Qualitative example sentences

Related (9): research, analysis, description, evaluation, assessment, observation, interpretation, methodology, approach

"Qualitative" Example Sentences

1. The researchers conducted a qualitative study to gain a deeper understanding of the participants' experiences.
2. The ethnographic research involved qualitative methods such as participant observation and open-ended interviews.
3. The survey results provided quantitative data, but we also needed some qualitative feedback to understand people's opinions in more depth.
4. The study combined quantitative survey data with qualitative interview responses to provide a more nuanced view of the issue.
5. The researcher analyzed the interview transcripts using qualitative coding methods to identify common themes.
6. The results indicated that traditional examinations provide only a quantitative assessment of students' knowledge, but fail to measure qualitative aspects like critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
7. The focus groups provided valuable qualitative insights that complemented the quantitative survey data.
8. The researchers took a mixed methods approach, using both quantitative measures and qualitative interviews.
9. The doctor paid more attention to the patient's quantitative vital signs rather than conducting a more qualitative assessment of her mental and emotional state.
10. Instead of just looking at the quantitative sales figures, management needed to conduct some qualitative interviews to understand why sales were declining.
11. The research study utilized qualitative methods, prioritizing depth of insight over breadth of data.
12. Qualitative assessment tools like rubrics and checklists can complement quantitative test scores.
13. The literature review focused more on qualitative research articles that provided rich descriptions and theories.
14. The researchers triangulated their results by comparing quantitative survey findings with qualitative interview themes.
15. The experimental study generated quantitative data, but the researchers argued that qualitative approaches were also needed to understand the human experience more fully.
16. The health survey included both quantitative metrics like BMI and blood pressure as well as more qualitative questions about diet and lifestyle.
17. The effectiveness of the program was assessed using both quantitative measures like attendance rates and test scores as well as qualitative feedback from students and teachers.
18. The professor valued qualitative forms of assessment such as essays, presentations, and projects in addition to traditional tests and exams.
19. The supervisor wanted more than just quantitative data on productivity; she also requested some qualitative observations about employee morale and satisfaction.
20. The study combined both quantitative and qualitative methods to provide a more holistic and robust analysis of the issue.
21. The essay questions on the test required students to demonstrate a qualitative understanding of the conceptual material.
22. The results were overwhelmingly qualitative rather than based on quantified metrics.
23. Quantitative results without qualitative context are incomplete and potentially misleading.
24. The robust data set included both quantitative metrics and qualitative narrative examples from participants.
25. The journal article reported mostly qualitative findings from interviews and observations rather than statistical data from surveys.
26. The medical professional conducted both quantitative screening tests as well as more qualitative assessments based on patient reports and observational notes.
27. The report offered quantitative recommendations but lacked qualitative justification for how and why the proposed changes would be effective.
28. Qualitative methods can complement quantitative research by enriching data with nuance, context and detail.
29. The policy makers relied too heavily on quantitative research and needed to consider more qualitative evidence relating to human experiences and social impacts.
30. The company needed both quantitative metrics on growth and profitability as well as qualitative insights into employee and customer satisfaction.
31. The manager valued employees who could see beyond the numbers and offer qualitative insights into how performance could be improved.
32. The field observation provided more qualitative depth compared to the remote survey which primarily yielded quantitative results.
33. The experimental treatment produced statistically significant quantitative results, but the researchers were unsure how to interpret those findings without also considering the qualitative experiences of the participants.
34. They collected quantifiable data about test scores but were lacking important qualitative information about students' attitudes, interests and engagement.
35. The performance review focused more on quantitative metrics like sales figures rather than providing any qualitative feedback on interpersonal skills and work ethic.
36. The deep qualitative insights gained from interviewing participants cannot be replicated through quantitative surveys alone.
37. While statistical data can provide a useful overview, qualitative research is needed to uncover the complex human stories behind the numbers.
38. The essay allowed students to demonstrate a more qualitative understanding compared to the multiple choice questions which primarily tested quantitative knowledge.
39. Qualitative metrics like loyalty, reputation and creativity are just as important as quantitative metrics like revenue and costs.
40. The stock market offers a purely quantitative view of a company's performance that fails to account for important qualitative factors like customer satisfaction and employee engagement.
41. The qualitative metrics used in assessing the proposal - including creativity, feasibility and persuasiveness - were just as important as the quantitative metrics of costs and risks.
42. Effective evaluations typically incorporate both qualitative and quantitative metrics to provide a well-rounded assessment.
43. The expert panel relied on both quantitative data and qualitative judgement in making their recommendations.
44. They measured success using primarily quantitative metrics rather than considering important qualitative factors like customer satisfaction and loyalty.
45. Quantitative metrics should always be interpreted with reference to relevant qualitative details and context.
46. The teacher valued qualitative forms of assessment like group discussions, presentations and projects in addition to traditional tests and quizzes.
47. The research article provided a wealth of quantitative data but lacked deeper qualitative insights that would help contextualize the results.
48. Qualitative assessments typically provide a more holistic view of students' knowledge and abilities compared to solely quantitative measures.
49. The study combined qualitative and quantitative methods to provide a more complete picture of the issue.
50. There are certain human factors that defy quantitative analysis and require qualitative assessment.
51. The qualitative methods used in the study, including open-ended interviews and observations, allowed for a more nuanced and in-depth exploration of participants' attitudes and experiences.
52. The quantitative survey results needed to be complemented by qualitative research to gain a richer understanding of respondents' perspectives.
53. While quantitative measures offer an objective viewpoint, qualitative assessments provide important nuanced judgments based on human interpretation.
54. Qualitative and quantitative approaches each have their strengths and weaknesses, and combining the two can result in a more comprehensive analysis.
55. The report focused almost exclusively on quantitative metrics, failing to consider the many important qualitative factors at play.
56. Qualitative factors like motivation, culture, and morale can have just as much impact as quantitative factors like size, resources, and data.
57. The literature review considered both quantitative empirical studies as well as more qualitative theoretical contributions.
58. The manager valued employees who could think qualitatively and see beyond the numbers, rather than focusing solely on quantitative targets and metrics.
59. Qualitative methods allow researchers to study topics in depth, focusing more on meanings and interpretations than quantitative measurements and amounts.
60. The study adopted a mixed methods approach, combining quantitative survey results with qualitative interview themes to provide a more complete picture of the issue.

Common Phases

1. Qualitative research
2. Qualitative analysis
3. Qualitative data
4. Qualitative assessment
5. Qualitative approach
6. Qualitative methods
7. Qualitative study
8. Qualitative insight
9. Qualitative measures
10. Qualitative findings

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