Repression example sentences

Related (10): oppression, suppression, tyranny, subjugation, restraint, control, constraint, censorship, persecution, domination.

"Repression" Example Sentences

1. The people rose up against the regime's oppression and political repression.
2. The protesters demanded an end to the government's censorship and violent repression of free speech.
3. After decades of political repression, the citizens finally fought for democracy and freedom.
4. Many sought refuge abroad to escape the state's authoritarianism and repression.
5. The victims of torture sought justice and compensation for the regime's brutal repression.
6. The citizens suffered under the dictator's authoritarian rule and cruel political repression.
7. The regime's use of surveillance, intimidation, and violence against political opponents amounted to systemic repression.
8. After years of imprisonment and harassment, he fled the country to escape political repression.
9. The security forces violently cracked down on protesters, using tear gas, batons, and live ammunition in brutal repression of the demonstrations.
10. The regime imposed harsh penalties on dissidents in an attempt to quell all political opposition through intimidation and repression.
11. Tanks rolled through the streets and troops occupied public spaces in a massive show of force meant to quell unrest through fear and repression.
12. After experiencing years of censorship and political repression, the people demanded freedom of speech and free elections.
13. The dictator implemented authoritarian policies aimed at silencing dissent through intimidation, persecution, and repression.
14. The authoritarian state used its vast security apparatus to censor independent media and repress political opposition.
15. Psychological studies have shown that willful suppression or repression of emotions can have negative mental health consequences.
16. The trauma of his past led to an inability to properly process and deal with his emotions, resulting in repression and avoidance.
17. Survivors of abuse often experience emotional repression as a defense mechanism to cope with trauma.
18. Patients have used Talk therapy to overcome emotional repression that stems from unresolved issues.
19. The professor's research focuses on the relationship between authoritarianism and political repression.
20. The refugees fled the ethnic violence and political repression in their homeland.
21. In Freudian psychoanalysis, repression refers to the unconscious act of excluding desires, thoughts, and feelings from one's consciousness.
22. Sexual repression, the avoidance or suppression of sexual desires and impulses, can have damaging psychological effects, according to some experts.
23. After decades of suppression, censorship, and political repression, the people rose up to demand democracy, freedom of speech, and rule of law.
24. The political exiles still suffered from the trauma of torture, imprisonment and repression in their native country.
25. The secret police employed scare tactics, imprisonment, intimidation, and violence to repress dissent.
26. The history of the country is marked by periods of authoritarian rule, censorship, and repression of human rights.
27. Activists were harassed, arrested, and tortured for speaking out against the regime's repressive policies.
28. His writings challenged the authoritarian government and led to censorship, imprisonment, exile and repression.
29. The citizens called for democratic reforms and an end to political corruption, censorship, and repression.
30. Political and ideological repression is common in authoritarian and totalitarian regimes.
31. The regime's harsh laws and brutal crackdowns increasingly galvanized protestors demanding freedom, democracy, and an end to repression.
32. Under the repressive regime, citizens lived in constant fear of speaking out, being reported by neighbors, and swept up in government raids.
33. The decades of censorship, imprisonment, torture, and brutal political repression finally pushed citizens to rise up against the regime.
34. Activists were beaten, jailed and exiled for challenging the regime's authoritarian policies and repressive tactics.
35. The security forces were given free rein to crush dissent through intimidation, harassment, violence and repression.
36. The regime sought total obedience and conformity through fear, intimidation, censorship and political repression.
37. The social pressure to conform and repress non-traditional desires still exists in many communities.
38. Freud believed that repressing emotions and desires only causes them to manifest in other unhealthy ways.
39. Gender and sexual norms can lead to emotional repression that harms individuals and societies.
40. The minority group suffered decades of discrimination, violence and political repression at the hands of the authoritarian regime.
41. After years of authoritarian rule marked by political oppression, censorship and brutal suppression of dissent, the people rose up to demand democracy, freedom and an end to repression.
42. Trauma often leads to emotional repression as a self-protective mechanism.
43. The long history of ethnic tension, violence and political repression finally pushed both sides towards peace negotiations.
44. The refugees had experienced years of political imprisonment, torture and repression based on their religious and ethnic identities.
45. Survivors of abuse often struggle with emotional repression caused by feelings of shame, guilt and fear.
46. The individuals most affected by political repression are often activists, journalists, intellectuals and minorities.
47. Denying or repressing painful emotions and experiences can negatively impact mental health and interpersonal relationships.
48. The history of the country is stained with periods of authoritarian rule, human rights abuses and violent political repression.
49. After several decades of authoritarian policies, censorship and political repression, democratic reforms were finally implemented.
50. Repression of speech and religious freedom are hallmarks of authoritarian and totalitarian regimes.
51. Opponents of the regime were subjected to beatings, imprisonment, torture and political repression for challenging the government's policies.
52. The country suffered under decades of brutal dictatorship, censorship, torture and violent political repression.
53. The long history of conflict, violence and ethnic tension culminated in oppression, repression and human rights violations.
54. After years of silence, censorship and violent repression, activists began demanding democratic reforms and rule of law.
55. The rise of authoritarianism and illiberal policies often signals an increase in political repression, censorship and violence against perceived enemies.
56. Emotional repression can cause symptoms like depression, anxiety, substance abuse and relationship problems.
57. Children who experience emotional repression from parents often struggle with self-esteem, trust and intimacy issues as adults.
58. Psychoanalysis aims to bring repressed thoughts, feelings and desires into conscious awareness to liberate the individual.
59. People suffer when their basic human needs for freedom of speech, religion and political participation are repressed by authoritarian governments.
60. The notorious secret police were known for employing brutal violence, intimidation and torture to repress political dissent.

