Rocking example sentences
rocking (noun) · rockings (plural noun)
- the action of moving or being moved gently to and fro or from side to side:
- moving gently to and fro or from side to side:
- (of a place) full of excitement or social activity:
rocking (present participle)
- move gently to and fro or from side to side:
- (with reference to a building or region) shake or cause to shake or vibrate, especially because of an impact, earthquake, or explosion:
- cause great shock or distress to (someone or something), especially so as to weaken or destabilize them or it:
- dance to or play rock music:
- (of a place) have an atmosphere of excitement or much social activity:
- wear (a garment) or affect (an attitude or style), especially in a confident or flamboyant way: