Provender example sentences
Related (5): feed, fodder, nourishment, sustenance, provisions
provender (noun)
- food:
- animal fodder:
food, fare, cooking, cuisine, sustenance, nutriment, nourishment, nutrition, bread, foodstuffs, refreshments, eatables, edibles, provisions, rations, stores, staples, eats, grub, nosh, chow, scoff, tuck, nibbles, chuck, viands, commons, meat, comestibles, aliment, commissariat, pabulum, viaticum, fodder, feed, food, foodstuff, herbage, pasturage, silage, hay, straw, comestibles, Legal"Provender" Example Sentences
1. The horses ate their provender while tucked away in their stable stalls.
2. The mongrels fought each other for the leftover provender tossed out behind the restaurant.
3. The weary travelers gladly ate the provender offered to them by the villagers.
4. The farmer would provide his livestock with hearty provender every morning and night.
5. Provender and hay filled the animal's feeding troughs.
6. The buffalo herd had left no provender uneaten in their path.
7. My faithful steed has earned some extra provender for his troubles.
8. The traveler's meager provender had run out days ago.
9. The pigs grew fat eating their ample provender of scraps and feed.
10. Dogs of all kinds came to partake of the generous provender laid out for them daily.
11. The mercenaries complained about the meagerness of their provender.
12. The hungry donkey cried out for more provender from his master.
13. Give the oxen sufficient provender to grow strong and provide labor.
14. All night the horse consumed his plentiful provender and fresh hay.
15. The stable hand ensured that the animals' provender was of the highest quality.
16. The donkey brayed loudly for more of his customary provender.
17. The stable boy brought provender and fresh water twice daily for the horses in his care.
18. The animals revelled in their generous provender after a long, cold winter.
19. The farmer's livestock relied on him to provide adequate provender throughout the year.
20. The chickens clucked happily as they pecked at their bountiful provender scattered in the dirt.
21. The cow lowed pitifully, hoping for more of the sweet provender so pleasing to her delicate palate.
22. The farmer allotted a generous portion of provender for each of his hard-working beasts.
23. The horses ate their fill of fresh provender before heading out for a ride.
24. The farmer's bounty of provender ensured the good health of his livestock.
25. The spoiled stable cat demanded only the choicest cuts of provender.
26. Our jousting horses have earned hearty provender for their efforts.
27. The fledgling bird cried out hungrily for more provender from its mother.
28. After a long journey, the weary travelers eagerly devoured their meager provender.
29. The stablemaster carefully apportioned out the provender among the many animals in his care.
30. The donkey stubbornly refused the moldy provender offered to him.
31. The poor creature lived on only the scraps of leftover provender.
32. The stable hands refilled the animals' troughs with fresh provender and water every morning.
33. Their diminishing provender forced the starving travelers to finish the last of their provisions.
34. The noble hunters boasted of the fine provender provided by their noble host.
35. The pigs oinked greedily at the sight of fresh provender scattered before them.
36. The horse had grown thin from lack of sufficient quality provender.
37. The farmer's diligence ensured that his livestock never went without ample provender.
38. The stable boy carefully rationed out the animals' daily provender.
39. Exhausted and famished, the weary travelers gladly partook of the simple provender offered by the kind villagers.
40. The unfortunate creature was forced to live on whatever scraps of leftover provender it could find.
41. The stablehands refilled the animal's stalls with fresh provender and clean straw daily.
42. The hungry cattle lowed for more of their customary hearty provender.
43. The saintly friar shared his meager provender with those more destitute than himself.
44. Overflowing troughs of hearty fresh provender showed the farmer's care for his beasts.
45. Traveling peddlers fought over the meager provender left behind by departed soldiers.
46. The lack of fresh provender left the stable's occupants thin and lethargic.
47. The spoiled stable cat refused all provender not served on silver china.
48. The chickens eagerly scratched and pecked at the bounty of fresh provender scattered before them.
49. The horse's intimate knowledge of his stablemaster's provision of generous provender brought him comfort.
50. The stable boy offered the ailing stable cat only the choicest cuts of provender to tempt her appetite.
51. Their once-ample provender had dwindled down to almost nothing in the cold Winter months.
52. The farmer's devotion ensured that no shortage of high-quality provender would ever afflict his beasts.
53. The spoiled stable cat demanded only the finest delicacies as provender.
54. The destitute creature scavenged for whatever scraps of leftover provender it could find.
55. Fresh provender and clean stalls greeted the stable's occupants each morning.
56. The hungry sheep bleated for more of their customary hearty provender.
57. Even the choicest provender could not rouse the ailing creature's appetite.
58. The creatures reveled in the generous provender lovingly provided by their caretaker.
59. The weary travelers' meager provender had run out days ago.
60. The farmer made sure that his hard-working beasts were allotted a generous portion of fresh provender each day.
Common Phases
• ample/bountiful provender: Having an abundant amount of food available
• fresh provender: Food that has recently been prepared or gathered
• generous provender: An abundant amount of food provided
• hearty provender: Nourishing and substantial food
• meager provender: A barely sufficient amount of food
• moldy provender: Food that has gone bad due to the growth of mold
• plentiful provender: An ample amount of food available
• remain(ing) provender: The food that is left over
• sufficient provender: An adequate amount of food
• The(ir) provender had run out: They no longer had any food left
• once-ample provender: Food that was once abundant but has dwindled
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