Slightness example sentences

Related (10): delicacy, subtlety, fragility, slightness, finesse, daintiness, frailty, tenuity, gracefulness, airiness

"Slightness" Example Sentences

1. He dismissed the slightness of their complaints.
2. She found their slightness annoying and childish.
3. I realized the slightness of my contribution.
4. The slightness of her injuries did not concern the doctors.
5. The queen saw through the slightness of their flattery.
6. The slightness of his answer angered the interviewer.
7. I was shocked by the slightness of his apology.
8. The slightness of the damage heartened the homeowner.
9. The slightness of the risk concerned no one.
10. The slightness of her figure complemented her dress.
11. He laughed at the slightness of her threat.
12. The slightness of her rebuke had no effect.
13. The slightness of their knowledge soon became apparent.
14. Their slightness of manner annoyed the headmaster.
15. She deplored the slightness of his attention span.
16. The slightness of his experience worried his colleagues.
17. The slightness of her insults only served to infuriate him further.
18. The slightness of his remarks belied his profound insights.
19. The slightness of her attempt at humor fell flat.
20. The slightness of his skills limited his job prospects.
21. The slightness of their preparations ensured failure.
22. The slightness of the evidence made conviction unlikely.
23. The slightness of her illness deceived her.
24. The slightness of their differences did not matter in the end.
25. The slightness of his excuse did not fool anyone.
26. The slightness of the gap made it easy to cross.
27. The slightness of her voice was beautiful.
28. The slightness of their disagreement soon passed.
29. The slightness of her chance of success did not deter her.
30. The slightness of the gap left the wires still touching.
31. The slightness of it all left her disappointed.
32. The slightness of his answer was telling.
33. The slightness of their needs went unnoticed.
34. The slightness of his response spoke volumes.
35. The slightness of her departure went unmarked.
36. The slightness of their voices made them hard to hear.
37. The slightness of my contribution escaped me.
38. The slightness of her injuries belied her pain.
39. The slightness of it all astounded me.
40. The slightness of their culpability caused leniency.
41. The slightness of the risk did little to assuage her fears.
42. The slightness of his skills held him back.
43. The slightness of the effects amazed scientists.
44. The slightness of her pay insulted her.
45. The slightness of their preparation was made obvious.
46. The slightness of the evidence was problematic.
47. The slightness of his injuries belied the seriousness of the accident.
48. The slightness of her voice soothed him.
49. The slightness of their differences enraged them.
50. The slightness of my contribution escaped notice.
51. The slightness of his reaction surprised her.
52. The slightness of their preparations astonished him.
53. The slightness of the gap posed no obstacle.
54. The slightness of their culpability secured an acquittal.
55. The slightness of her injuries compared to his shocked her.
56. The slightness of his reply belied his understanding.
57. The slightness of their voices could hardly be heard above the noise.
58. The slightness of the risk belied the seriousness of the situation.
59. The slightness of her explanation betrayed her lack of understanding.
60. The slightness of their attempts endeared them to her.

Common Phases

1. The slightness of the curve surprised me.
2. I apologized for the slightness of my mistake.
3. She notices even the slightest imperfection.
4. The slightness of her touch sent shivers down my spine.
5. The accusation did not bother him due to its slightness.
6. Even the slightest gesture of affection meant everything to her.
7. The slightness of his injury allowed him to continue playing.
8. The pain's slightness meant it was not worth mentioning.
9. The rain pelted down with slightness, not enough to truly soak me.
10. He felt slighted by the slightness of her compliment.
11. She shrugged off the slightness of his insult.
12. The slightness of her features made her look fragile.
13. The ink blot was so slight, I had not even noticed it until she pointed it out.
14. The slightness of the feathers astonished me.
15. The slightness of the error went unnoticed until the final product.
16. The slightness of the breeze was refreshing in the heat.
17. I had to search for the slightness of the crack that caused the leak.
18. The slightness of his absence was felt deeply by his family.
19. The slightness of her stumble did not slow her pace.
20. The slightness of my role did not diminish my enthusiasm for the project.
21. The slightness of volume did not diminish the enjoyment of the music.
22. Her smile was so slight, I almost missed it.
23. The ink stained the paper so slightly that I almost missed it.
24. The slightness of the scratch became a fatal flaw.
25. The slightness of her resemblance to her famous aunt went unnoticed by all but family.
26. Thanks to improvements in tech, the slightness of damage was now detectable.
27. The slightness of his lies accumulated into something unforgivable.
28. The slightness of the change was enough to make all the difference.
29. The slightness of her gasp made me wonder if I'd imagined it.
30. The slightness of the distinction confused me.
31. Even the slightest breeze carried the scent of her perfume.
32. The slightness of her talents did not diminish her joy for playing music.
33. The slightness of the gap frustrated her efforts to connect the two pieces.
34. The slightness of our connection did not matter to me.
35. The slightness of the raise caused resentment among employees.
36. The slightness of her sorrow seemed insincere.
37. The slightness of her frame made her look fragile.
38. The slightness of his compliment revealed his contempt.
39. The slightness of the alteration seemed negligible but proved fatal.
40. The slightness of her shrugged confused me as to its meaning.
41. The slightness of the ripple drew my attention to its source.
42. The slightness of my argument did not sway him.
43. The slightness of her smile went unnoticed in the crowd.
44. The slightness of their resemblance obscured their relation.
45. The slightness of the noise seemed insignificant yet turned out to be crucial.
46. The slightness of my achievements seems meaningless now.
47. The slightness of his touch belied the depth of his affection.
48. The slightness of her appetite concerned me.
49. The slightness of the defect allowed it to pass inspection.
50. The slightness of his effort enabled success.
51. The slightness of the dent made it go unnoticed for years.
52. The slightness of her voice struggled to be heard above the din.
53 The slightness of our acquaintance did not diminish his kindness.
54. The slightness of her portion went unnoticed by her but not by others.
55. The slightness of my knowledge of the topic surprised everyone.
56. The slightness of her fortune did not diminish her joie de vivre.
57. Even in slightness, her presence filled the room.
58. The slightness of her wound concealed its fatality.
59. The slightness of the alteration made it nearly impossible to detect.
60. The slightness of my objection barely registered with him.

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