Snob example sentences

Related (5): arrogant, elitist, haughty, pretentious, snooty.

"Snob" Example Sentences

1. The snob looked down on anyone who didn't dress in designer clothes.
2. She was such a snob about her expensive taste in wine.
3. He acted like a snob when he found out they were serving boxed wine at the party.
4. The restaurant's dress code was so strict that it attracted a lot of snobs.
5. She thought she was better than everyone else because she went to an Ivy League school, but everyone else just saw her as a snob.
6. He would only shop at high-end stores and turned his nose up at anything that wasn't designer – a true snob.
7. The snob couldn't stand the thought of using public transportation and insisted on taking a taxi everywhere.
8. She acted like such a snob when talking about her collection of vintage clothing.
9. He refused to eat anything that wasn't organic or locally sourced, making him a bit of a food snob.
10. She wouldn't be caught dead drinking a cheap beer – she was a snob when it came to her alcohol.
11. The snob turned his nose up at the thought of eating fast food.
12. She acted like a snob when she found out that the restaurant didn't have any gluten-free options.
13. He only associated with people who were wealthy, making him seem like a bit of a snob.
14. She has expensive taste in everything and can come across as a snob because of it.
15. The snob judged others based on what kind of car they drove.
16. She acted like a snob when she saw that her hotel room didn't have a view of the ocean.
17. He only listened to classical music and looked down on anyone who listened to anything else, making him a music snob.
18. She wouldn't go to a restaurant unless it had a Michelin star – a true food snob.
19. The snob only wore clothing that was made by certain high-end designers.
20. He thought he was better than everyone else because he had a PhD – a bit of a snob.
21. She would only go to art galleries that showcased rare and expensive pieces – a snob in the art world.
22. He had a habit of correcting people's grammar, which earned him a reputation as a grammar snob.
23. She was a book snob and looked down on anyone who read popular fiction instead of literary classics.
24. He turned his nose up at anything that wasn't locally sourced or organic, making him a bit of a food snob.
25. She acted like a snob when her friends suggested going to a chain restaurant instead of a trendy, upscale place.
26. He was a wine snob and refused to drink anything that wasn't expensive and rare.
27. She acted like a snob when she saw that her hotel room wasn't a suite.
28. He only wore designer clothing and sneered at anything that wasn't top-of-the-line, making him a fashion snob.
29. The snob refused to shop at anything but high-end grocery stores and wouldn't step foot in a discount store.
30. She acted like a snob when she found out that the office coffee was just instant and not freshly brewed.

Common Phases

1. Who does she think she is; such a snob
2. He only associates with the wealthy; what a snob
3. She turns her nose up at anything below designer; what a snob
4. He judges people based on their clothes and looks; such a snob
5. She belittles anyone who doesn't share her taste in music; what a snob
6. He claims to have superior knowledge on everything; such a snob
7. She scoffs at those who eat fast food; what a snob
8. He refuses to shop at anything other than high-end stores; such a snob
9. She sneers at those who don't speak with proper grammar; what a snob
10. He looks down on those who don't have a college degree; such a snob

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