Regally example sentences

Related (10): majestically, grandly, nobly, dignifiedly, imposingly, impressively, sovereignly, gallantly, pompously, ceremoniously

"Regally" Example Sentences

1. She walked regally down the runway, as if born to be queen.
2. The peacock strutted regally across the lawn, displaying its colorful feathers.
3. The queen sat regally on her throne, surveying her subjects.
4. The Persian cat padded regally across the room, tail held high.
5. The lioness moved regally through the grasslands, queen of her domain.
6. The swan glided regally across the pond.
7. The model sashayed regally down the catwalk in her designer gown.
8. The prized stallion pranced regally into the ring.
9. The greyhound raced regally across the track, head held high.
10. The Akita strutted regally down the street, proud and dignified.
11. She dressed regally in her silk gown and jewels.
12. The elk strolled regally through the forest, head of the herd.
13. The eagle soared regally through the sky, lord of the air.
14. The dictator sat regally on his golden throne, surrounded by obsequious sycophants.
15. The empress surveyed her subjects regally from her palace balcony.
16. With a regal wave of her hand, the queen dismissed her attendants.
17. The tycoon sat regally behind his massive oak desk, surveying his subordinates.
18. She sat regally on her brocade chair, gazing out at her domain.
19. The octopus swam regally through the coral reef, silently ensnaring prey.
20. The chieftain strode regally into the village, surrounded by followers.
21. The matriarch moved regally through the gardens, the leader of her clan.
22. The prince rode regally into the city walls, greeted by cheers from his subjects.
23. The great blue heron stalked regally through the marshland in search of food.
24. The sultan lounged regally on his divan, waiting to be served.
25. The captain walked regally onto the bridge, in command of his mighty battleship.
26. Wearing her crown, the queen moved regally through the palace.
27. The leader strutted regally around the office, preening in his power and authority.
28. The stallion cantered regally across the pasture, head of the herd.
29. The king sat regally on his throne, greeting his loyal subjects.
30. The matriarch gazed regally at her brood of fledglings from her nest in the tree.
31. The emperor reclined regally on his sedan chair, borne on the shoulders of slaves.
32. The headmaster strode regally down the aisle, surveying his students.
33. The chief emerged regally from his teepee, flanked by advisers and braves.
34. The guards stood regally at attention as the queen's carriage approached.
35. With a regal toss of her head, the thoroughbred mare headed the procession of horses.
36. The ballerina floated regally across the stage, the prima of the company.
37. The mare cantered regally across the pasture, leading her foals.
38. The dowager surveyed her family regally from her throne-like armchair.
39. The general strode regally across the parade ground to inspect his troops.
40. The poet recited his verses regally, lord of the English language.
41. The moderator sat regally at the head table, presiding over the debate.
42. The grand dame held court regally from her drawing room, dispensing advice and wit.
43. The elderly gentleman walked regally down the street, back straight and head held high.
44. The monarch made his grand entrance, regally greeting his loyal subjects.
45. The superstar strode regally onto the stage, legend of the silver screen.
46. The leader surveyed his dominion regally from his tower, overlooking the city below.
47. The patriarch greeted his extended family regally from his throne-like armchair.
48. The orchestra conductor waved his baton regally over the symphony.
49. The snowy heron stood regally in the marsh, still as a statue.
50. The empress sat regally on her ivory throne, aloof and remote.
51. The diva sang regally, holding the audience in the palm of her hand.
52. The patriot spoke regally of freedom and liberty, moving the crowd with his words.
53. She floated regally down the aisle, princess of the prom.
54. The showjumper guided his horse regally over the jumps.
55. The great man gazed regally at his adoring public from the podium.
56. The chess master surveyed the board regally, contemplating his next move.
57. The mayor strode regally down the parade route, waving to the crowds.
58. The actor took his bow regally, accepting the adulation of the audience.
59. The admiral walked regally onto the deck, saluting his men.
60. She sailed regally into the room, queen of her domain.

