual may have mild symptoms.
3. In the prodromal period of a disease; the virus or bacteria begins to multiply in the body.
4. The prodromal stage is typically the initial phase of an illness; which is followed by more severe symptoms.
5. During the prodromal phase of schizophrenia; individuals may experience changes in their behavior or thought patterns.

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