Quasi example sentences

Related (11): almost, nearly, partially, quasi-, somewhat, pseudo-, apparently, seemingly, purportedly, allegedly, supposedly.

"Quasi" Example Sentences

1. The government set up a quasi-independent commission to investigate the matter.
2. The relationship was more quasi-marital than strictly marital.
3. The organization has quasi-governmental powers.
4. The company operated as a quasi-monopoly in that industry.
5. The quasi-royal family lived lavishly despite their lack of official titles.
6. He held a quasi-political position within the organization.
7. The relationship had a quasi-romantic undertone.
8. The company enjoyed quasi-monopoly status for decades.
9. He had a quasi-religious following among his fans.
10. The professor held a quasi-tenured position at the university.
11. The commission operated with quasi-judicial powers.
12. Her latest film project had a quasi-feminist theme.
13. The social organization had a quasi-hierarchical structure.
14. Their quasi-contractual agreement was never formally documented.
15. The group appointed itself as a quasi-official representative body.
16. The committee operated under quasi-legal authority.
17. The estate had a quasi-feudal atmosphere.
18. The regulatory body acted with quasi-legislative powers.
19. The peacekeeping force had a quasi-military role.
20. The government established a quasi-official trade agency.
21. The group took on a quasi-religious fervor in pursuit of its cause.
22. The quasi-historic film took many liberties with the facts.
23. The corporation enjoyed quasi-legislative powers within its industry.
24. Her quasi-academic paper lacked formal rigor.
25. The regional body held quasi-diplomatic status.
26. Their quasi-scientific theories lacked evidentiary support.
27. The organization operated as a quasi-charity.
28. Their quasi-political platform called for reform.
29. The official held a quasi-ministerial role within the government.
30. The company operated a quasi-legal business in that territory.
31. The group acted with quasi-judicial authority.
32. The magazine had a quasi-intellectual tone.
33. The regime granted itself quasi-legislative powers.
34. The festival had a quasi-pagan atmosphere.
35. The committee exercised quasi-executive authority.
36. Their quasi-artistic creations lacked true aesthetic value.
37. The new legislation granted the agency quasi-sovereign powers.
38. The commission operated with quasi-judicial procedures.
39. He held a quasi-official position within the organization.
40. The platform advocated quasi-anarchist reforms.
41. Their quasi-romantic relationship lacked a formal commitment.
42. The advocates promoted quasi-constitutional reforms.
43. The argument had a quasi-logical structure but lacked actual validity.
44. The group organized itself along quasi-military lines.
45. The quasi-historical drama took great liberties with the facts.
46. The framework provided quasi-legal status for the organization.
47. The proposal contained quasi-Marxist rhetoric.
48. The treaty granted the body quasi-diplomatic privileges.
49. The controversial theory had quasi-scientific foundations.
50. The ambassador held quasi-diplomatic status.
51. The new regime claimed quasi-divine authority.
52. The commission exercised quasi-judicial powers and procedures.
53. The coup granted the military junta quasi-legislative powers.
54. Their quasi-philosophical musings lacked real depth.
55. The school adopted a quasi-military code of discipline.
56. The regime assumed quasi-imperial authority over the region.
57. The organization operated under quasi-legal authority.
58. The new innovation drew on quasi-magical principles.
59. The group adopted quasi-militaristic tactics in pursuit of its goals.
60. The council operated with quasi-executive authority.

Common Phases

1. The quasi-war was a limited naval conflict between France and the United States.
2. He held a quasi-official position in the administration.
3. The band's quasi-political lyrics stirred controversy.
4. The government enacted quasi-socialist policies to aid the poor.
5. She constructed a quasi-academic argument to support her theory.
6. The court upheld the quasi-legislative actions of the agency.
7. The strangely-shaped mountain had a quasi-mythical feel to it.
8. The situation has created a quasi-legal limbo for undocumented immigrants.
9. The quasi-religious cult invaded every aspect of its members' lives.
10. The relationship has a quasi-romantic element without being officially a romance.
11. The team exhibited quasi-military discipline during practice.
12. He maintained quasi-parental authority over his younger siblings.
13. The council acts in a quasi-judicial role in some matters.
14. The holiday retained a quasi-pagan ritual as part of the celebration.
15. She assumed a quasi-royal authority among her friends.
16. The group functions as a quasi-governmental organization in that region.
17.The study adopted a quasi-experimental research design.
18. The country has a quasi-federal system of government.
19. Their group's religious practices have a quasi-spiritual basis.
20. The building has a quasi-permanent status on the university campus.
21. The machine has a quasi-sentient ability to respond to commands.
22. The agreement created a quasi-sovereign status for the territory.
23. The disciplinary rules have quasi-statutory force within the institution.
24. The group operates under a quasi-syndicalist model of governance.
25. They maintain a quasi-symbiotic relationship with that species of animal.
26.The treaty established a quasi-totalitarian regime in the region.
27. The child exhibited quasi-typical behaviors for her age group.
28. The organization has quasi-judicial powers for dispute resolution.
29. The small island nation has a quasi-independent status within the commonwealth.
30. The court decision created a quasi-legal grey area around that issue.
31. The committee acted in a quasi-official capacity in organizing the event.
32. The king held quasi-divine status among his subjects.
33. The castle had a quasi-defensible position atop the hill.
34. The region enjoyed quasi-autonomous status within the empire.
35. The rule has quasi-constitutional status within the organization.
36. He assumed a quasi-parental role after his brother died.
37. The editorial adopted a quasi-objective tone while promoting a biased viewpoint.
38. The school operates under a quasi-democratic model of governance.
39. The machine has a quasi-intelligent ability to solve simple problems.
40. The elderly woman held quasi-matriarchal authority over her extended family.
41. The principality had quasi-sovereign status within the larger kingdom.
42. The machine has a quasi-conscious capability to respond adaptively.
43. The political party operated under quasi-totalitarian principles.
44. The experimental method adopted a quasi-scientific approach.
45. The government acted in quasi-official capacity during the emergency.
46. The de facto leader held quasi-regal authority within the organization.
47. The creature exhibited quasi-supernatural powers of persuasion.
48. They maintained a quasi-romantic but undefined relationship.
49. The country adopted quasi-capitalist economic policies.
50. The court decision established quasi-legal precedent on that issue.
51. The meeting assumed a quasi-ritualistic formality over the years.
52. The troupe exhibited quasi-military precision in their performances.
53. The political kingdom enjoyed quasi-feudal status within the empire.
54. The workers negotiated for quasi-union representation.
55. The decision established quasi-constitutional authority for that principle.
56. The code developed quasi-statutory force within the profession.
57. The company operates under a quasi-syndicalist business model.
58. The institution enjoys quasi-governmental privileges and immunities.
59. The state adopted quasi-socialist policies to aid workers and the poor.
60. The newly discovered life form exhibited quasi-cellular biological processes.

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