Sequester example sentences

Related (10): isolate, quarantine, segregate, withdraw, seclude, confine, detain, alienate, detach, sequestrate

"Sequester" Example Sentences

1. The jury was sequestered during deliberations.
2. The witnesses were sequestered until called to testify.
3. The couple decided to sequester themselves away on a tropical island for their honeymoon.
4. Lawmakers failed to reach an agreement to sequester funds for the new program.
5. The bill proposes sequestering large amounts of carbon dioxide from power plants.
6. Extreme drought conditions forced the ranchers to sequester their herds into feedlots.
7. The controversial proposal would sequester portions of the national park off-limits to tourists.
8. Funds were sequestered from the defense budget to pay for relief efforts.
9. Scientists hope gene editing techniques can help sequester more carbon in plant tissues.
10. During budget negotiations, lawmakers debated how much funding should be sequestered.
11. The plan calls for millions of acres of farmland to be sequestered for wildlife habitat.
12. The hostage takers sequestered their victims in a basement room.
13. Lawmakers were unable to agree on how spending should be sequestered as part of the debt deal.
14. The court ordered the defendant to be sequestered away from media until after the trial.
15. The robbers sequestered all the bank employees into the vault during the heist.
16. The CEO sequestered herself away in her office to avoid answering tough questions from the board.
17. Forest rangers sequestered campers to a safe zone away from the path of the wildfire.
18. Experts recommend media devices be sequestered away from babies and young children.
19. The fugitives sequestered themselves in a remote mountain cabin to evade authorities.
20. The butterflies were sequestered into netted cages for transport.
21. The star witness in the high-profile trial was sequestered in a secret location for her safety.
22. The zookeepers sequestered the sick animals away from the rest of the collection.
23. Soldiers were sequestered into barracks during the lockdown period.
24. The mood in the room became grim as the king quietly sequestered himself and his advisors.
25. Scientists hope trees and plants can help sequester more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
26. Officials moved quickly to sequester contaminated areas following the chemical spill.
27. The treaty proposed sequestering large quantities of nuclear material to prevent proliferation.
28. The governor signed an executive order sequestering emergency funds for disaster relief.
29. Environmentalists called for sequestering large swaths of the rainforest off-limits to logging.
30. The president sequestered himself in the Oval Office to make a serious decision.
31. The lab animals were temporarily sequestered during a disease outbreak.
32. The royals were sequestered away for their safety during the palace coup.
33. Politicians had a heated debate over how to equitably sequester funds in the budget.
34. The manager sequestered himself away to brainstorm new ideas for the struggling company.
35. The newlywed couple sequestered themselves away in their home for a week of uninterrupted bliss.
36. The storm sequestered campers to their tents for days.
37. Researchers hope cows can help sequester more carbon through modifications to their diet.
38. Lawyers on both sides were sequestered in separate rooms during negotiations.
39. The band sequestered themselves in a cabin in the woods to write and record their first album.
40. The authorities sequestered areas surrounding the crime scene.
41. The researchers sequestered the infected mice in isolated cages.
42. Activists called for large swaths of old growth forest to be sequestered as wilderness areas.
43. Officials debated how much extra funding should be sequestered for emergency needs.
44. The soldiers were sequestered into barracks according to their rank.
45. The witness was sequestered in a safe house until called to testify.
46. Parts of the redwood forest were sequestered as a national monument.
47. The couple sequestered themselves away at a romantic bed and breakfast for the weekend.
48. Funds were sequestered from rapidly growing departments to balance the budget.
49. The rock idol sequestered himself away in his mansion, avoiding the public eye.
50. Scientists are working to develop crops that can help sequester carbon in soil.
51. The ostracized members were sequestered on an island as punishment.
52. The monk sequestered himself away in a remote cave for years of solitary meditation.
53. Officials debated how much funding should be sequestered for disaster relief efforts.
54. The abandoned buildings were sequestered behind a tall fence.
55. Large forests were sequestered as wildlife preserves through legislation.
56. The heir to the throne was sequestered away in a castle for his safety.
57. The accused was sequestered from the rest of the prison population for his own protection.
58. Budget cuts forced lawmakers to debate programs that could be sequestered.
59. Experts hope tidal marshes can help sequester carbon in plant debris and soils.
60. Farmers were hesitant to sequester large areas of marginal farmland for conservation.

Common Phases

1. The jury was sequestered during the long trial.
2. The witness was temporarily sequestered until called to testify.
3. Funds have been sequestered for the upcoming project.
4. During the pandemic, some were forced to self-sequester for safety.
5. Lawmakers were unable to agree on a plan to sequester carbon emissions.
6. Scientists hope new technologies will eventually be able to effectively sequester carbon from the atmosphere.
7. The legislation aims to sequester millions of tons of carbon dioxide annually.
8. The tropical rainforest serves as a natural carbon sequester.
9. Plants sequester carbon through photosynthesis.
10. The bill proposes sequestering funds for veterans benefits.
11. In order to reduce tensions, authorities decided to sequester the rival gang members.
12. Money meant for charity was sequestered by the embezzler.
13. His advisors tried to sequester him from the news reports.
14. She tried to sequester herself away in a cabin to work on her novel.
15. The judge decided to sequester the jurors during deliberations.
16. The children were sequestered in the basement during the tornado.
17. Funds were sequestered for pet projects not approved by Congress.
18. Evidence has been sequestered for further examination.
19. The dirty bomb materials were quickly sequestered by the bomb squad.
20. Jurors may be sequestered to avoid outside influences during a trial.
21. The lawyer tried to sequester the client from media attention.
22. Classrooms can help sequester students during lockdown drills.
23. The prime suspect has been sequestered for further questioning.
24. Money for the program was sequestered before the budget cuts.
25. Scientists are trying to find ways soils can better sequester carbon.
26. Employees were sequestered in the building during the lockdown.
27. She tried to sequester herself away from all social interaction.
28. Evidence has been sequestered for further chemical testing.
29. Funds were sequestered for hurricane relief despite budget cuts.
30. The jury was immediately sequestered after allegations of bias arose.
31. Samples have been sequestered for DNA testing.
32. The country aims to sequester millions of tons of carbon annually.
33. Forests naturally sequester large amounts of atmospheric carbon.
34. They decided to sequester the girls away from potential danger.
35. Materials have been sequestered as possible evidence.
36. The board decided to sequester funds for the new park.
37. Students were sequestered in their dorms during the campus lockdown.
38. Participants were sequestered from outside communication during the study.
39. The witness was sequestered to avoid contact with other jurors.
40. Teenagers were sequestered in the basement during the tornado warning.
41. Funds were sequestered for various pet projects over the years.
42. Evidence has been sequestered at a secure warehouse.
43. The conflicting parties agreed to temporarily sequester themselves.
44. He tried to sequester himself away in the cabin to work in solitude.
45. Jurors were immediately sequestered after allegations of impropriety arose.
46. The tissues samples have been sequestered for further analysis.
47. The judge ordered the jury be sequestered during deliberations.
48. Civilians were sequestered underground during the bombings.
49. Money was sequestered for disaster relief efforts.
50. The defense tried to sequester the defendant from the media.
51. Legislators could not agree on how to best sequester carbon emissions.
52. Employees were sequestered in their cubicles during the lockdown.
53. The bill proposes sequestering $1 billion for national parks.
54. The new program aims to better sequester carbon in soil.
55. Students were sequestered to avoid distraction during exams.
56. The jury was sequestered to avoid outside influences on their decision.
57. Funds have been sequestered for the ongoing public health crisis.
58. Families were sequestered underground during the terrorist attacks.
59. Carbon could potentially be sequestered in depleted oil reservoirs.
60. The judge ordered jurors be immediately sequestered during deliberations.

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