Reverses example sentences

Related (11): backtracks, undoes, negates, invalidates, revokes, cancels, annuls, nullifies, counteracts, overturns, flips

"Reverses" Example Sentences

1. The medicine reverses the effects of the poison.
2. He reverses his car into the parking spot.
3. The magician reverses the direction of the card.
4. The company reverses its decision and agrees to the proposal.
5. The athlete reverses the direction of the ball with a backhand shot.
6. The court reverses the lower court's ruling on the case.
7. The weather pattern reverses from sunny to stormy.
8. The priest blesses the wedding couple and reverses the rings.
9. The artist uses a reverse technique to create a negative image.
10. The scientist discovers a way to reverse the aging process.
11. The DNA strand undergoes a reverse transformation.
12. The political campaign reverses its strategy to appeal to a wider audience.
13. The driver reverses the car to leave the parking lot.
14. The medical treatment successfully reverses the disease progression.
15. The stock market reverses its trend and starts to decline.
16. The fashion designer uses a reverse pattern on the fabric for a unique look.
17. The investor reverses his decision to invest in the risky venture.
18. The athlete reverses the ball direction with a kick dribble move.
19. The legislative body reverses a previous decision after public outcry.
20. The pilot reverses the plane's direction due to bad weather.
21. The fabricator uses a reverse process to mold the plastic.
22. The quarterback reverses the play to throw a touchdown pass.
23. The doctor reverses the procedure to correct the error.
24. The musician uses a reverse play technique to create an interesting sound.
25. The opponent reverses the momentum with a surprise move.
26. The chef reverses the cooking order to achieve a desired texture.
27. The computer program reverses the order of the files.
28. The artist reverses the painting to create an abstract image.
29. The car manufacturer recalls the vehicle to reverse a safety issue.
30. The leader reverses the company's direction to address a changing market.

Common Phases

1. Time reverses all things; what once was will never be the same.
2. Love reverses hate; it has the power to transform even the most bitter heart.
3. Action reverses stagnation; taking even small steps can lead to great change.
4. Trust reverses betrayal; though it may take time, forgiveness and healing are possible.
5. Knowledge reverses ignorance; education and learning can open up new worlds and possibilities.
6. Courage reverses fear; facing our fears can be scary, but it can also lead to great personal growth.
7. Health reverses illness; taking care of our bodies and minds can help us to live vital and fulfilling lives.
8. Kindness reverses cruelty; small acts of compassion and empathy can have a huge impact on others.
9. Progress reverses regression; even in the face of setbacks, we can keep moving forward toward our goals.
10. Peace reverses conflict; though it may take work and effort, finding common ground and working together can bring about a lasting peace.

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