Propoundaltered example sentences

Related (10): propound, adjust, modify, revamp, reform, amend, transform, change, revise, alter

"Propoundaltered" Example Sentences

1. The propoundaltered theory suggests that gravity is not a fundamental force.
2. She propoundaltered her thesis topic to focus on the socio-economic impact of globalization.
3. The company's propoundaltered strategy led to a significant increase in profits.
4. His propoundaltered opinion on climate change was met with mixed reactions from the scientific community.
5. The propoundaltered legislation was designed to provide more rights to workers.
6. She propoundaltered her argument to consider the opposing viewpoint.
7. The propoundaltered curriculum included more hands-on activities and less lecture time.
8. His propoundaltered proposal for the project was well-received by the committee.
9. The propoundaltered design of the building allowed for more natural light to enter the space.
10. She propoundaltered the marketing plan to target a younger demographic.
11. The propoundaltered recipe called for less salt and more herbs.
12. His propoundaltered workout routine helped him lose weight and gain muscle.
13. The propoundaltered budget allowed for more funding for education and health services.
14. She propoundaltered the seating arrangement for the event to promote better communication.
15. The propoundaltered approach to customer service resulted in higher satisfaction ratings.
16. His propoundaltered interpretation of the data led to a breakthrough discovery.
17. The propoundaltered schedule allowed for more time to complete the project.
18. She propoundaltered the dress code policy to allow for more casual attire.
19. The propoundaltered format of the meeting allowed for more group discussion.
20. His propoundaltered presentation style captivated the audience.
21. The propoundaltered pricing strategy led to more sales.
22. She propoundaltered her travel plans to include more destinations.
23. The propoundaltered security measures prevented unauthorized access to the building.
24. His propoundaltered perspective on the issue sparked a lively debate.
25. The propoundaltered employee benefits package was more attractive to potential hires.
26. She propoundaltered the wording of the contract to ensure clarity and fairness.
27. The propoundaltered transportation system improved efficiency and reduced traffic.
28. His propoundaltered negotiation strategy resulted in a successful deal.
29. The propoundaltered packaging design made the product more appealing to consumers.
30. She propoundaltered her speaking style to better engage her audience.
31. The propoundaltered organizational structure led to better communication and coordination.
32. His propoundaltered dietary changes led to improved health outcomes.
33. The propoundaltered vacation policy allowed for more flexibility and work-life balance.
34. She propoundaltered the volunteer program to better meet the needs of the community.
35. The propoundaltered enforcement measures reduced crime rates in the area.
36. His propoundaltered creative process resulted in a more innovative product.
37. The propoundaltered parenting style led to more independent and confident children.
38. She propoundaltered the fundraising strategy to increase donations from individual donors.
39. The propoundaltered zoning laws encouraged more sustainable development practices.
40. His propoundaltered time management techniques helped him be more productive.

Common Phases

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