Recourse example sentences
Related (9): option, alternative, remedy, solution, resource, means, redress, fallback, avenue
"Recourse" Example Sentences
Common Phases
1. They had no other recourse but to sell their car to pay the bills.
2. The union threatened strike action as a last recourse.
3. The company refused the refund, leaving the customer with no recourse but legal action.
4. They faced losing everything with no recourse to financial aid.
5. She turned to drugs after having no other recourse to deal with her problems.
6. The court granted a review of the decision as the defendant's only possible legal recourse.
7. They took their complaint to the higher authorities as a final recourse.
8. Due to lack of evidence, the police had no legal recourse to press charges.
9. After exhausting all other options, he resigned himself to going to his parents as a last recourse.
10. With banks refusing new loans, more businesses are turning to crowd funding as a recourse.
11. Their best recourse in the situation was to negotiate a compromise.
12. We filed an appeal as our only possible legal recourse.
13. He wanted to avoid violence if at all possible, using it only as a last recourse.
14. The victim saw filing a lawsuit as the only viable recourse to seek justice.
15. The victim had no peaceful recourse but to sue for damages.
16. The machine malfunctioned without any obvious recourse for repair.
17. Resigning seemed like her only possible recourse for escaping the intolerable work environment.
18. Their complaint to the manager failed, leaving them to social media as a recourse.
19. Customers were left with little recourse after delivery delays by the shipping company.
20. They had no financial recourse after losing their jobs.
21. An appeal was the only financial recourse for compensation after an unfair ruling.
22. The fired employee filed a wrongful termination suit as his only possible recourse.
23. The government provided humanitarian aid as a last recourse to prevent a humanitarian crisis.
24. The farmer took out another loan as a last financial recourse to save the farm.
25. Protest was the only available recourse for voicing their discontent with government policies.
26. After debate failed, they resorted to demonstration as their only remaining recourse.
27. They turned to protest as a final recourse after no one in power would listen.
28. Legal recourse was essential to hold the company accountable for the chemical spill.
29. Insurance provided some financial recourse after the accident.
30. The doctor offered no medical recourse for treating her illness.
31. The appeal process afforded the defendant his only legal recourse.
32. The company denied liability, leaving customers with little financial recourse.
33. With the military on their side, protesters saw violence as their only remaining recourse.
34. After debate, negotiation and diplomacy failed, war seemed the only remaining recourse.
35. Crowdfunding has become a popular recourse for financing projects that banks spurn.
36. We turned to donation drives as a last resort after legal recourse failed.
37. Beggary became a recourse for many after losing everything in the flood.
38. The settlement provided some financial recourse for the years of pain and suffering.
39. Unionizing labor provided workers their only recourse for improving wages and conditions.
40. Anger at injustice drove them to violence as a final recourse.
41. The victim had little recourse without help from authorities.
42. After debate failed, they reluctantly turned to force as a final recourse.
43. The medical malpractice suit offered some financial recourse for years of misdiagnosis.
44. With no financial cushion, selling belongings became a necessary recourse.
45. Complaining to management seemed like their only possible recourse.
46. The lawyer helped them understand their legal recourse options.
47. Public shaming was a popular recourse against openly unethical behavior.
48. The appeal was seen as the defendant's last possible legal recourse.
49. Frustration drove civil disobedience as a final recourse for the unjust policy.
50. The victim turned to drug addiction as a self-destructive final recourse.
51.They had to take out another loan as a final financial recourse to save the business.
52. Crowdfunding emerged as a recourse for financing projects turned down by traditional lenders.
53.The child had no recourse to escape abusive parents.
54. Psychology offered more medical recourse for her mental health issues than medicine.
55. The insurance settlement provided some financial recourse after the loss.
56. Striking work seemed like the employees' only possible legal recourse.
57. The politician voiced his support for legislation as a proactive recourse against gun violence.
58. The employee contemplated whistleblowing as a last recourse against unethical practices.
59. The ostracized group saw violence as their only remaining recourse for effecting change.
60. Laws provided the only acceptable recourse for resolving the conflict fairly.