Common Phases

1. The communists used repression against dissidents.
2. The political protests continued despite governmental repression.
3. The people lived under heavy repression from the authoritarian regime.
4. His creative urges suffered under the repression of his strict upbringing.
5. Political dissent was not tolerated and faced swift repression.
6. She turned to drugs as a form of escape and repression from her difficult home life.
7. The government's violent crackdown led to further protests and resentment against the perceived repression.
8. The protestors faced tear gas, batons, and arrests as the police sought to repress the demonstrations.
9. Political oppression and economic repression fueled the people's desire for revolution.
10. Freud believed that repression was a major defense mechanism of the unconscious mind.
11. The memories were repressed for so long that they surfaced only in nightmares and flashbacks.
12. Psychological repression refers to the mind's tendency to exclude thoughts, emotions, and memories that are painful or objectionable.
13. The government denied all reports of human rights abuses and repression.
14. The violent repression of ethnic minorities further fueled the civil war.
15. Their civil rights were severely limited under political and social repression.
16. The years of oppression and repression finally exploded in nationwide uprisings.
17. The victims suffered severe psychological damage from years of abuse and repression.
18. Excessive control and repression are unhealthy for a growing child's development.
19. Sexual urges and desires are often repressed due to cultural taboos and stigma.
20. Police violently dispersed the peaceful protest in an act of repression.
21. Victims of trauma often experience unhealthy repression of their painful emotions and memories.
22. The state's totalitarian policies led to widespread economic and political repression.
23. An authoritarian upbringing leads to feelings of anger and rebellion against perceived parental repression.
24. The memory had been pushed so deep into repression that it took years of therapy to uncover it.
25. Her creative instincts suffered under her parents' repressive attitudes.
26. The regime's brutality and repression finally provoked massive unrest.
27. The dictatorship's censorship and repression of political dissent made reform impossible.
28. International condemnation did not deter the state from further repression of minorities.
29. Years of sexual repression manifested itself in unhealthy ways.
30. Decades of economic repression contributed to hardship and resentment among the lower classes.
31. The government's crackdown on free speech amounted to a gross violation of human rights and unacceptable political repression.
32. Theartist struggled with internal repression in addition to external censorship.
33. Unhealthy repression of anger and emotions can cause psychological damage over time.
34. His creative spirit flourished once he escaped from the repressive environment.
35. Severe depression can sometimes be a manifestation of psychological repression.
36. She used her art as a means to overcome social and political repression.
37. Economic hardship and political repression fueled the rise of the rebel movement.
38. The families lived in fear under the repression and violence of the occupying army.
39. Anyone who challenged the regime faced imprisonment, torture and repression.
40. Uncovering repressed memories through therapy can help victims gain closure and peace of mind.
41. Her creative and spiritual growth was stunted by years of social and political repression.
42. Their strict upbringing resulted in emotional repression that persisted into adulthood.
43. The regime's violent oppression and political repression finally provoked widespread rebellion.
44. Years of pent up anger and frustration erupted in an act of violence against perceived parental repression.
45. Religion and tradition repressed women's rights and freedoms for centuries.
46. His creative spirit flourished once the psychological repression lifted.
47. The military violently crushed all signs of political dissent through brutal repression.
48. His nightmares were manifestations of psychological repression and trauma from the accident.
49. The act of creation itself became an act of defiance against social repression.
50. Unhealthy psychological repression can cause depression, anxiety, and unhealthy behaviors.
51. Strict rules and excessive control amounts to unhealthy repression of a child.
52. Internal repression caused him to struggle for years with anger, resentment and self-hatred.
53. The guilt and shame was so extreme that he repressed all memories of the incident.
54. The movement organized in opposition to political, social and economic repression.
55. He used alcohol and drugs to escape and repress his painful memories and emotions.
56. Her artistic talent flourished once she escaped the repressive environment of her family.
57. The cooks secretly smuggled spices to counteract the repression of flavor that poverty imposed.
58. The regime's propaganda machine justified all acts of repression.
59. His creative spirit was stifled for years under social and political repression.
60. The political prisoners suffered inhumane treatment under systemic repression.

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