Ransack example sentences

Related (9): plunder, rob, loot, pillage, ravage, despoil, gut, strip, seize

"Ransack" Example Sentences

1. The thieves ransacked the house and made off with valuable jewelry and electronics.
2. The soldiers ransacked the village in search of rebel fighters.
3. After the hurricane, looters ransacked the abandoned shops.
4. The ransacked room showed evidence of a frantic search for valuables.
5. The invading troops systematically ransacked every home in the capital city.
6. Reporters ransacked through the celebrity's trash to find incriminating evidence.
7. The bandits ransacked every coach and wagon on the road.
8. The police believed the ransacked apartment was the work of a disgruntled ex-employee.
9. With a vengeance, the soldiers ransacked the village suspected of aiding the rebels.
10. The invading army ransacked the enemy's treasury and storehouses.
11. After the siege, the victorious army ransacked the city for valuables.
12. The investigators carefully surveyed the ransacked crime scene.
13. The rioters ransacked shops and set fires as they moved through the city streets.
14. Burglars ransacked the house and stole electronics, cash, and jewelry.
15. The treasure hunters ransacked the ancient temple in search of gold and artifacts.
16. The room had been thoroughly ransacked, with drawers pulled out and contents strewn about.
17. The pillagers ransacked every room, emptying cabinets and overturning furniture.
18. The library had been ransacked, with books pulled from shelves and pages torn out.
19. The riot police arrived to find shops being ransacked and looting in progress.
20. The paparazzi ransacked the trash cans outside the celebrity's home.
21. The bandits ransacked the coach, robbing the passengers of all their valuables.
22. Vandals ransacked the church, smashing windows and spray painting walls.
23. Burglars ransacked the home while the owners were on vacation.
24. The office had clearly been ransacked, with files removed and drawers emptied.
25. Looters ransacked stores left unattended after the evacuation order.
26. Imperial troops ransacked Cairo during their invasion of Egypt.
27. Invading soldiers ransacked villages, stealing everything of value.
28. The boarding party ransacked the ship in search of cargo and treasure.
29. Rioters ransacked shops, overturning shelves and breaking display cases.
30. The archaeologists carefully surveyed the ransacked tomb for any remaining artifacts.
31. Frat boys ransacked the empty sorority house as part of an initiation ritual.
32. The ransacked warehouse showed signs of being searched thoroughly.
33. Rioters ransacked luxury stores, stealing expensive jewelry and handbags.
34. Barrel-chested pirates ransacked ship after ship, amassing a hoard of treasure.
35. The ransacked trailer provided little evidence beyond the obvious signs of a struggle.
36. Nationalists ransacked government buildings as part of their protests.
37. Paparazzi ransacked the celebrity's hotel room, searching for incriminating photos.
38. After the burglary, police surveyed the ransacked townhouse.
39. Protestors ransacked a government building, breaking windows and overturning furniture.
40. The office had clearly been ransacked by intruders searching for specific documents.
41. The cops searched the ransacked room for clues.
42. The thieves ransacked the house but left little indication of what they took.
43. Rioters ransacked businesses, smashing windows and overturning displays.
44. The office was in complete disarray after being ransacked by the intruder.
45. Vandals ransacked the abandoned house, leaving broken glass and spray paint behind.
46. The private eye carefully surveyed the ransacked apartment.
47. The plunderers ransacked the city, carting away treasures large and small.
48. Rioters ransacked stores, emptying shelves and tossing merchandise into the street.
49. Surveying the ransacked room, investigators searched for clues.
50. The archaeologists carefully documented the artifacts left behind after thieves ransacked the tomb.
51. The mob ransacked city hall, destroying government records and historic artwork.
52. The thieves ransacked the villa but left few clues behind as to what they took.
53. As punishment, the army ransacked the provincial capital.
54. Pirates ransacked the merchant fleet, sinking all but one ship laden with treasure.
55. The detectives surveyed the ransacked shop for clues.
56. The investigators searched the ransacked flat for any evidence the intruders might have left behind.
57. The looters ransacked stores during the hurricane evacuation.
58. The ransacked office provided little evidence beyond what was obviously missing.
59. Explorers ransacked ancient tombs in search of priceless artifacts.
60. Thieves ransacked the safe but left little evidence beyond signs of the struggle.

Common Phases

1. The thieves ransacked the house looking for valuables.
2. The police ransacked the suspect's apartment searching for evidence.
3. The soldiers ransacked the village in search of weapons.
4. The looters ransacked the stores after the hurricane.
5. The prisoners ransacked their cells in protest of the prison conditions.
6. The archaeologists ransacked the ancient tomb searching for artifacts.
7. The customs officials thoroughly ransacked the suitcases looking for contraband.
8. The invaders ransacked and pillaged the country for weeks.
9. The detectives ransacked the killer's house hoping to find clues.
10. The conquering army ransacked the city, seizing everything of value.
11. The bandits ransacked the homes of the wealthy residents.
12. The cabinets were ransacked and drawers turned upside down.
13. The filing cabinets and desk drawers had been ransacked.
14. Her dorm room had been ransacked while she was away for the weekend.
15. The archaeologists ransacked the ancient Aztec ruins.
16. The desk had been completely ransacked, papers strewn everywhere.
17. The FBI agents ransacked the suspected terrorist's apartment.
18. The students ransacked the classroom looking for the hidden candy.
19. She ransacked all of his desk drawers looking for proof of his affair.
20. The vandals ransacked the library, destroying books and tearing down shelves.
21. The tornado ransacked the small town, reducing buildings to rubble.
22. The children ransacked the supermarket aisles looking for Halloween candy.
23. The burglars ransacked the house, dumping out drawers and turning over furniture.
24. The sailors ransacked the pirate ship searching for treasure and plunder.
25. Her memories of her first love ransacked her mind daily.
26. The search party ransacked the woods looking for the missing child.
27. My train of thought has been ransacked and derailed.
28. My mind has been ransacked with worry.
29. His hopes and dreams were completely ransacked.
30. Her thoughts were ransacked with guilt and sorrow.
31. The invasion ransacked the country's sense of security.
32. My mood has been ransacked with sadness.
33. The hurricane ransacked the town's businesses and livelihoods.
34. The onslaught of bad news has ransacked their morale.
35. The stock market crash ransacked their retirement savings.
36. The attack has ransacked her sense of safety.
37. The winter storm ransacked the crops before harvest time.
38. His health issues have ransacked his peace of mind.
39. The crisis ransacked their plans for the future.
40. The scandal ransacked his reputation.
41. The divorce ransacked his confidence and sense of self-worth.
42. Her grief ransacked her emotions.
43. The news report ransacked her hopes for a peaceful solution.
44. The tornado ransacked the landscape, leaving it in ruin.
45. The wildfire ransacked the once beautiful valley.
46. The accusations ransacked his faith in humanity.
47. The unexpected death ransacked their family.
48. Her anxiety ransacked her thoughts.
49. My illness has ransacked by body and energy.
50. His doubts ransacked his confidence.
51. The war has ransacked the country.
52. Their argument ransacked their relationship.
53. The investigation ransacked all his privacy.
54. The criticism ransacked her ability to trust her own judgment.
55. Her intrusive thoughts were ransacking her mind.
56. The hacking attack ransacked the company's computer system.
57. The bankruptcy ransacked their savings.
58. The changes ransacked their old way of life.
59. The gossip ransacked their reputation.
60. The accusation has ransacked my peace of mind.

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