Rationalization example sentences

Related (6): Efficiency, justification, reasoning, explanation, restructuring, simplification.

"Rationalization" Example Sentences

1. He tried to rationalize his bad behavior, but no excuse was good enough.
2. The defendant offered numerous rationalizations for his illegal actions.
3. No amount of rationalization could justify the harm she had caused.
4. They tried to rationalize the decision, but deep down knew it was wrong.
5. She attempted to rationalize her absence, but nobody was fooled.
6. Many attempts at rationalization only highlighted the immorality of the act.
7. Her feeble rationalizations fell on deaf ears as nobody believed her excuses.
8. His frequent rationalization of lateness was wearing thin with his boss.
9. The habitual rationalizers could never accept responsibility for their actions.
10. She tried to rationalize skipping class, but the professor saw through her excuses.
11. His various rationalizations only served to mask his underlying dishonesty.
12. Many addicts spend their time rationalizing their self-destructive behaviors.
13. The public grew tired of the politician's constant rationalizations and excuses.
14. The counselor helped him overcome the habit of irrational rationalizations.
15. Her endless rationalizations revealed the weakness of her conscience.
16. The psychologist explained how rationalization is used to justify wrongdoing.
17. His rationalizations revealed a pattern of blame-shifting and denial.
18. The critic dismissed the author's rationalizations as irrelevant to the truth.
19. Her feeble rationalizations gained no sympathy from those who had been hurt.
20. They grew weary of the drug dealer's constant rationalizations for his illegal work.
21. The judge saw through the defendant's numerous rationalizations for his behavior.
22. The senator's rationalizations only served to weaken his credibility further.
23. Her complex rationalization failed to alleviate the guilt of her dishonesty.
24. The elaborate rationalization revealed more about its author than it concealed.
25. No amount of rationalization could justify the harm they'd caused.
26. He knew the rationalizations were just to make himself feel better.
27. The critic dismissed the protagonist's emotional rationalization of the murder.
28. Their endless rationalizations only served to justify their unethical behavior.
29. His numerous rationalizations pointed to a pattern of dishonesty and blame.
30. His rationalizations revealed a deep lack of empathy for his victims.
31. The complex rationalization only served to highlight the irrationality of the decision.
32. Her rationalizations revealed a weakness of conscience and strength of self-interest.
33. His rationalizations merely masked a deeper irresponsibility and indifference.
34. The complex rationalizations only served to confuse the simple moral issue.
35. The unreasonable rationalizations served no purpose but self-deception.
36. Her rationalizations revealed more about herself than they obscured about her motives.
37. His rationalizations trivialized the damage he had caused through his carelessness.
38. The detective grew tired of the suspect's numerous rationalizations and excuses.
39. They stopped listening to his rationalizations realizing they were only self-serving.
40. His rationalizations revealed an alarming lack of empathy for his victim.
41. Her rationalizations amounted to nothing more than attempts to justify the unjustifiable.
42. His rationalizations only served to mask his deep aversion to hard work.
43. The feeble rationalizations revealed a selfish disregard for others' wellbeing.
44. No amount of rationalization could conceal the unethical nature of the act.
45. The numerous rationalizations only highlighted his lack of responsibility.
46. His rationalizations pointed more to warped logic than reasonable justification.
47. The manager grew tired of the employee's constant rationalizations for mistakes.
48. His rationalizations served only as thin attempts to avoid an unpleasant truth.
49. Her rationalizations served only as masks to hide her true selfish motives.
50. The psychologist explained how rationalizations form to defend poor behavior.
51. Her rationalizations pointed more to character flaws than legitimate justification.
52. Their rationalizations highlighted a disturbing selfishness at the core.
53. His rationalizations revealed a worrying disregard for honesty and integrity.
54. The counselor advised that the client's rationalizations were doing more harm than good.
55. The politician's rationalizations only served to deepen the public's distrust.
56. His rationalizations did nothing to assuage the pain he had caused others.
57. Their rationalizations began to sound like excuses to avoid accountability.
58. The plaintiff dismissed the defendant's rationalizations as irrelevant to the truth.
59. His rationalizations pointed more to a lack of integrity than to legitimate reasons.
60. Their rationalizations only served to further damage an already tattered credibility.

