Purports example sentences

Related (17): claims, alleges, asserts, maintains, suggests, implies, proposes, stipulates, avows, posits, states, affirms, contends, declares, professes, expounds, presents

"Purports" Example Sentences

1. The article purports to provide a detailed analysis of the current market conditions.
2. The email purports to be from a reputable source, but it turned out to be a scam.
3. The new book purports to offer a fresh perspective on the topic of leadership.
4. The company's website purports to offer the best prices on the market, but that's not always the case.
5. The study purports to show that drinking coffee every day can help improve cognitive function.
6. The report purports to be an unbiased evaluation of the proposed policy changes.
7. The video footage purports to capture a ghostly figure walking down the hallway.
8. The website purports to offer free downloads, but you'll need to enter your credit card information to access them.
9. The book purports to reveal the secrets of success, but it lacks practical advice.
10. The article purports that exercising regularly is key to staying healthy.
11. The research paper purports to have discovered a new cure for cancer.
12. The documentary purports to provide an inside look at the lives of celebrities.
13. The article purports that the internet has changed the way we communicate with each other.
14. The report purports to show that global warming is not a real threat.
15. The book purports to teach readers how to meditate for better mental health.
16. The advertisement purports that their product is the best on the market, but there's no evidence to support that claim.
17. The article purports that eating a plant-based diet can help prevent heart disease.
18. The study purports to show that using social media has negative effects on mental health.
19. The report purports to reveal the truth about the company's financial situation, but it's unclear who wrote it.
20. The news article purports that the new law will have a significant impact on the economy.
21. The video purports to show a real-life superhero stopping a crime in progress.
22. The report purports that the company has made significant progress in reducing its environmental impact.
23. The article purports that the rise of automation will lead to widespread unemployment.
24. The study purports to prove that early childhood education is crucial for future success.
25. The book purports to offer a step-by-step guide to starting a successful business.
26. The website purports to offer valuable financial advice, but most of it is common sense.
27. The article purports to provide an objective analysis of the current political climate.
28. The report purports to explain why some people are more successful than others.
29. The advertisement purports that their product is the most advanced technology available, but it's just a marketing ploy.
30. The movie purports to tell the true story of a famous historical figure, but it takes many creative liberties.

Common Phases

1. The article purports to provide a solution to the ongoing crisis;
2. The book purports to reveal the hidden truth behind the government's actions;
3. The study purports to prove the effectiveness of the new medication;
4. The report purports to expose the corruption within the company;
5. The website purports to offer authentic information about the historical event.

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