Rubblestone example sentences

Related (5): rubble, stone, debris, ruins, fragments

"Rubblestone" Example Sentences

1. The old house was made of broken rubblestone.
2. The path leading up to the castle was paved with rubblestone.
3. She stumbled on a loose rubblestone and fell.
4. The earthquake left nothing but a pile of rubblestone.
5. The masons worked hard to shape the rubblestone into the desired shape.
6. The ancient wall was constructed entirely of rubblestone.
7. The house was so old that the rubblestone was starting to crumble.
8. The steps to the church were made of slippery rubblestone.
9. The castle walls were built so thickly with rubblestone that no army could penetrate them.
10. The builder used excellent quality rubblestone for the foundation of the house.
11. The truck dumped the rubblestone onto the construction site.
12. The statue was carved from a single piece of rubblestone.
13. The architect decided to use rubblestone for the exterior of the new building.
14. The castle was made entirely of a durable rubblestone that had been quarried locally.
15. The workers were tasked with clearing the rubblestone from the demolition site.
16. The old bridge was constructed of crumbly rubblestone that posed a hazard to all who crossed it.
17. The manor house was surrounded by a tall wall constructed entirely of rubblestone blocks.
18. Cleaning the rubblestone was difficult, as it required a special technique to avoid damaging it.
19. The ancient temple was mostly ruins with chunks of rubblestone scattered about.
20. The castle tower had been constructed of beautiful gray rubblestone.
21. The path to the forest was made of irregular-hewn rubblestone which made it hard to walk on.
22. The workers had to be careful not to break any of the precious rubblestone tiles when laying the floor.
23. The architect opted for smooth rubblestone for the facade, which gave the building an elegant look.
24. The old fort had been a massive structure with walls several feet thick and made of sturdy rubblestone.
25. The excavation crew unearthed several ancient artifacts buried beneath the rubblestone.
26. The house was full of character, with its quaint windows and warm-hued rubblestone walls.
27. The church doorway was framed in a stone arch made of raw-cut rubblestone.
28. The ancient city was known for its awe-inspiring temple made entirely of polished, reddish-brown rubblestone.
29. The old farm was surrounded by a crumbling fence post made of rubblestone blocks.
30. The towering fortress was built of massive mounds of rubblestone cemented together with dark-grey clay.

Common Phases

1. The entire building was reduced to rubblestone; there was nothing left standing.
2. The archaeologists discovered a hidden room filled with rubblestone; it must have been sealed for years.
3. The pathway was made of rough rubblestone; it was a challenge to walk on.
4. The old castle walls were constructed with sturdy rubblestone; they had withstood the test of time.
5. The earthquake left a trail of rubblestone behind; it was a devastating sight.

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