Common Phases

1. He used rationalization as an excuse for his poor behavior.
2. The company employed many employees to come up with rationalizations for the mistake.
3. The defense presented convoluted rationalizations for the client's actions.
4. The client underwent cognitive behavioral therapy to challenge her unhealthy rationalizations.
5. The therapist helped him recognize and discard unhealthy rationalizations and excuses.
6. She engaged in endless rationalizations to justify her hurtful decisions.
7. The addict's mind is skilled at creating elaborate rationalizations for the continued drug use.
8. The committee rejected the presenter's weak rationalizations and flawed logic.
9. The committee cut the funding request due to the presenter's poor rationalizations.
10. The witness's far-fetched rationalizations failed to convince the jury.
11. There were many irrational rationalizations given for the absurd policy decision.
12. His rationalizations for not exercising regularly fell apart under scrutiny.
13. The researchers dismissed the results due to the numerous methodological rationalizations.
14. Employees are often skilled at generating plausible-sounding rationalizations for why initiatives fail.
15. She spent hours coming up with rationalizations to justify her passive-aggressive behavior.
16. The abuse victim struggled to discard the partner's manipulative rationalizations.
17. The bullying behavior had numerous convoluted rationalizations but no real justification.
18. The flawed rationalizations obscured the real motive behind the decision.
19. The parent countered every rationalization with reasonable questions and doubt.
20. The manager listened to employees' rationalizations but ultimately made the decision herself.
21. He challenged her emotional rationalizations with facts and statistics.
22. Market research revealed weak consumer rationalizations for the product's high price point.
23. The presenter's weak rationalizations failed to compensate for the glaring flaws in the proposal.
24. Coworkers grew tired of listening to her endless diet failure rationalizations.
25. She defended her unkind words with shallow rationalizations rather than taking accountability.
26. The bullying behavior had numerous convoluted rationalizations but no real justification.
27. Middle managers are skilled at generating plausible-sounding rationalizations for poor results.
28. He surrounded himself with people who enabled his rationalizations rather than challenged them.
29. Misinterpretations and rationalizations were forming the basis for conflict in the relationship.
30. His partner countered every rationalization with questions and skepticism.
31. The politician's rationalizations convinced few and only fueled further distrust.
32. Employers grew tired of listening to endless rationalizations for chronic tardiness.
33. The rationalizations for inaction were myriad but the reasons for taking action were clearer.
34. There are always convoluted rationalizations for unethical behavior when money is involved.
35. The student's rationalizations for the plagiarism attempted but failed to exonerate her actions.
36. Her skills at generating rationalizations for unhealthy behaviors were remarkable.
37. She relied too much on rationalizations rather than facing her problems directly.
38. The committee dismissed the report due to its numerous methodological rationalizations.
39. There were innumerable rationalizations for not changing the ineffective policy.
40. The rationalizations became even more convoluted the deeper the investigator dug.
41. The excuses and rationalizations continually shifted in response to new evidence.
42. The rationalizations were weak but effective at absolving him of feelings of guilt.
43. He dismantled each of her rationalizations with logic and evidence.
44. There are always rationalizations to avoid exercising regularly.
45. Weak rationalizations were provided for controversial decisions but no real justification.
46. His partner challenged every rationalization as a form of accountability.
47. The rationalizations built up like walls to avoid facing uncomfortable truths.
48. The explanations sounded like rationalizations rather than honest responses.
49. Shallow rationalizations masked deeper feelings of insecurity and self-doubt.
50. The justifications sounded more like rationalizations than sincere admissions of remorse.
51. The researchers found consistent patterns in the types of rationalizations employees generated.
52. The accidental nature of the mistakes needed little rationalization.
53. The manager dismissed the rationalizations as irrelevant to the actual performance issues.
54. The more extreme the behavior became, the more convoluted the rationalizations.
55. Emotional outbursts required no rationalizations but logic and reason did.
56. All addictions rely on convoluted rationalizations to continue.
57. The poor sportsmanship had few rationalizations beyond entitlement and anger.
58. He provided weak rationalizations for avoiding the difficult conversation.
59. The excuses and rationalizations continually shifted in response to new evidence.
60. Rationalizations built up like scar tissue to avoid facing uncomfortable truths.

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