Safeguard example sentences

Related (15): protection, security, precaution, shield, insurance, defense, buffer, barrier, lock, fortification, watchfulness, vigilance, caution, rescue, backup

"Safeguard" Example Sentences

1. The company implemented new security protocols to safeguard customer data.
2. The combination lock and alarm system were installed to safeguard the jewelry store.
3. The company takes data privacy very seriously and has numerous measures in place to safeguard customer information.
4. Regulations and inspections help safeguard the food and drugs supplied to consumers.
5. Laws were enacted to safeguard workers' rights and safety on the job.
6. Establishing clear guidelines and procedures helps safeguard ethical standards within an organization.
7. Security cameras were installed to help safeguard the museum's valuable art collection.
8. Police patrols were increased to help safeguard the town during the recent wave of burglaries.
9. Health checks and vaccinations help safeguard livestock from spreading disease.
10. Strict supervisory oversight aims to safeguard the stability of the banking system.
11. The committee will propose new rules to further safeguard the rights of minority shareholders.
12. We must safeguard free speech and freedom of the press in order to protect democracy.
13. Proper storage and handling of chemicals helps safeguard the safety of laboratory workers.
14. Erring on the side of caution helps safeguard human health during medical research.
15. Strict safety protocols aim to safeguard the wellbeing of athletes during high-risk sports.
16. Strong cybersecurity protocols help safeguard the infrastructure of critical industries.
17. The shelter has numerous measures in place to safeguard the welfare of abused animals.
18. Good backups and disaster recovery plans help safeguard data against loss or corruption.
19. Stricter emission standards aim to safeguard air quality and public health.
20. Conservation efforts aim to safeguard endangered plant and animal species.
21. The treaty aims to ultimately safeguard world peace through diplomacy and cooperation.
22. Rigid quality control checks help safeguard the safety and effectiveness of pharmaceutical drugs.
23. Proper certification and training helps safeguard the competence of medical professionals.
24. Environmental impact assessments aim to safeguard the ecological balance of natural habitats.
25. Strict safety protocols aim to safeguard the lives of rescue workers during disaster relief operations.
26. Strong firewalls and malware detection help safeguard computer networks against cyber attacks.
27. The government must safeguard national security while also protecting civil liberties.
28. Rigorous product testing helps safeguard the safety and reliability of consumer goods.
29. A costly investment now may help safeguard the long-term health of the ecosystem.
30. Enacting responsible policies aims to ultimately safeguard the future of the planet.
31. Good password security helps safeguard accounts from being hacked or compromised.
32. Backup generators aim to safeguard against power outages during extreme weather events.
33. Ethical company policies help safeguard organizational integrity and reputation.
34. Strict procedures aim to safeguard the security and integrity of elections.
35. Treaties and alliances aim to safeguard regional and global stability through peaceful cooperation.
36. Insurance policies aim to safeguard against financial losses due to catastrophic events.
37. The Constitution and Bill of Rights aim to safeguard fundamental freedoms and democracy.
38. Strict emissions standards ultimately aim to safeguard public health by improving air quality.
39. Routine maintenance and upgrades help safeguard the performance and longevity of equipment.
40. Rigorous testing protocols help safeguard the effectiveness of new medical treatments.
41. Strict building codes aim to ultimately safeguard lives by ensuring structural integrity.
42. Conservation efforts aim to safeguard biodiversity and ecosystem resilience for future generations.
43. The institution must safeguard academic integrity and uphold the highest moral and ethical standards.
44. Strict oversight aims to ultimately safeguard the welfare of participants in clinical research studies.
45. Ethical policies help safeguard socially responsible business practices within an organization.
46. Secure firewalls and encryption aim to ultimately safeguard the privacy of individuals' personal data.
47. Redundant systems aim to safeguard against data loss due to hardware or software failures.
48. Watchful regulators aim to ultimately safeguard the interests of consumers and the general public.
49. Government regulations ultimately aim to safeguard public health, safety and wellbeing.
50. International aid aims to safeguard vulnerable populations during humanitarian crises.
51. Strong passwords and two-factor authentication help safeguard online accounts from being compromised.
52. Proper training and certification regimes aim to ultimately safeguard the competence of health professionals.
53. Strict oversight aims to ultimately safeguard against research misconduct within the scientific community.
54. Emergency alerts aim to ultimately safeguard lives during natural disasters and other catastrophic events.
55. Prudent resource management aims to ultimately safeguard long-term prosperity and economic stability.
56. Good backups, firewalls and anti-malware aim to ultimately safeguard data integrity and availability.
57. Ethical codes of conduct help safeguard reputations and build trust within a profession.
58. Rigorous quality inspections help safeguard the safety and reliability of essential infrastructure.
59. Whistleblower protections aim to ultimately safeguard the integrity of institutions by exposing wrongdoing.
60. Diplomatic solutions ultimately aim to safeguard regional and international peace and security.

Common Phases

1. safeguard against - to protect against or defend from risk or harm
E.g. "The museum installed security cameras to safeguard against theft."
2. safeguard from - to defend or protect from loss, damage, or danger
E.g. "The home alarm system helps safeguard the family from intruders."
3. safeguarding measures - actions taken to defend or protect something
E.g. "The company has stringent safeguarding measures in place to protect customer data."
4. safeguard interests - defend or protect interests, desires, or concerns
E.g. "The trade union aims to safeguard the interests of its members."
5. safeguard rights - defend or protect legal or moral claims or just demands
E.g. "Many organizations work to safeguard human rights across the globe."
6. safeguard the welfare- protect or defend the wellbeing of someone or something
E.g. "The new laws aim to safeguard the welfare of children."
7. safeguard resources- to defend or protect valuable assets or means
E.g "Strict policies aim to safeguard the country's precious natural resources."
8. safeguard security - to protect or defend security, safety, or freedom from danger
E.g. "The military works to safeguard national security."
9. safeguard stability - to defend or preserve a stable condition
E.g. "Economic reforms aim to safeguard stability and prosperity."
10. ultimately safeguard- to defend or protect something in the end or as a final result
E.g. "The committee was formed to ultimately safeguard the rights of citizens."

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