Scrimpings example sentences

Related (5): leftovers, crumbs, scraps, remnants, oddments

"Scrimpings" Example Sentences

1. She searched through the fridge for any scrimpings of leftovers.
2. The baker added scrimpings of sugar to the dough mixture.
3. He threw away the scrimpings of the meal, not wanting to waste any food.
4. The decorator used scrimpings of fabric to create a patchwork design.
5. She managed to find scrimpings of flour and yeast to make a small loaf of bread.
6. The cook saved scrimpings of vegetables to add to the soup later.
7. He mixed in scrimpings of cheese to give the dish an added flavor.
8. The artist cut scrimpings of paper to create a unique collage.
9. She used scrimpings of paint to add texture and depth to her artwork.
10. The gardener collected scrimpings of soil to use in the next planting season.
11. The seamstress used scrimpings of fabric to create a garment for her child.
12. He added scrimpings of spices to make the marinade more flavorful.
13. The chef used scrimpings of meat to add protein to the soup.
14. She used scrimpings of fruit to create a colorful salad.
15. The scientist collected scrimpings of bacteria to study their properties.
16. He added scrimpings of herbs to give the dish a fresh taste.
17. The designer used scrimpings of fabric to create a unique quilt.
18. She collected scrimpings of wax to make her own candles.
19. He used scrimpings of wood to create a small model for his project.
20. The artist used scrimpings of charcoal to create a striking sketch.
21. She saved scrimpings of yarn to make a small scarf.
22. The baker used scrimpings of nuts to add crunch to the cookie dough.
23. He added scrimpings of fruit to create a flavorful smoothie.
24. The decorator used scrimpings of paint to touch up the walls.
25. She collected scrimpings of moss to use in a terrarium.
26. The chef used scrimpings of seafood to add protein to the pasta dish.
27. He used scrimpings of clay to create a small sculpture.
28. The artist used scrimpings of glitter to add sparkle to her artwork.
29. She saved scrimpings of fabric to make a small quilt for her cat.
30. The gardener used scrimpings of compost to fertilize the soil.

Common Phases

1. I have to live on scrimpings in order to save up for a new car; it's not easy, but it's worth it in the end.
2. After paying all of our bills this month, we had to rely on scrimpings to get us through the rest of it; it was a bit of a struggle, but we managed.
3. I always keep a jar of scrimpings in my pantry for when money is tight; it's amazing what a few pennies can add up to over time.
4. Instead of going out to eat, we decided to make dinner at home using scrimpings from our fridge; it turned out to be a delicious meal.
5. Even though we're on vacation, we're still trying to stick to our budget by using scrimpings for things like snacks and souvenirs.

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