Shock example sentences

Related (10): surprise, trauma, jolt, amazement, shaking, startle, appallment, stun, electrify, astound

"Shock" Example Sentences

1. The news came as a real shock.
2. The medical costs came as a shock to the family.
3. The accident shocked everyone who saw it.
4. The low test scores came as a shock to the teacher.
5. The betrayal shocked her to the core.
6. The police report shocked and horrified her.
7. The newly revealed evidence came as quite a shock.
8. He was in total shock after the car crash.
9. The low amount in his bank account came as a shock.
10. The soldier was still in shock from the battle.
11. The shocking news report left viewers speechless.
12. The shocking announcement left the room in silence.
13. The sudden death shocked the entire community.
14. The victim was still in shock from the trauma.
15. The rude comment shocked her into silence.
16. The sight of the mangled car shocked the onlookers.
17. His rudeness came as an absolute shock.
18. Her behavior shocked everyone who knew her.
19. The sudden number of layoffs shocked the employees.
20. The severity of his injuries came as a shock.
21. The medical bills gave the family a nasty shock.
22. He's still recovering from the shock of losing his job.
23. The confrontation left her in a state of shock.
24. The doctor delivered the shocking diagnosis.
25. The study found shocking levels of pollution.
26. The uncovering of lies came as quite a shock.
27. The shock caused her heart rate to skyrocket.
28. The scandal provided a real shock to the system.
29. The family is still in shock over the tragedy.
30. The findings were shocking, to say the least.
31. The new prices came as quite a shock.
32. The truth came as quite a shocking revelation.
33. She felt a sharp shock of pain in her knee.
34. The witness was still in a state of shock.
35. The news report evoked feelings of shock and horror.
36. The country was thrown into shock by the terrorist attack.
37. The photo produced a sharp shock of recognition.
38. The fall caused her to feel a shock of dizziness.
39. The abrupt change left him in a state of shock.
40. The accusation came as quite a shock to him.
41. The facts came as a real shocker.
42. The grim statistics were shocking and disturbing.
43. The story had a shocking plot twist.
44. The bill gave her a real nasty shock.
45. The injuries left him in a state of traumatic shock.
46. The blow caused him to feel a shock of pain.
47. The crowd gasped in shock at the violence.
48. Her sudden disappearance came as quite a shock.
49. The sight shocked him into horrified silence.
50. The doctor administered a mild electric shock.
51. The shocking photos went viral online.
52. The test results created quite a shock wave.
53. The event came as a total bolt from the blue.
54. The sudden diagnosis left him in a state of shock.
55. The fearful jolt sent a painful shock through his body.
56. The extremely high fever caused him to go into shock.
57. The electric current sent a painful shock through her arm.
58. The traumatic experience left him in a state of catatonic shock.
59. The barbaric violence evoked feelings of shock and outrage.
60. The news shocked him to the very core of his being.

Common Phases

1. The news came as a shock.
2. The doctor administered an electric shock to restart his heart.
3. Her laugh gave me quite a shock.
4. He was in shock after the terrible car accident.
5. The city was still in a state of shock after the terrorist attack.
6. Her rudeness came as quite a shock.
7. The cost of the repairs came as a nasty shock.
8. The earthquake was a huge shock to the region.
9. His frankness came as something of a shock.
10. The aftermath of the disaster left the town in a state of shock.
11. The evidence gave the police quite a shock.
12. The sight of the battered car shocked us.
13. The doctor warned that the treatment may cause some mild shock.
14. The revelation shocked the world.
15. He was still suffering from shock at the hospital.
16. Her behavior shocked me.
17. The ruined buildings were a shocking sight.
18. I was shocked by how much the prices had increased.
19. The shocking news made her burst into tears.
20. The terrible event was a profound shock to everyone involved.
21. The young child was in a state of shock after the accident.
22. It was a real shock to see him after so many years.
23. The data revealed some shocking information.
24. The freezing water gave me a shock when I jumped in.
25. Her disappearance was a complete shock to everyone.
26. The shock of the cold water made me scream.
27. His sudden change of mind came as a shock.
28. She gasped in shock at the frightening sight.
29. The shocking allegations rocked the industry.
30. The website contained some shockingly offensive material.
31. He had received quite a shock when he learned the news.
32. The bill gave me quite a shock.
33. I was shocked by how much he had changed.
34. The result came as a total shock.
35. The sight of the blood shocked me.
36. Her betrayal was the biggest shock of all.
37. The crash caused a massive oil spill that shocked the world.
38. He was in a state of shock following the trauma.
39. The harsh criticism came as a bit of a shock.
40. The pictures revealed a shocking side to the story.
41. The doctor said the patient was suffering from shock.
42. His sudden disappearance was a huge shock.
43. Her rudeness came as a big shock.
44. She was in a state of shock after seeing the accident.
45. I was shocked by how messy the room was.
46. The shocking video went viral.
47. The footage showed shocking scenes of devastation.
48. He was shocked into silence.
49. The innocent child acted in a shockingly violent manner.
50. The bill gave me quite a shock.
51. I was totally shocked by his decision to quit.
52. The bad news came as quite a shock.
53. The graphic photo was too shocking to look at for long.
54. She was still in a state of shock from the diagnosis.
55. The shocking truth finally came to light.
56. The photo revealed a shocking detail.
57. He acted in a shockingly irresponsible manner.
58. The news came as a huge shock.
59. The proposal came as quite a shock.
60. The cost of the repairs came as a bit of a shock.

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