Shielded example sentences
Related (9): Protected, isolated, screened, safeguarded, sheltered, defended, insulated, secured, covered.
"Shielded" Example Sentences
1. The helmet shielded his head from the blow.
2. The metal shield shielded him from the blast.
3. The umbrella shielded her from the rain.
4. The armor shielded the knight from enemy attacks.
5. His identity was shielded from the public eye.
6. The tinted windows shielded the passengers from the sun.
7. Her kind aunt shielded her from the harsh realities of the world.
8. The secret was shielded even from his closest friends.
9. The leaves shielded his face from view.
10. The booth shielded them from the noise and bustle outside.
11. She shielded her eyes from the glare of the sun.
12. The trees shielded their campsite from view.
13. The hat shielded her eyes from the sun.
14. His identity was carefully shielded from investigators.
15. His identity was shielded by his powerful friends.
16. The curtains shielded the room from outside observers.
17. The armed guard shielded them from potential threats.
18. The sunglasses shielded his eyes from the bright light.
19. The bureaucratic red tape shielded them from accountability.
20. His birthparents shielded him from the cruel realities of the world.
21. The leaves shielded me from unwanted attention.
22. The bushes shielded the fugitives from view.
23. The body armor shielded him from bullets.
24. The publicist shielded the celebrity from the paparazzi.
25. The trees shielded our camp from the bitter wind.
26. Their identity was shielded even from their closest friends.
27. The tree shielded me from the worst of the storm.
28. The helmet shielded his head and face from debris.
29. The sunglasses shielded her eyes from the bright sun.
30. The note shielded his true feelings from her.
31. The bushes shielded the outlaws from pursuing posse members.
32. His undisclosed sources shielded him from accountability.
33. The fire shielded them from potential predators.
34. The bodyguards shielded the VIP from potential threats.
35. The tank armor shielded the soldiers from enemy fire.
36. The hand shielded his eyes from the glare.
37. The gown shielded her body from viewing eyes.
38. The blinds shielded the office from prying eyes.
39. The mask shielded his face from intrusive stares.
40. The password shielded his computer from unauthorized access.
41. The tinted windows shielded the occupants from the sun.
42. The officer's identity was shielded for her own protection.
43. The bushes shielded the fugitive from pursuing police.
44. The tree shielded my campsite from view.
45. The armor shielded him from the enemy's arrows.
46. His true intentions were shielded even from his closest friends.
47. Official secrecy shielded key details from the public.
48. The bodyguard shielded the celebrity from paparazzi and fans.
49. The helmet shielded my head from injury during the accident.
50. The waiter expertly shielded my view of the kitchen.
51. The sunglasses shielded her eyes from the glare.
52. The walls shielded the occupants from the harsh weather.
53. The bandana shielded his face from the blowing sand.
54. The trees shielded the campsite from view.
55. The hat brim shielded her eyes from the harsh sun.
56. The curtain shielded their activities from observers.
57. The smoke shielded their escape from sight.
58. Her identity was shielded even from her own family.
59. The armor plating shielded the troops from enemy fire.
60. The password shielded the data from unauthorized access.
Common Phases
1. The helmet shielded his head from the blow.
2. The umbrella shielded her from the rain.
3. The armor shielded the knight from attacks.
4. His identity was shielded from the public eye.
5. The tinted windows shielded them from the sun.
6. The helmet shielded his face from debris.
7. The leaves shielded him from view.
8. The tree shielded the campsite from view.
9. The sunglasses shielded his eyes from the glare.
10. The blinds shielded the office from prying eyes.