Pronunciamentospanish example sentences

Related (13): declaration, announcement, proclamation, manifesto, statement, edict, mandate, dictum, diktat, order, command, decree, ukase.

"Pronunciamentospanish" Example Sentences

1. The general's pronunciamento in Spanish was heard loud and clear throughout the city.
2. The newspaper published the entire text of the pronunciamento in Spanish the following day.
3. The citizens were left confused by the pronunciamento in Spanish, as many did not understand the language.
4. The rebels issued a pronunciamento in Spanish, declaring their opposition to the government.
5. The pronunciamento in Spanish sparked heated debates among the political elite.
6. The dictator's pronunciamento in Spanish threatened severe repercussions for those who opposed his regime.
7. The opposition party quickly denounced the pronunciamento in Spanish as a blatant attack on democracy.
8. The military leader's pronunciamento in Spanish was seen as a power grab by many observers.
9. The residents of the small town were shocked by the pronunciamento in Spanish that was broadcast over the loudspeakers.
10. The president's pronunciamento in Spanish promised bold reforms to revitalize the economy.
11. The rebels used the pronunciamento in Spanish to rally support for their cause.
12. The general's pronunciamento in Spanish was met with widespread protests across the country.
13. The government dismissed the pronunciamento in Spanish as the ramblings of a madman.
14. The opposition leader called for calm in the wake of the pronunciamento in Spanish.
15. The pronunciamento in Spanish was quickly translated into other languages for the benefit of foreign audiences.
16. The military junta issued a pronunciamento in Spanish, declaring martial law.
17. The rebels' pronunciamento in Spanish drew international attention to their struggle.
18. The political crisis deepened with the release of the pronunciamento in Spanish.
19. The dictator's pronunciamento in Spanish was denounced by the United Nations as a violation of human rights.
20. The president's pronunciamento in Spanish was praised by some as a bold and visionary move.
21. The rebels' pronunciamento in Spanish called for an end to corruption and oppression.
22. The pronunciamento in Spanish sparked a wave of emigration from the country.
23. The general's pronunciamento in Spanish was met with cheers from his supporters.
24. The pronunciamento in Spanish was seen as a direct challenge to the authority of the ruling party.
25. The rebels' pronunciamento in Spanish promised greater freedoms and rights for all citizens.
26. The government's response to the pronunciamento in Spanish was swift and uncompromising.
27. The president's pronunciamento in Spanish outlined a bold vision for the country's future.
28. The pronunciamento in Spanish drew the attention of the world's media to the crisis.
29. The rebels' pronunciamento in Spanish was widely circulated on social media.
30. The general's pronunciamento in Spanish was viewed by some as an attempt to shore up his own power.
31. The pronunciamento in Spanish was characterized by many as a blatant power grab by the military.
32. The rebels' pronunciamento in Spanish was seen as a cry for help from a desperate people.
33. The president's pronunciamento in Spanish was hailed as a masterstroke by his supporters.
34. The pronunciamento in Spanish was met with widespread disbelief and incredulity.
35. The rebels' pronunciamento in Spanish was a defiant challenge to the government's authority.
36. The general's pronunciamento in Spanish was condemned by the opposition as a threat to democracy.
37. The pronunciamento in Spanish highlighted the deep divisions within the country's political class.
38. The rebels' pronunciamento in Spanish was a call to arms for all those who opposed the government.
39. The dictator's pronunciamento in Spanish was viewed by the international community as a threat to peace and stability.
40. The pronunciamento in Spanish was seen by many as a turning point in the country's history.

Common Phases

1) "En mi pronunciamiento, quiero expresar mi apoyo a la lucha por la justicia social"; 2) "El pronunciamento oficial del gobierno anunciará las nuevas medidas económicas"; 3) "Voy a hacer un pronunciamento público para denunciar las violaciones de derechos humanos en mi país"; 4) "El líder de la oposición lanzó su pronunciamento rechazando la política exterior del gobierno"; 5) "El pronunciamento del juez confirmó la sentencia condenatoria al sospechoso".

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