Progenitor example sentences

Related (7): ancestor, forefather, precursor, prototype, originator, parent, progenitor

"Progenitor" Example Sentences

1. Scientists believe the first single-celled organism was the progenitor of all life on Earth.
2. The ancient spear was seen as the progenitor of all later spear forms.
3. Darwin's finches are believed to have a common progenitor species.
4. Mount St. Helens is a progenitor volcano, still geologically active.
5. The Roman pantheon of gods was the progenitor of Greek and later European mythology.
6. The Wright brothers are often considered the progenitors of modern aviation.
7. The ancient Greek texts are considered the progenitors of Western literature.
8. Typewriters are seen as progenitors of modern keyboard technologies.
9. The wheel is believed to have been one of the most important progenitors of human civilization.
10. The Brontë sisters are widely considered the progenitors of modern fiction.
11. The violin is a direct progenitor of the more modern violin family of instruments.
12. The printing press is seen as a key progenitor of the spread of knowledge and ideas.
13. The first humanoids are believed to be the progenitors of modern humans.
14. The Sumerian culture is considered a progenitor of later Mesopotamian civilizations.
15. The first hand ax is seen as a progenitor of all later tools and weapons made of stone.
16. Early hominids are considered possible progenitors of the genus Homo.
17. The gramophone is viewed as a progenitor of later sound recording and playback technologies.
18. The earliest religious texts are believed to be the progenitors of all later sacred texts.
19. The theories of Marx are often viewed as the progenitors of modern socialist and communist thought.
20. The first rudimentary boats are seen as the progenitors of modern transport vessels.
21. Early philosophers are believed to be the progenitors of later philosophical theories and traditions.
22. Elemental iron and bronze tools are considered the progenitors of the Iron Age.
23. The first currency is seen as a progenitor of modern money and economic systems.
24. Early stringed instruments are believed to be the progenitors of the violin family and later guitars.
25. Early humans are considered the likely progenitors of modern Homo sapiens.
26. Early rocketry pioneers are seen as the progenitors of the modern space program.
27. The earliest forms of agriculture are believed to be the progenitors of modern farming practices.
28. The steam engine is viewed as a key progenitor of the Industrial Revolution.
29. Neanderthals are considered possible progenitors of modern humans.
30. Early transportation innovations are seen as progenitors of the modern transportation grid.
31. Early mapmaking is seen as a progenitor of modern cartography and geography.
32. The rudimentary wheel is considered a progenitor of modern transport technologies.
33. Early theories of astronomy are believed to be progenitors of modern astrophysics.
34. Cave paintings are considered possible progenitors of modern visual art forms.
35. Early democracies are seen as progenitors of the modern democratic system of governance.
36. The earliest hominid tools are considered progenitors of modern technology.
37. The first telegraph is considered a progenitor of modern communication technologies.
38. Early mathematical theories are considered progenitors of modern mathematics.
39. Primitive musical instruments are believed to be the progenitors of the modern orchestra.
40. Early forms of writing are believed to be the progenitors of modern written languages.
41. Early firearms are viewed as progenitors of modern guns and weaponry.
42. Early forms of theatre are considered progenitors of modern drama, plays and movies.
43. The first religious texts are believed to be the progenitors of later sacred scriptures.
44. The first attempts at flight are viewed as progenitors of modern aircraft.
45. The first racial classifications are seen as progenitors of modern racism.
46. Early arch forms are considered progenitors of modern architectural structures.
47. The compass is regarded as a progenitor of modern navigation technologies.
48. Early surgical techniques are considered progenitors of modern medicine.
49. Primitive bacterial cells are believed to be the progenitors of more complex eukaryotic cells.
50. The first stone tools are considered the progenitors of all later toolmaking technologies.
51. Early attempts at social organization are considered progenitors of modern society.
52. The first sailing vessels are viewed as progenitors of modern ships and navies.
53. The earliest clocks are seen as the progenitors of modern timekeeping technologies.
54. Early dogs are believed to have been the progenitors of modern canine breeds.
55. Cave dwellings are considered progenitors of modern housing structures.
56. Simple irrigation techniques are viewed as progenitors of modern irrigation systems.
57. The first musicians are believed to be the progenitors of modern composers and musicians.
58. Early metalworking techniques are seen as progenitors of modern metallurgy.
59. The simple arch is considered a progenitor of modern arch and vault structures.
60. Early firearms are believed to be progenitors of the modern weapons industry.

