Soundbites example sentences

Related (27): 1. Quotes, excerpts, snippets, 2. Clippings, highlights, catchphrases, 3. Quotations, punchlines, one-liners, 4. Remarks, fragments, pieces, 5. Exerts, bits, phrases, 6. Sayings, maxims, aphorisms, 7. Comments, quips, wisecracks, 8. Cuts, portions, segments, 9. Blurbs, mottos, slogans

"Soundbites" Example Sentences

1. The politician delivered soundbites throughout his entire speech.
2. The media always looks for catchy soundbites to use in their articles.
3. The coach's post-game interviews were filled with memorable soundbites.
4. The artist's interviews were often filled with soundbites that shocked the public.
5. The spokesperson's soundbites didn't do much to calm the public's fears.
6. The panel discussion was filled with insightful soundbites from the experts.
7. The journalist's article was full of soundbites from the interviewees.
8. The news anchor's soundbites helped the viewers understand the story better.
9. The CEO's soundbites didn't do much to appease shareholders.
10. The politician's soundbites were criticized for lacking substance.
11. The debate between the candidates was filled with soundbites and one-liners.
12. The comedian's soundbites often caused controversy and outrage.
13. The marketing campaign was built around catchy soundbites and slogans.
14. The press conference was filled with soundbites that the reporters quickly tweeted out.
15. The bestselling author's soundbites were often quoted in reviews and interviews.
16. The documentary was filled with powerful soundbites from the activists.
17. The musician's soundbites about their upcoming album created a lot of buzz.
18. The scientist's soundbites helped explain complex scientific concepts to the public.
19. The coach's soundbites before the big game pumped up the team's morale.
20. The actor's soundbites during the press tour were often humorous and charming.
21. The director's soundbites about the film's themes and messages were insightful.
22. The pundit's soundbites about the state of the economy were examined by experts.
23. The CEO's soundbites about diversity and inclusion were welcomed by employees.
24. The podcast episode was filled with soundbites from key players in the industry.
25. The business pitch was built around soundbites that highlighted the company's strengths.
26. The musician's soundbites about their writing process gave fans a behind-the-scenes look.
27. The panel discussion was fueled by the heated soundbites from the participants.
28. The CEO's soundbites about the company's future plans excited investors.
29. The actor's soundbites about their upcoming performance were teased in the media.
30. The journalist's article was filled with soundbites that represented both sides of the issue.

Common Phases

1. "I'm sorry, but"; "I have to cancel our plans tonight"; "something urgent came up."
2. "I'm really excited"; "to start this new project"; "and see where it takes us."
3. "It's been a tough week"; "but I'm grateful for"; "the love and support of my friends and family."
4. "I know it's not easy"; "but we can work together"; "to find a solution to this problem."
5. "I'm feeling much better now"; "thanks to"; "the medication and rest."
6. "I can't believe"; "how quickly this year is going by"; "it feels like just yesterday it was January."
7. "I appreciate your honesty"; "even though"; "the truth is hard to hear."
8. "I'm definitely up for"; "a night out with friends"; "it's just what I need right now."
9. "It's important to take care of ourselves"; "both physically and mentally"; "to live a happy and healthy life."
10. "I never thought I could"; "run a marathon"; "but with training and dedication, I did it!"

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