Scrimp example sentences
Related (9): frugal, economize, skimp, save, conserve, scrounge, stint, withhold, budget.
scrimp (verb) · scrimps (third person present) · scrimped (past tense) · scrimped (past participle) · scrimping (present participle)
- be thrifty or parsimonious; economize:
economize, skimp, save, budget, retrench, spend"Scrimp" Example Sentences
1. She had to scrimp and save just to make ends meet.
2. The misers and penny pinchers would scrimp and save every last cent.
3. They scrimped on food costs in order to afford their lavish vacations.
4. My grandmother never scrimped when it came to gifts for her grandchildren.
5. The old woman had to scrimp and save just to pay for her meager groceries.
6. He scrimped and saved for years to finally buy his dream car.
7. After being laid off, they had to scrimp on everything to get by.
8. The couple scrimped and saved for decades to retire comfortably.
9. The company scrimped on safety measures to save money.
10. The documentary showed how migrant workers had to scrimp and save just to send money home.
11. They had to scrimp and do without so they could afford the down payment on their first home.
12. My parents never scrimped on my education, making many sacrifices so I could go to the best schools.
13. Retirees often have to scrimp and live frugally once their pensions run out.
14. Scrooge McDuck was known for scrimping his penny until it was practically worthless.
15. The soldiers scrimped on rations, each bite of stale food feeling like a feast.
16. Her spending habits left him scrimping to make ends meet.
17. She had to scrimp and save for years to finally take her dream vacation.
18. They scrimped and saved all year to throw the biggest New Year's Eve party.
19. The misers and penny-pinchers would scrimp on everything from food to clothing.
20. The business claimed they had to scrimp on worker benefits to stay competitive.
21. The shop owner said he had to scrimp and save when business was slow.
22. They would scrimp and save every last penny to afford trendy new clothes.
23. The scrooge never seemed to scrimp when it came to himself but always pinched pennies with others.
24. The students had to scrimp and share textbooks, lacking the funds to purchase their own.
25. Frugal families would scrimp on household essentials to save some money.
26. We had to scrimp and save all year just to be able to afford a Christmas tree.
27. The family had to scrimp and do without in order to keep a roof over their heads.
28. The doctor said he had to scrimp on supplies due to hospital budget cuts.
29. They scrimped and saved for a decade to finally afford a down payment on their dream home.
30. The greedy businessman would scrimp on worker benefits while paying himself extravagantly.
31. The couple had to scrimp and save for years before they could finally afford a wedding.
32. The college student had to scrimp and splurge on just ramen noodles every night for dinner.
33. The government said they had to scrimp on welfare programs to reduce the deficit.
34. The couple had to scrimp every penny just to make ends meet each month.
35. He said he had to scrimp and save all year just to afford a nice birthday gift for his wife.
36. My grandmother never scrimped when it came to feeding her grandchildren.
37. The shop owners said they had to scrimp by going without a paycheck themselves some months.
38. Many millennials feel they have to scrimp and save just to afford basic necessities.
39. My relatives said they had to scrimp and do without throughout the Great Depression.
40. The family would scrimp every last dime to afford Christmas gifts for their children.
41. The explorers had to scrimp on rations in order to make their supplies last the journey.
42. Their scrimping and saving lifestyle caused them to miss out on many experiences.
43. They said they had to scrimp and do without in order to stretch their meager wages.
44. The organization said they have to scrimp on certain programs due to funding cuts.
45. The workers felt the company scrimped on safety measures to save money.
46. She always scrimped and saved in order to donate generously to charity.
47. The children had to scrimp and share worn hand-me-downs.
48. The dysfunctional couple always seemed to scrimp and argue over every last cent.
49. Workers felt the company scrimped on benefits while executives awarded themselves extravagant perks.
50. The retirees said they had to scrimp and live frugally on their fixed income.
Common Phases
1. My grandparents had to scrimp and save to pay for my college education.
2. They scrimped on food and clothing to put money away in a college fund for me.
3. The newlyweds had to scrimp and save every penny just to make ends meet.
4. The family had to scrimp and save just to pay the bills each month.
5. She scrimped on her household expenses so that she could give as generously as possible to charity.