Common Phases

1. The central cell divides to form the progenitor cells that will become the various tissues and organs.
2. Mitosis of the progenitor cells gives rise to the different cell types that make up the organism.
3. The stem cells and progenitor cells are the origin of all the differentiated cells in the body.
4. The first single-celled organism is believed to be the progenitor of all life on Earth.
5. Homo sapiens has multiple speculated progenitors such as Homo erectus.
6. Australopithecus is thought to be an immediate progenitor of humans.
7. Scientists are working to create artificial progenitor cells for building human organs.
8. The red blood cell progenitor cells undergo cell division and differentiate into red blood cells.
9. Dopaminergic neurons arise from progenitor cells in the midbrain.
10. T cells originate from hematopoietic progenitor cells in the bone marrow.
11. A common ancestor is a progenitor species from which two or more descendants evolved.
12. Archaea and bacteria are believed to share a common progenitor.
13. LUCA is the hypothesized last universal common ancestor of all life on Earth.
14. Progenitor cells give rise to the different cell types that populate organ systems.
15. Neuron progenitor cells differentiate into the different types of neurons in the nervous system.
16. Mitotic division of progenitor cells produces two daughter progenitor cells.
17. The cells that first give rise to an organ are the organ's progenitor cells.
18. The progenitor of the first single-celled organisms remains a mystery.
19. Mutations accumulate in progenitor species, resulting in subsequent species.
20. The detected progenitor cell population could replenish cardiomyocytes after a myocardial infarction.
21. Researchers isolated hematopoietic progenitor cells from human umbilical cord blood.
22. Epithelial progenitor cells renew and repair tissues such as skin and gut lining.
23. B lymphocytes arise from lymphoid progenitor cells in the bone marrow.
24. Cardiac progenitor cells differentiate into the cell types that make up heart muscle.
25. Ancestor and progenitor can both describe one that has descended or originated from another.
26. The common ancestor exhibited traits inherited by its progeny.
27. LUCA itself evolved from a previous yet unknown progenitor.
28. Archaea appear to be the progenitor of eukaryotic cell machinery.
29. Viral genes have inserted themselves into their eukaryotic progenitors' genomes over time.
30. Through meiosis and mitosis, progenitor cells create daughter cells with varied genetic combinations.
31. Researchers harvest hematopoietic progenitor cells from bone marrow for transplants.
32. Mesenchymal progenitor cells differentiate into connective tissues like bone, cartilage and fat.
33. Mutations accumulated in the progenitor populations at different times.
34. There are believed to be multiple progenitor species that eventually evolved into humans.
35. Hair follicles arise from neural crest-derived epithelial progenitor cells.
36. The primordial germ cells in early embryos are progenitor cells for sperm and eggs.
37. All cells in multicellular organisms ultimately derive from somatic stem cells and progenitor cells.
38. The primordial bacterial cell is hypothesized to be the universal common progenitor of life on Earth.
39. The earliest ancestors were the progenitors of modern-day humans.
40. We all share a common progenitor in the form of LUCA.
41. Mitochondria likely originated as an internal bacterium that infected a primitive eukaryotic progenitor cell.
42. The stem/progenitor cells generate the differentiated cells that have specific functions.
43. Neural crest cells give rise to numerous progeny cell types including neurons and glia of the peripheral nervous system.
44. Neuronal and glial progenitor cells generate the massive numbers of neurons and glia in the developing brain.
45. Haploid progenitor cells fuse during fertilization to form a diploid zygote.
46. Hematopoietic stem cells give rise to all kinds of blood cell progenitor cells.
47. Ancestors are the progenitors of successive generations.
48. Epithelial progenitor cells reside in the basal layer of stratified epithelia.
49. Progenitor cells become more specialized as they differentiate into mature cell types.
50. Scientists suspect that a viral progenitor could be at the origin of eukaryotic cells.
51. Researchers search for the progenitor cells that regenerate cell populations after injury or aging.
52. At the early stages of development, embryonic cells are highly multipotent progenitor cells.
53. Descendants inherit traits from their progenitors.
54. All human cells derive ultimately from the zygote, the immediate progenitor of the embryo.
55. Mesenchymal stem cells give rise to numerous types of progenitor cells.
56. Eukaryotes likely arose from a merger of archaeal and bacterial progenitor cells.
57. The primordial soup contained molecules that acted as progenitors for life.
58. A common progenitor species diverged to form two or more descendant species.
59. Primitive cell types evolved into the progenitor cells of today's complex multicellular organisms.
60. Ancestors and descendants share a progenitor-descendent relationship.

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