Sottish example sentences

Related (5): drunken, boorish, inebriated, befuddled, tipsy

"Sottish" Example Sentences

1. His sottish behavior at the party embarrassed everyone.
2. The drunken man's slurred speech and sottish manner annoyed the other guests.
3. His mind became dull and sottish after months of excessive drinking.
4. The young man's once bright future was wasted due to his sottish ways.
5. She scolded him for his sottish disregard for social norms.
6. The master chided his servant for his sottish failure to complete his duties.
7. The young servant was reprimanded for his sottish lateness and forgetfulness.
8. The fellow's sottish countenance revealed that he had been drinking excessively.
9. His sottish friends were a bad influence on the young man.
10. The man's dull and sottish mind showed the effects of years of hard living.
11. I could not abide his sottish drunken tales and foul language.
12. She was appalled by his sottish lack of self-control.
13. His sottish behavior damaged his once promising career.
14. His sottish condition prevented him from accomplishing anything meaningful.
15. People avoided him due to his sottish habits and boorish manner.
16. The wine had dulled his senses and made him prone to sottish behavior.
17. His sottish indulgences disgusted those of a more temperate nature.
18. I fear your sottish habits will soon render you incapable of reason.
19. The maid lamented her master's gradual descent into sottish indulgence.
20. His once lively mind had become dull and sottish through drink.
21. Too many nights of sottish revelry had jaded his palate for finer pleasures.
22. Their sottish companions gradually wearied them of such vulgar company.
23. The sottish servant bothered the household with his drunken insolence.
24. She turned away in disgust from his sottish breath and vulgar jokes.
25. The magistrate condemned the low fellow's sottish ways.
26. His sottish friends led him down the path of ruin and despair.
27. The child's sottish behavior revealed his poor upbringing.
28. His sottish friends were cut off for corrupting his innocent mind.
29. The countess dismissed her footman for his sottish insolence.
30. The barkeep warned him against his sottish ruination of health and fortune.
31. His sottish ways eventually cost him the respect of all decent people.
32. The magistrate condemned his sottish disregard for the law.
33. His dull and sottish manner revealed the effects of years of hard drinking.
34. Free from his sottish companions, the young man's mind soon sharpened.
35. His sottish habit of excessive drinking drowned his finer sensibilities.
36. They tired of his dull and sottish conversation fueled by alcohol.
37. The sottish maidservant was eventually dismissed due to her drunkenness.
38. His sottish friends finally led him to prison due to their criminal activities.
39. His sottish ways disgusted people of a more temperate and virtuous nature.
40. His once bright wit had become dull and sottish through dissipation.
41. They tired of his sottish jokes and ungentlemanly behavior at the gathering.
42. The sottish servant was finally dismissed for neglect of his duties.
43. His sottish indulgences eventually ruined his health and fortune.
44. His sottish companions slowly corrupted his once innocent nature.
45. The magistrate condemned his sottish habits and dissolute way of life.
46. His once lively intellect succumbed to a dull and sottish stupidity.
47. The sottish footman wasted his evenings in taverns instead of attending to his duties.
48. His employer warned him against his sottish waste of time and money on drink.
49. The young man was advised against the company of his sottish companions.
50. His once brilliant mind had turned dull and sottish through dissipation.
51. The magistrate condemned the sottish ruffians for disturbing the peace.
52. The sottish servant girl's laziness cost her job at the household.
53. Their erstwhile lively discussions had descended into his dull and sottish prattle.
54. The magistrate condemned the sottish revelers for their vulgar disorderliness.
55. His sottish manner made him unwelcome in polite society.
56. The magistrate condemned the sottish ruffians for their illegal activities.
57. His dull and sottish behavior eventually drove away his few remaining friends.
58. His sottish companions eventually got him fired from his job.
59. The sottish maidservant could not complete even the simplest of tasks properly.
60. His once sharp intellect had degenerated into a dull and sottish stupidity.

Common Phases

1. of a sottish habit - having or showing the characteristics of a drunkard due to excessive drinking
2. sottish indulgence - the act of gratifying one's desires in a way that is indicative of a drunkard, especially regarding drinking alcoholic beverages
3. in a sottish manner - like a drunkard; stupidly or drunkenly
4. prone to sottish behavior - having a tendency to act like a drunkard, characterized by drinking to excess or behaving stupidly
5. indulge in sottish ways - to partake excessively in habits typical of a drunkard, especially drinking alcoholic beverages
6. descended into sottish stupidity - has become intellectually dull or foolish in a way characteristic of a drunkard due to excessive drinking
7. dismiss for sottish insolence - fire or discharge from employment or position because of disrespectful or rude behavior typical of a drunkard
8. sottish disregard - lack of proper respect or consideration typical of a drunkard
9. correct for sottish failings - reprimand or punish in order to amend the negligent characteristics or mistakes typical of a drunkard
10. turn sottish through dissipation - become dull, idle or foolish in the manner typical of a drunkard due to excessive indulgence in pleasure and vice

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