6. They scrimp on groceries so they can afford their weekend getaways.
7. We had to scrimp and go without things to pay off our credit card debt.
8. I'm tired of scrimping so that we can invest more in our retirement funds.
9. After they lost their jobs, they really had to scrimp and scrape by on unemployment benefits.
10. My father has worked hard and scrimped so I could have more opportunities than he did.
11. She had to scrimp on her clothing budget in order to replace her old, broken down car.
12. I really scrimped on Christmas gifts this year since money is so tight.
13. The company had to scrimp on expenses in order to make payroll this month.
14. They've really had to scrimp and save to afford their lavish vacations.
15. My parents scrimped and sacrificed so that I could go to a good college.
16. I had to scrimp on groceries last week in order to afford that new video game I wanted.
17. Our family had to scrimp and save for years just to buy a used car.
18. I'm tired of scrimping and saving; I just want to enjoy life a little.
19. We really had to scrimp and stretch our pennies to make it through last month.
20. She scrimped on her allowance so she could buy her daughter a nice birthday gift.
21. My mother really had to scrimp and save to put herself through nursing school.
22. My dad scrimped on new clothes for himself so he could buy me the bike I wanted.
23. They had to scrimp on their grocery budget for a few weeks to pay their overdue bills.
24. I had to scrimp on heating my house last winter to make ends meet.
25. She really had to scrimp and stretch their dollars to keep up with their rising expenses.
26. They had to scrimp just to afford the basic necessities for their large family.
27. My parents really scrimped and saved for years just to take that trip they always wanted.
28. We had to scrimp and save every spare penny in order to afford a down payment on a house.
29. The retirees have had to scrimp and tighten their belts now that they're living on a fixed income.
30. Don't scrimp on your health and well-being just to afford frivolous things.
31. They've really had to scrimp and do without in order to help pay their children's college expenses.
32. The charity had to scrimp on staff and resources in order to make ends meet that year.
33. You really had to scrimp and do without to put yourself through college on your own.
34. We had to scrimp and save for months in order to afford a family vacation that year.
35. The local community had to scrimp and struggle to raise enough funds for a new school.
36. My grandparents really had to scrimp and save for years to buy their first home.
37. We've had to scrimp and save every penny just to afford our rent each month.
38. They really scrimped and did without so they could help support their aging parents.
39. They had to scrimp on food and cut back on other expenses in order to pay the mortgage that month.
40. My parents really had to scrimp and stretch every penny just to make ends meet and provide for five kids.
41. The young family had to scrimp and save in order to afford the down payment on their first home.
42. They've really had to scrimp and do without since both of them lost their jobs.
43. My sister and I had to scrimp and share our clothing growing up since money was so tight.
44. He had to scrimp and save for years just to afford that new car he finally bought.
45. My grandparents really had to scrimp and make sacrifices in order to raise five kids during the Depression.
46. I've had to scrimp and save every penny just to afford my rent each month.
47. They really had to scrimp and do without in order to afford their lavish wedding.
48. The family had to scrimp on heating their home last winter to make ends meet.
49. My parents really scrimped and saved for years in order to take that dream vacation they always wanted.
50. We really had to scrimp and do without while we were paying off our six figure student loans.
51. The charity had to scrimp and cut costs in every area in order to keep the doors open that year.
52. Our family had to scrimp and go without in order to pay off our debts and finally become financially stable.
53. They've really had to scrimp and cut back since the birth of their twins.
54. My parents scrimped so that I wouldn't know how little money we really had.
55. We scrimped and saved every extra penny for years in order to afford that down payment on our dream home.
56. The retirees have really had to scrimp and live frugally now that they're living on a fixed income.
57. Our family had to scrimp and make sacrifices for years in order to pay for my college education.
58. My mother really scrimped and did without in order to provide for her kids as a single mother.
59. They really had to scrimp and go without in order to be able to help support their elderly parents.
60. The newlyweds had to really scrimp and save just to afford their modest wedding.