Roarings example sentences
roaring (adjective)
- making or uttering a loud, deep, or harsh prolonged sound:
- (of a fire) burning fiercely and noisily:
- (of business) lively; brisk:
- behaving or living in a noisy riotous manner:
- (of a period of time) characterized by optimism, buoyancy, or excitement:
- obviously or unequivocally the thing mentioned (used for emphasis):
roaring (present participle)
- (of a lion or other large wild animal) utter a full, deep, prolonged cry:
- (of a person or crowd) utter a loud, deep, prolonged sound, typically because of anger, pain, or excitement:
- (of something inanimate) make a loud, deep, prolonged sound:
- utter or express in a loud tone:
- laugh loudly:
- (of a horse) make a loud noise in breathing as a symptom of disease of the larynx.
- (especially of a vehicle) move at high speed making a loud prolonged sound:
- proceed, act, or happen fast and decisively or conspicuously: