Puerile example sentences

Related (7): immature, childish, infantile, naive, foolish, silly, trivial

"Puerile" Example Sentences

1. Her puerile jokes made the rest of us cringe.
2. The company quickly discovered that his puerile behavior was making clients uncomfortable.
3. His puerile obsession with video games was getting embarrassing.
4. The author denounced the movie's puerile plot and lack of character development.
5. She criticized his puerile attempts at humor.
6. The editorial cartoon employed puerile tactics in an attempt to be funny.
7. His shrill, puerile whining was grating on everyone's nerves.
8. The immature, puerile antagonist in the story was meant to come across as ridiculous.
9. The complainer's puerile grievances warranted no serious consideration.
10. The senator denounced the congressman's puerile political attacks.
11. We ignored his puerile taunts and insults.
12. His facile, puerile attempts at philosophy revealed an immature mind.
13. His puerile excitement over small triumphs belied his age.
14. The blog post contained nothing but puerile conspiracy theories.
15. His puerile obsession with popularity left others shaking their heads.
16. His puerile online comments got him banned from the forum.
17. The crude, puerile joke fell flat.
18. Her puerile behavior made her seem much younger than her age.
19. The blogger issued a series of puerile insults rather than substantive criticisms.
20. His puerile sense of humor appealed only to children.
21. His puerile opinion betrayed a lack of serious thought.
22. Their puerile pranks began to worry school administrators.
23. Her repertoire of juvenile, puerile jokes was sad and pathetic.
24. The puerile television program was clearly aimed at very young children.
25. His puerile mindset prevented him from viewing things with maturity.
26. The correspondence was filled with puerile typos and grammatical errors.
27. Her puerile worldview ignored complexity and nuance.
28. The co-worker's puerile gossiping was unprofessional and inappropriate.
29. His puerile desire for immediate gratification prevented long-term planning.
30. The characterizations in the video game struck many as puerile and simplistic.
31. Her puerile excuse did not mitigate her lack of professionalism.
32. The puerile penmanship revealed a lack of discipline.
33. His puerile behavior and immature attitude ultimately cost him the job.
34. The blogger's puerile political arguments relied on misinformation and fallacies.
35. She lambasted his puerile need for constant praise and attention.
36. The rash, puerile decision resulted in serious consequences.
37. The blogger's puerile obsessions revealed a stunted personality.
38. His puerile lack of decorum was an embarrassment.
39. The blogger's puerile slander lacked subtlety and grace.
40. The reviewer denounced the movie's sophomoric, puerile content.
41. His puerile efforts at poetry revealed a lack of sophistication.
42. His shrill, puerile tone served only to alienate and annoy readers.
43. His puerile attempts at profanity failed due to lack of creativity.
44. The blogger's puerile tirade lacked cogency or tact.
45. His puerile claims betrayed both ignorance and arrogance.
46. The book's puerile plot and characters were clearly aimed at young teenagers.
47. His puerile threats should not be taken seriously.
48. The book's puerile humor appealed only to adolescents.
49. His puerile fixation on obscure trivia revealed a stunted mind.
50. The politician's puerile attacks revealed his lack of substantive arguments.
51. Her puerile fixation with popularity masked deeper insecurities.
52. The blogger's puerile name calling further undermined his already weak position.
53. His puerile attempts at profanity simply made him seem immature.
54. The puerile YouTube comment section demonstrated the lack of serious discourse online.
55. Her puerile excuse did little to mitigate her lack of professionalism.
56. His shrill, puerile tone only served to annoy and alienate readers.
57. The book's puerile protagonist clearly represented an immature worldview.
58. His bald, puerile assertions betrayed both arrogance and ignorance.
59. Her puerile daydreams revealed an immature perspective on life.
60. His puerile exercise of power demonstrated a lack of maturity and perspective.

Common Phases

1. His puerile jokes annoyed everyone at the party.
2. She dismissed his attempt at flirting with a puerile eye roll.
3. The puerile arguments put forth in that paper did not merit a serious response.
4. The constant practical jokes and pranks seemed rather puerile for university students.
5. His puerile obsession with fame and wealth was disappointing.
6. The political discourse has become so immature and puerile lately.
7. The editorial argued that the name-calling and insults were puerile and unworthy of politicians.
8. Her puerile insults merely amused him.
9. The puerile clamor for vengeance would only lead to more suffering.
10. Their puerile attempts to antagonize each other were tiresome.
11. The petty envy and feuds seemed quite puerile among colleagues of their age and experience.
12. His puerile infatuation with the pop star was embarrassing.
13. The girl's response to rejection seemed overly puerile and emotional.
14. Her puerile explanations for her behavior only made things worse.
15. The puerile assumptions underlying that argument were mistaken.
16. His face reddened at her accurate but puerile description of him.
17. The reviewer criticized the novel for its puerile plot and characterization.
18. The puerile nature of their arguments left the moderator exasperated.
19. His puerile dependence on excuses and rationalizations was frustrating.
20. The group's puerile pleasure in shocking others grew tiresome.
21. The puerile scrawlings on the bathroom walls were a bad reflection on the school.
22. His puerile complaints only irritated the judge further.
23. The puerile attempt at blackmail backfired spectacularly.
24. Her puerile view of politics ignored the complexities of the issues.
25.The threats were seen as puerile attempts at intimidation.
26. His puerile contempt for authority prevented any real progress.
27. The editor criticized the book's puerile characterization of women.
28. Her puerile infatuation with fame was ill-founded.
29. The columnist dismissed the politician's puerile name-calling.
30. The manager criticized the team's puerile locker room antics.
31. His puerile sense of humor made him a poor host.
32.The society matron dismissed the young man with puerile disdain.
33. The puerile nature of his revenge schemes disgusted everyone.
34. The puerile pranks culminated in real trouble for the boys.
35. His puerile understanding of the issue led to many mistakes.
36. They mocked his puerile attempt to be taken seriously.
37. Her puerile explanation failed to satisfy the judge.
38. The puerile contest devolved into childish name-calling.
39. Their puerile rivalry led to escalating pranks and stunts.
40.The puerile obsession with fame was distasteful.
41. The puerile attempt to slander his colleague backfired badly.
42. The judge criticized the defense's puerile arguments.
43. Her naive, puerile view of politics ignored history and complexity.
44. His puerile attempts at attention-seeking grew tiresome.
45. The puerile gossip about their colleagues disgusted them.
46. The puerile attempt at humor fell flat.
47. Their puerile disagreement escalated into a feud.
48. His contempt for authority had a puerile streak.
49. Her puerile antics embarrassed everyone associated with her.
50. His puerile attempts to rationalize his behavior only made him seem more foolish.
51. The puerile obsession with video games wasted too much time.
52. The puerile attempt to blame others was unconvincing.
53. The campaign devolved into puerile name-calling.
54. Her puerile attempts to irritate him merely amused him.
55. The puerile obsession with masculinity was wearing thin.
56. The puerile theories betrayed a lack of real knowledge.
57. The puerile desire for attention outweighed any concern for dignity.
58. Their puerile arguments wasted everyone's time.
59. Her puerile misbehavior reflected badly on the entire team.
60. His puerile attitude prevented any real insight into the issue.

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