Common Phases

1. She strode regally down the runway like a queen.
2. The peacock spread its colorful tail feathers and strutted regally across the lawn.
3. He sat regally at the head of the table, surveying his guests.
4. The galleon sailed regally across the open sea, flags waving in the wind.
5. The queen swept regally into the throne room in her flowing robe.
6. The longhorn bull walked regally across the field, surveying his territory.
7. The lioness stood regally over her cubs, protecting them from harm.
8. The yoga master sat regally in lotus pose, meditating peacefully.
9. The gracious hostess stood regally in the receiving line, greeting her guests.
10. The faithful old hound padded regally into the family room and laid down by the fire.
11. The snowy owl perched regally atop its branch, surveying the winter landscape below.
12. The swan glided regally across the still pond, its long neck arched gracefully.
13. The stallion trotted regally around the corral, head held high with pride.
14. The ancient oak towered regally over the forest, a symbol of endurance and strength.
15. He rose regally from his chair and took his place at the podium.
16. She smiled regally at her admirers as she passed among the tables.
17. The bride walked regally down the aisle on her father's arm toward her waiting groom.
18. The tiger prowled regally through the dense undergrowth, hunting for its next meal.
19. The burly biker sat regally astride his gleaming Harley, surveying the highway before him.
20. The aging patriarch sat regally by the fire, reliving stories of the past for his grandchildren.
21. The aging matriarch ruled regally over her large family, doling out wisdom and love.
22. The plantation owner sat regally on his porch, surveying his vast lands and slaves.
23. The monarch butterfly fluttered regally through the gardens, feasting on nectar.
24. The veteran teacher stood regally at the front of the classroom, ready to impart wisdom to the next generation.
25. The bald eagle soared regally over the treetops, searching for its next meal.
26. The prima ballerina floated regally across the stage, executing graceful moves and delicate jumps.
27. The Rolls Royce glided regally down the country lane, its occupants sitting comfortably within.
28. The dragonfly darted regally over the pond's surface, its iridescent wings catching the sun.
29. The venerable professor walked regally through the quad, students parting to make way.
30. The mighty oak grew regally amidst the saplings, towering majestically over the young trees.
31. The captain stood regally at the helm, guiding his ship through stormy seas.
32. She danced regally across the stage, commanding the attention of the entire audience.
33. The aging patriarch walked regally among his people, wisdom and kindness emanating from his every gesture.
34. The graceful swan glided regally across the pond, the picture of serenity and composure.
35. The noble horse trotted regally into the fray, ready to do battle for his king.
36. The determined leader strode regally through the halls of power, ready to enact change.
37. The monarch sat regally upon her throne, holding court for her subjects.
38. The Arabian mare trotted regally into the arena, her proud bearing and beauty drawing gasps of admiration.
39. The stag walked regally through the forest clearing, yearning for the coming autumn hunt.
40. The British guard stood regally at attention, perfectly still save for the slight breeze that rustled his uniform.
41. The veteran steed walked regally into the stableyard, his youth far behind but his dignity undiminished.
42. The king walked regally through the palace corridors, servants bowing as he passed by.
43. The aging actor took the stage regally, commanding the audience's attention with his mere presence.
44. The aging general marched regally into the ceremony, medals gleaming proudly on his chest.
45. The mountain towered regally in the distance, its snowcapped peak reaching high into the sky.
46. The proud pheasant strutted regally along the garden path in search of food.
47. The proud stallion trotted regally onto the parade grounds, proudly holding his head high.
48. The African queen walked regally through the crowds, grandeur and wisdom emanating from her gentle demeanor.
49. The king strode regally into the throne room as the courtiers bowed low.
50. The lioness walked regally across the savannah, her lithe frame undulating gracefully over the grasses.
51. The elderly professor walked regally through the university halls, wisdom and experience emanating from every step.
52. The aging matriarch walked regally through the house, issuing orders and doling out advice to all who crossed her path.
53. The wise elder walked regally through the village, his mere presence bringing comfort and guidance to all who saw him.
54. She glided regally across the ice, effortlessly executing each graceful spin and jump.
55. The single-engine plane soared regally over the landscape, tugging at the heartstrings of anyone who saw it.
56. The tribe's chief walked regally through the kraals, his people bowing their heads in respect as he passed.
57. The kingfisher perched regally on a low-hanging branch, surveying the still waters below for its next meal.
58. The aging matriarch walked regally among her grandchildren, her gentle touch and whispered words bringing joy and comfort.
59. The old tomcat sat regally in the window, surveying his territory with the wisdom of age.
60. The thoroughbred raced regally down the track, the very embodiment of grace and power as it sped towards glory.

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