Shrivelling example sentences

Related (9): withering, wilting, puckering, scorching, contracting, collapsing, shrinking, fading, decaying

"Shrivelling" Example Sentences

1. The sun was so intense that it caused the fruits on the tree to start shrivelling up.
2. The heat caused the leaves on the sidewalk to start shrivelling and dying.
3. I could feel my skin shrivelling up from the cold, dry air.
4. The drought caused the plants in the garden to start shrivelling and withering.
5. As I watched, the spider's prey slowly began shrivelling up and losing its life force.
6. The old woman's hands were shrivelling with age, making it difficult for her to hold anything.
7. The apple was starting to shrivel up and lose its freshness.
8. The desert heat was so intense that it caused the cactus to start shrivelling and wilting.
9. The once beautiful flower was now shrivelling up and losing its color.
10. The sunflower started shrivelling up and losing its petals as the days went by.
11. The harsh winter winds were causing the tree's leaves to shrivel and fall.
12. The tomato was already shrivelling up and going bad when I found it in the fridge.
13. The drought was causing the farmers' crops to shrivel up and die.
14. She could feel her heart shrivelling up as she watched her dreams slip away.
15. The snake's prey was slowly shrivelling up from the venom in its body.
16. Despite being watered regularly, the plant was still starting to shrivel and wilt.
17. The once vibrant forest was now shrivelling up due to deforestation and pollution.
18. The caterpillar's body was shrivelling and changing shape as it went through metamorphosis.
19. The man's hand was starting to shrivel and contract due to the intense cold.
20. The mushrooms were already starting to shrivel and decay in the damp, dark forest.
21. The fruit had been left in the sun for too long, causing it to shrivel and rot.
22. She could feel her soul shrivelling up as she continued to live a life without passion.
23. The starfish had been out of the water too long, causing it to shrivel and die.
24. The once beautiful lake was now shrivelling up due to climate change and human interference.
25. The man's skin was starting to shrivel and wrinkle as he entered old age.
26. The root vegetable was starting to shrivel and dry out after being left in the pantry too long.
27. The grape was already starting to shrivel and lose its sweetness on the vine.
28. The flower was starting to shrivel and wilt as the vase water evaporated.
29. The corals were slowly shrivelling up and dying from pollution and climate change.
30. The insect's body was starting to shrivel and dry up as the sun beat down on it.

Common Phases

1. The fruit was shrivelling up;
2. The flowers were shrivelling in the heat;
3. The leaves were shrivelling and falling off;
4. His skin was shrivelling with age;
5. The grapes were shrivelling on the vine.

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